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Commit Graph




The Commit Graph package is a React component designed to visualize commit graphs in an interactive and informative way, showcasing commit history within a repository. This package supports dynamic loading and visualization of commit history, including features like pagination to manage large datasets efficiently. CommitGraph is utilized by DoltHub to visualize database commit log histories.


  • Interactive Commit Graph Visualization: Render the commit history as an interactive graph, providing a clear and informative view of repository activities.
  • Customizable Styles: Offers extensive styling options for the commit log graph, including node colors, spacing, and more, to match your project's design.
  • Manual Pagination Integration Support: While CommitGraph itself does not provide built-in pagination, it is designed to work seamlessly with manual pagination implementations. This flexibility ensures that CommitGraph can handle large datasets effectively, maintaining performance and accuracy in data representation as more commits are dynamically loaded into the graph.


Install the Commit Graph package via npm:

npm install commit-graph

Quick Start

To use the CommitGraph component in your React application, import it and pass your commit and branch head data as props:

import React from "react";
import CommitGraph from "commit-graph";

const MyComponent = () => {
   // Your commit and branch head data arrays
  const commits = [
      hash: 'commit-hash',
      ownerName: 'repository-owner',
      repoName: 'repository-name',
        displayName: 'committer-displayName',
      message: 'commit-message',
      parents: ['parent-commit-hash-1', 'parent-commit-hash-2'],
      committedAt: timestamp,
      commitLink: '',

  const branchHeads = [
      branchName: "branch-name-1",
      headCommitHash: "commit-hash-1",
      branchName: "branch-name-2",
      headCommitHash: "commit-hash-2",

  return (
        commitSpacing: 50,
        branchSpacing: 20,
        branchColors: ["#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF"],
        nodeRadius: 2,

export default MyComponent;


The CommitGraph component accepts the following props:

commits (array)

An array of commit objects representing the commit history. Each commit object should have the following properties:

  • hash (string): The unique hash identifier of the commit.
  • ownerName (string): The name of the repository owner.
  • repoName (string): The name of the repository.
  • committer (object): The person who made the commit, it has following properties:
    • username (string)
    • displayName (string)
    • emailAddress (string)
  • message (string): The commit message.
  • parents (array of strings): An array of commit hashes representing the parent commits.
  • committedAt (timestamp): The timestamp when the commit was made.
  • commitLink (string, optional): the external link to the commit.

branchHeads (array)

An array of branch head objects representing the branch heads in the commit graph. Each branch head object should have the following properties:

  • branchName (string): The name of the branch.
  • headCommitHash (string): The commit hash at the head of the branch.
  • branchLink (string, optional): The link to the branch.

graphStyle (object, optional)

An optional object specifying the styling options for the commit graph. The graphStyle object should have the following properties:

  • commitSpacing (number): The vertical spacing between commits.
  • branchSpacing (number): The horizontal spacing between branches.
  • branchColors (array of strings): An array of colors to be used for different branches. Default: ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF'].
  • nodeRadius (number): The radius of the commit node circles.

Pagination Integration

CommitGraph supports dynamic data loading and can seamlessly integrate with pagination libraries such as react-infinite-scroller for efficient handling of large commit histories. Here's an example of how to implement pagination with CommitGraph:

Example: Integrating Infinite Scroll

First, install react-infinite-scroller:

npm install react-infinite-scroller

Then, you can integrate InfiniteScroll with CommitGraph in your component:

import React from "react";
import { CommitGraph } from "commit-graph";
import InfiniteScroll from "react-infinite-scroller";

  loadMore={async () => loadMore()}
  hasMore={ hasMore}
      Loading graph...
  getScrollParent={() => document.getElementById("main-content")}


Explore the Commit Graph component and its features by running storybook:

npm run storybook


An interactive React component for visualizing commit log graphs with support for manual pagination integration.








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