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LiveShopper is the real time insight platform for mobile apps.


Integrate the SDK into your iOS and Android apps to start offering your users real-time, location targeted tasks and offers. The SDK abstracts away cross-platform differences between location services on iOS and Android, allowing you to introduce geofence based context to your apps with just a few lines of code.

The LiveShopper SDK is designed to be unobtrusive to the user and intelligently manage the frequency of tracking to efficiently consume battery.


Authenticate using your publishable API key, provided by LiveShopper.


The LiveShopper SDK uses the Play Services Location library. If you haven't already configured your project for Play Services, follow the instructions here.

The following permissions are required, and are added automatically by the SDK manifest:

  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, for location services
  • INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, to send API requests
  • RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, to restore geofences on device boot

If targeting API level 29 or higher, to track the user's location in the background, you must also add the new ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission to your manifest. Learn more about location permissions changes in Android 10.

Add SDK to project

The best way to add the SDK to your project is via Gradle and JCenter in Android Studio. Add the SDK to the dependencies section of your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.liveshopper.sdk:sdk:0.0.1+'

The SDK depends on Google's v4 support library version 28.0.0 and higher (to check and request location permissions) and Play Services Location library version 16.0.0 and higher (for location services). These libraries will be automatically included as transitive dependencies. Learn more about managing dependencies in Gradle here.

You can also add the SDK to your project manually, though this is not recommended. Download the current release and unzip the package. The package contains an aar file. In Android Studio, add the SDK as a module using File > New Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package.

The SDK currently supports API level 16 and higher.

The SDK is small and typically adds less than 500 KB to your compiled app.

Integrate SDK into app

Initialize SDK

Import the SDK:

import com.liveshopepr.sdk.LiveShopper

Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate class, on the main thread, before calling any other LiveShopper methods. In application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), call:


Identify user

Until you identify the user, the SDK will automatically identify the user via a unique device identifier.

To identify the user when logged in, call:


where userId is a unique ID for the user. We do not recommend using names, email addresses, etc. for this value.

Request permissions

The SDK respects the built in location permissions. Before tracking is permitted, the user must authorize location permissions for the app if they haven't previously. This is handled by the SDK once tracking is started.

To track the user's location in the foreground, the SDK requires the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission. Learn more about requesting permissions here.

If targeting API level 29 or higher, to track the user's location in the background, the SDK also requires the new ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission.

// foreground only or targeting API level 28 and lower
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION), requestCode)

// background and targeting API level 29 and higher
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION), requestCode)

Note: Your request code can be any value you wish. Such as 1 or 100.


Once you have initialized the SDK and the user has granted permissions, you can start tracking the user's location in the background.

To start tracking the user's location, first define your tracking options and then call Tracking.start():

val options = LiveShopperTrackingOptions.TESTING
options.sync = LiveShopperTrackingOptions.LSTrackingOptionsSync.ALL

To stop tracking the user's location, call:


To listen for events or errors client-side in the background, you will need to create a class that extends LiveShopperReceiver. Then, register that receiver by adding a receiver element to the application element in your manifest:

Your receiver should implement the following:

Note: The example below includes some testing code. This code presents a local notifications on your device for each event callback. Be sure to remove/disable the notification logic before releasing your app

class ExampleReceiver : LiveShopperReceiver() {
    override fun onClientLocationUpdated(context: Context, location: Location, stopped: Boolean, source: LiveShopper.LSLocationSource) {
        var body = "${if (stopped) "client stopped at" else "client moved to"} location (${location.latitude}, " +
                        "${location.longitude}) with accuracy ${location.accuracy} and source $source"

        notify(context, body)

    override fun onError(context: Context, status: LiveShopper.LSStatus) {
        val body = fromStatus(status)

        notify(context, body)

    override fun onEventsReceived(context: Context, events: List<LSEvent>, user: LSUser) {
        events.forEach { event ->
            val body = "event = ${fromEvent(event)}; type = ${event.type};"

            notify(context, body)

    override fun onLocationUpdated(context: Context, location: Location, user: LSUser) {
        var body = "${if (user.stopped) "stopped at" else "moved to"} location (${location.latitude}, " +
                        "${location.longitude}) with accuracy ${location.accuracy}"

        notify(context, body)

    override fun onLog(context: Context, message: String) {
        notify(context, message)

    // The following companion object is used ONLY for testing purposes. It is not required, but does provide a great example on how to send a local notification.
    companion object {
        var identifier = 0

        internal fun notify(context: Context, body: String) {

            val channelId = "liveshopper_example"

            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
                val name = channelId
                val importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH
                val channel = NotificationChannel(channelId, name, importance).apply {
                    description = channelId

                val notificationManager: NotificationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

            val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, channelId)

            with(NotificationManagerCompat.from(context)) {
                notify(identifier % 20,

Your AndroidManifest.xml should include the following in the application tag:

        <action android:name="com.liveshopper.sdk.RECEIVED" />


Retrieving Tasks

The LiveShopper SDK uses the LSTask model to represent an activity that can be performed by the user.

LSTask provides the following information:

    "count": 22,
    "data": [
            "state": "generated",
            "description": "Determine if location exists",
            "distance": 0.41139203933289425,
            "due": "4102376400",
            "title": "Location Verification",
            "claimDistanceOverride": "0.5",
            "locationKey": "-LmfCNwykkNhhXEOYSB_",
            "logo": "",
            "taskRequirements": null,
            "associatesOnly": false,
            "nextQuestion": "-LmjvVzwDrCMSoYmz_7x",
            "location": {
                "latitude": 41.0388157,
                "longitude": -83.6532543,
                "address1": "229 W MAIN CROSS ST",
                "address2": "",
                "city": "FINDLAY",
                "country": "US",
                "name": "FINDLAY MAIN OFFICE",
                "phoneNumber": "",
                "state": "OH",
                "zipCode": "45840"
            "owners": {
                "user": "...",
                "client": "...",
                "campaign": "-LmjvUny5xtQdOU3COwF"
            "questions": [
                    "type": "singleAnswer",
                    "order": 0,
                    "images": null,
                    "owners": {
                        "client": "..."
                    "answers": [
                            "key": "-LmjvOS4y20duzH218WI",
                            "score": null,
                            "created": null,
                            "modified": null,
                            "answerOrder": 0,
                            "displayText": "Yes",
                            "questionKey": "-LmjvVzwDrCMSoYmz_7x",
                            "displayTextKey": null,
                            "clientReference": null,
                            "photoCaptureOptions": null
                            "key": "-LmjvQr5tYxA_dJftZRY",
                            "score": null,
                            "created": null,
                            "modified": null,
                            "answerOrder": 1,
                            "displayText": "No",
                            "questionKey": "-LmjvVzwDrCMSoYmz_7x",
                            "displayTextKey": null,
                            "clientReference": null,
                            "photoCaptureOptions": null
                    "created": 1566319710,
                    "videoId": null,
                    "hasOther": false,
                    "maxScore": 0,
                    "maxValue": null,
                    "minValue": null,
                    "modified": 1569872078,
                    "numStars": null,
                    "pointers": {
                        "previousKey": null,
                        "nextKey": ""
                    "question": "Is this location an actual post office?",
                    "parentKey": "-LmjvVzwDrCMSoYmz_7x",
                    "isOptional": false,
                    "answerOrder": "sorted",
                    "allowDecimals": true,
                    "lowValueLabel": null,
                    "responseCount": null,
                    "sentimentText": null,
                    "highValueLabel": null,
                    "scoreIntervals": null,
                    "clientReference": "",
                    "criticalAnswers": null,
                    "showUnitsOnLeft": false,
                    "thresholdAnswers": null,
                    "maxMultipleAnswers": null,
                    "minMultipleAnswers": null,
                    "mustPickSuggestion": null,
                    "singleLineResponse": null,
                    "openTextPlaceholder": null,
                    "openTextSuggestions": null,
                    "photoCaptureOptions": {
                        "photoLevelType": "none",
                        "allowFlashToggle": true,
                        "mustProvidePhoto": false,
                        "photoOverlayType": "none",
                        "defaultFlashState": false
                    "unitOfMeasurementLabel": null,
                    "lastAnswerPositionPinned": null
            "rewards": [
                    "logo": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "owners": {
                        "client": "..."
                    "created": 1565199354,
                    "message": {
                        "body": "Stop by LiveShopper for your FREE high five!",
                        "header": "High Five"
                    "legalese": "",
                    "modified": 1565199354,
                    "parentKey": "-Llh8g_IkORyRb3d7G0I",
                    "claimCount": 0,
                    "maxClaimCount": 0,
                    "usedClaimCount": 0,
                    "activationDelay": 0,
                    "clientReference": "",
                    "campaignRewardKey": "-Llh8g_IkORyRb3d7G0I",
                    "activationExpiration": 1,
                    "redemptionExpiration": 30
            "time": {
                "max": 5,
                "min": 3

You can search for nearby tasks by calling:
    near: Location
    radius: Double,
    exclusionRadius: Double?,
    { status, location, tasks ->

You can get the available tasks at a known location by calling:

    locationID: String,
    radius: Double?,
    exclusionRadius: Double?,
    { status, location, tasks ->

Claiming and Completing Tasks

You can get details about what the user must do to satisfy the task by calling:

let requirements = LiveShopper.Tasks.getRequirements(task: LSTask)

You can claim a task for the current user by calling:

    task: LSTask,
    { status, claimedTask ->

To complete a task, you can send a user response related to a task by calling:

 LiveShopperAPI.submitAnswer(taskResponse) {
      if (it.state == STATE_COMPLETE) {
      } else {
          // Still more questions to complete
          it.nextKey?.let { key -> showNextQuestionByNextKey(key) }

    task: LSTask,
    question: LSQuestion,
    answers: [String]?,
    userAnswer: String?,
    image: UIImage?,
    { response ->
    }, { throwable ->

Finally, there is a helper method to get the next step in a task by calling:

let question = LiveShopper.Tasks.nextQuestion(task: LSTask, key: String)


The LiveShopper SDK uses the LSPlace model to represent physical locations you have created.

LSPlace provides the following information:

    "name": "FINDLAY MAIN OFFICE",
    "active": true,
    "latitude": 41.0388157,
    "longitude": -83.6532543,
    "address1": "229 W MAIN CROSS ST",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "FINDLAY",
    "state": "OH",
    "country": "US",
    "zipCode": "45840",
    "clientReference": "",
    "emails": [],
    "logoKey": "",
    "phoneNumber": ""

You can search for nearby LSPlace by calling:
    radius: Double,
    exclusionRadius: Double?,
    { status, location, places ->

Alternatively, you can search for places near a specified location by calling:
    near: Location,
    radius: Double,
    exclusionRadius: Double?,
    { status, location, places ->