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Doug Petkanics edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

The Livepeer Node

The Livepeer Node is a reference implementation for the Livepeer protocol.

Operations Tips

Geth The Livepeer node needs to connect to a Geth node in order to use the Livepeer protocol. By Default, it connects to a cloud service - Infura - but you can also connect to a locally running Ethereum node. This is specified with -ethDatadir flag when starting the node. The directory specified should contain the ipc file for the Geth node.

Protocol Contract The Livepeer protocol is a set of smart contracts deployed to the Ethereum network. Use controllerAddr to specify the Controller contract address. All other smart contract addresses will be fetched through the controller contract.

Eth Account Each Livepeer node should have an Ethereum account. Use -ethAccountAddr to specify the account address. You should make sure the keys to the account is in the keystore directory of ethDatadir you passed in.

RTMP & HTTP Each Livepeer node is also a media server. It speaks RTMP (input video) and HTTP (HLS-based output video). You can specify the ports using -rtmp and -http.

Deposit Broadcasters need to make an ETH deposit before they can create a transcode job on chain. This ensures the transcoder can be paid for the work it does.

Bonding Token holders can bond to transcoders, and the transcoder's ability to get jobs depends on the amount of bond it gets.