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ICTNET@ TREC 2018 News Track

This is the code I tried on the News Track 2018 Task.

Data Process and Observation code here

  • lower case
  • stemmer
  • remove stop words

Successful Methods

  • Elasticsearch BM25 (Background Linking) code here
    • Build index : title + body
    • Query: title + body (Other query extension method: name entity, TFIDF, are no better than this)
    • results here
Dataset 2018 2019
ndcg@5 0.4541 0.5801
  • Elasticsearch BM25 + Wiki Dump (Entity ranking) code here
    • Build index : Wiki page with enlink refer to exact one entity, extract 100 wiki page per entity
    • Query: news title + body
    • Ranking entities by wiki page bm25 score
    • results here
Dataset 2018 2019
ndcg@5 0.7191 0.7315

Failed Methods

  • Bert (Background Linking only)
    • Reason: Too Slow and OOM
    • PipeLine: Like Regular Search Engine, recall + reranking
    • I also tried Spark, but seems worse than Elasticsearch
  • Synonyms word vector in Elasticsearch code here
    • This didn't work either
  • Unfinished Methods
    • Lucene: Since there is no time to try Lucene, I just list the example code here.


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