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See additional docs: iOS Documentation


Integrate the SDK into your iOS applications to start offering your users real-time, location targeted tasks and offers. The LiveShopper SDK is designed to be unobtrusive to the user and intelligently manage the frequency of tracking to manage battery consumption.


Authenticate using your publishable API key, provided by LiveShopper.


The following entries need to be added to your Info.plist file to enable tracking.

<string>Your iOS 11 and higher background location usage description goes here. e.g., "This app uses your location in the background to recommend places nearby."</string>

<string>Your iOS 10 and lower background location usage description goes here. e.g., "This app uses your location in the background to recommend places nearby."</string>

<string>Your foreground location usage description goes here. e.g., "This app uses your location in the foreground to recommend places nearby."</string>permissions.

Then, in your project settings, go to Capabilities > Background Modes and turn on Background fetch. For increased reliability and responsiveness in the background, you should also turn on Location updates.


Add SDK to project

The best way to add the SDK to your project is via CocoaPods.


For CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'LiveShopperSDK', '~> 0.2.4'

Then, run pod install.


To include LiveShopper as a Github origin in Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile:

github "liveshopper/liveshopper-sdk-ios"  ~> 0.2.4

To include LiveShopper as a binary origin in Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile:

binary ""  ~> 0.2.4

Add manually

You can also add the SDK to your project manually, though this is not recommended. Download the current release, unzip the package, and drag LiveShopperSDK.framework into your Xcode project. It will automatically appear in the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section of your project settings.


The SDK depends on Apple’s CoreLocation framework (for location services). In your project settings, go to General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries and add CoreLocation if you haven’t already.

The SDK currently supports iOS 10 and higher.

Integrate SDK into app

Initialize SDK

Import the SDK:

import  LiveShopperSDK

Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate class, on the main thread, before calling any other LiveShopper methods, call:

LiveShopper.initialize(publishableKey: publishableKey)

Identify user

Until you identify the user, the SDK will automatically identify the user by deviceId.

To identify the user when logged in, call:


where userId is a unique ID for the user. We do not recommend using names, email addresses, etc. for this value.

Request permissions

The SDK respects the built in iOS location permissions. Before tracking is permitted, the user must authorize location permissions for the app if they haven't previously. This is handled by the SDK once tracking is started.


To start tracking the user's location, call:

let options = LiveShopperTrackingOptions.RESPONSIVE
options.sync = .ALL
options.showBlueBar = true

LiveShopper.Tracking.start(options: options)

To stop tracking the user's location, call:


To listen for events or errors client-side in the background, create a class that implements LSDelegate, then call setDelegate().

Set your LSDelegate where it will be initialized and executed in the background.

For example, make your AppDelegate implement LSDelegate, not a ViewController.

AppDelegate will be initialized in the background, whereas a ViewController may not be.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, LSDelegate {
    func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        let publishableKey = "XXXXXX" // replace with your publishable API key

        LiveShopper.initialize(publishableKey: publishableKey)

        return true

    func onClientLocationUpdated(location: CLLocation, stopped: Bool, source: LiveShopper.LSLocationSource) {

    func onError(status: LiveShopper.LSStatus) {

    func onEventsReceived(events: [LSEvent], user _: LSUser) {

    func onLocationUpdated(location: CLLocation, user: LSUser) {

    func onLog(message: String) {