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There is no better working environment than vim plus tmux.

bpytop setup

IMHO, better than htop.

  • Install with pip3 install bpytop --upgrade or sudo snap install bpytop or conda install -c conda-forge bpytop

NeoVim setup

  • Step 1: Download the neovim.

    • If you are root, simply do sudo apt-get install neovim. If neovim is not in the repository, then:
      • sudo apt-get install software-properties-common; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable; sudo apt-get update
    • If not, download the prebuilt version: from here, and add an alias nvim to where the neovim program saved. Or add the program to the PATH.
    • Prerequisites for python modules: sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python3-dev python3-pip
  • Step 2: Downlaod the neovim-plug from here

  • Step 3: init.vim

    • Move the init.vim file to ~/.config/nvim/
  • Step 4: Install NodeJS version > v12 with this method.

    • Install with nvm (node version manager):
      • sudo apt update; curl -o- | bash;
      • check current nodejs version: nvm ls
      • check remote versions: nvm ls-remote
      • install the required version: nvm install [version.number]
    • Or install with conda and install yarn with conda
      • Then, cd ~/.config/nvim/pack/coc.nvim
      • yarn install
      • yarn build
  • Step 5: Open the nvim and do :PlugInstall

    • If there is any problem with NodeJS, try any method to install a running version of it and do :CocUpdate.
  • Step 6: Install pynvim packages

    • Install pip and pip3 if it's not installed yet:
      • curl -o
      • curl -o
      • python; python3
      • Then add the path to the $PATH
    • Install pynvim
      • pip2 install pynvim; pip3 install pynvim
  • Step 7: checkhealth provider,

  • Step 8: CocConfig

    • pyright sometimes cannot understand the imported packages, and raises erors. One solution is to install everything with pip/pip3, then coc should be able to naturally understand the packages from the default environment.
    • However, if you are using virtual environment, i.e. conda. I am not sure the perfect solution but this is what I do to solve this problem in certain level:
      • do :CocConfig and add the following lines into the coc-setting.json file.
          "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--generate-members=numpy.*,torch.*", "--errors-only"],
          "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "off" <- this solve the torch problem. pyright cannot properly parse the torch lib.

fzf and fd setup

  • sudo apt install fzf or conda install -c conda-forge fzf
  • sudo apt-get install fd-find or conda install -c conda-forge fd-find
  • Might need to do some changes in .bashrc for fd depends on environment setup.

Append this line to ~/.bashrc to enable fzf keybindings for Bash:

   source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.bash

Append this line to ~/.bashrc to enable fuzzy auto-completion for Bash:

   source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/completion.bash

bat setup

  • apt install bat or conda install -c conda-forge bat

tree setup

  • conda install -c conda-forge tree

Tmux setup

  • This configuration file works with tmux version 3.0a (and potentially above)
  • Download the tmux.conf to home directory, and change the name to .tmux.conf
  • Downlaod tmux plugin manager: link, run prefix + I in tmux session.

OpenAI Codex Plugin

(Basic knownledge of vim and tmux will be added soon...)

Gruxbox theme for linux terminal

Interactive jupyter notebook in neovim


  • Install jupytext: pip install jupytext
  • Now, open a ipynb file, and do set syntax=python to enable syntax.


Install Lua from here Follow the steps here. Basically, create a file plugins.lua under $HOME/.config/nvim/ with this script:

local iron = require "iron.core"
  config = {
    should_map_plug = false,
    scratch_repl = true,
    repl_definition = {
      python = {
        command = { "ipython" },
        format = require("iron.fts.common").bracketed_paste,
  keymaps = {
    send_motion = "ctr",
    visual_send = "ctr",

ssh server setup

  1. Install with sudo apt install openssh-server
  2. Edit config file with sudo nvim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  3. enable the HostKey want to use, and enable AuthorizedKeysFile.
  4. create the authorized key file and put local machine's public key to the file
  5. copy the public key from /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the host to the .ssh folder on local machine.
  6. sudo systemctl restart ssh

Get nerd font working on chromeOS

  1. Open terminal app, press ctrl+shift+j, paste the following command.
term_.prefs_.set('font-family', 'DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd');
term_.prefs_.set('user-css-text', '@font-face {font-family: "DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd"; src: url(""); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;}')

Addition tools

exa, an alternative of ls. cargo install exa

dust, an alternative of du. cargo install du-dust

default shell for mac (fresh start) source


  1. Install Homebrew if you haven't already.
  2. Install the latest bash shell with Homebrew: brew update && brew install bash
  3. If you have an Apple Intel computer, change the shell like this: sudo chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash $(whoami)
  4. Or if you have Apple Silicon (e.g. M1): sudo chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash $(whoami)


Personal vim and tmux setup






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