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Welcome to the dev-version of the

Set up

To install this github version type (in R):

#if devtools is not installed yet: 
# install.packages("devtools") 

Some examples


A univariate analysis

Testing the symmetry around 0 in a one sample (i.e. equivalent to one sample t-test)

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'
#>  Call:
#>  flip(Y = y) 
#> 1023 permutations.
#>   Test  Stat tail p-value sig.
#> Y    t 2.561   ><  0.0293    *

and ploting

plot(res) # same ad hist(res)

A multivarite analysis

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(c(rep(0, (2^p/2^n)), rep(1, (2^p/2^n))), length = 2^p):
#> partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'
#> Warning in rep(tail, len = ncol(permT)): partial argument match of 'len' to
#> 'length.out'

#> Warning in rep(tail, len = ncol(permT)): partial argument match of 'len' to
#> 'length.out'
#>  Call:
#>  flip(Y = ~., data = df) 
#> 1023 permutations.
#>    Test   Stat tail p-value sig.
#> y1    t 2.5612   ><  0.0293    *
#> y2    t 0.7358   ><  0.4844

Which is different from ploting

##set the following if you get an error (mostly using Rstudio)


For the general framework of univariate and multivariate permutation tests see:

Pesarin, F. (2001) Multivariate Permutation Tests with Applications in Biostatistics. Wiley, New York.

For analysis of mixed-models see:

L. Finos and D. Basso (2014) Permutation Tests for Between-Unit Fixed Effectsin Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Statistics and Computing. Volume 24, Issue 6, pp 941-952. DOI: 10.1007/s11222-013-9412-6

D. Basso, L. Finos (2011) Exact Multivariate Permutation Tests for Fixed Effects in Mixed-Models. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. DOI 10.1080/03610926.2011.627103

For Rotation tests see:

Langsrud, O. (2005) Rotation tests, Statistics and Computing, 15, 1, 53-60

A. Solari, L. Finos, J.J. Goeman (2014) Rotation-based multiple testing in the multivariate linear model. Biometrics. Accepted

The colors of the plots of library flip are mostly taken from display.wes.palette(5, "Darjeeling") of library(wesanderson).

Bug reports

If you encounter a bug, please file a reprex (minimal reproducible example) on github.


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