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0 The Fool

The Fool has the innocence, spontaneity, and purity of a child. He's about to start a journey.

It's time to a new beginning. It could be a new relationship, career, or a spiritual journey. There may be dangers ahead, but if you look where you are going, the results will be good. Trust yourself.

I The Magician

The Magician is about self-empowerment and action.

Use your boundless energy and power to take action and make a difference. It's usually a positive card to improve your life, your love, your finances, your health, or your spirituality. It's time to move forward and use your talents.

II The High Priestess

The High priestess represents psychic wisdom and inspiration.

Pay attention to your intuition. Look inward. It's time for spiritual growth. You need to know yourself and achieve inner peace before you can enjoy other relationships.

III The Empress

The Empress brings abundance, creativity, inspiration, and emotional support.

You have wisdom and much to offer. Others will see your gifts and you will inspire them. Listen to your intuition and your needs will be met. Your relationships will deepen.

IV The Emperor

The Emperor is a symbol of power, leadership, and protection.

Take control of your life, your body, your environment, and your love life. Use your wisdom and leadership skills. You can overcome problems with careful planning. Trust yourself to take action and be decisive.

V The Hierophant

This is a symbol of education and promotes peace and harmony.

It's time to look for the higher path and develop yourself spiritually and emotionally. Allow your spirit to grow. Follow your moral compass and do what is right. Help others. Don't be afraid of new experiences. Commit to relationships. You are never alone.

VI The Lovers

The Lovers represent love, passion, harmony, and growth.

This card is about relationships, romantic or not. Make mature decisions about long term needs, not short term gains. This card may signify a new opportunity that will affect your future.

VII The Chariot

The Chariot indicates an important change or journey. It symbolizes ambition and determination.

Things happen once you achieve unity with your spirit and are aligned with your purpose. There may be many contradictions. Be confident and decide on a goal. It's time to move forward. Take control of your journey.

VIII Strength

This card represents strength, gentleness, and power.

The situation is a case of mind over matter. To be strong and powerful, you need to understand yourself and make peace with yourself. Mediate and reflect to unify your body, mind and spirit. You will need courage, strength, and wisdom to get the situation under control.

IX The Hermit

The Hermit can represent wisdom, introspection, and spiritual enlightenment. It may indicate a physical journey or a state of mind.

This is a special time for you. Your mind is alive and you'll see things you didn't see before. Set aside alone time for reflection and mediation. Listen to your inner voice to make decisions. A mentor or teacher may appear to help.

X Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel represents change and good fortune.

Anything is possible now. Your intuition is heightened so listen to it. Life is also full of ups and downs and the more centered you are, the smoother your path, so detach yourself from the drama around you.

XI Justice

This card reflects fairness, balance, and harmony.

You are responsible for your words and actions, so carefully consider how you project yourself in the world. Examine all sides of the issues to make good decisions. Justice brings positive outcomes. If your life is chaotic, take control and bring things into balance.

XII The Hanged Man

The Hanged man is waiting for change, rebirth.

You may be feeling frustrated or vulnerable. There may be pain and sacrifice. It may take time to make progress, so use this time to reflect. Use this new perspective to change things around.

XIII Death

This card is about transformation and change, not necessarily physical death.

This is the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. Expect fast and deep transformation. Let go of what you don't need. Things may seem out of control, accept change. Change brings renewal. You may experience sorrow, but in the end, you will experience a rebirth.

XIV Temperance

This is a call for spiritual connection and service.

You are in a volatile situation. Blend opposing forces to create a solution. Accept both sides of the situation and choose what feel natural. Connect with your guides, this may be the start of a spiritual journey. The situation requires balance and patience.

XV The Devil

The Devil represents greed, temptation, and materialism.

You may be in a destruction situation. Walk away from negative people who drain your energy. It's not worth trying to fix the situation, you have options. Be honest about your weakness.

XVI The Tower

The Tower represent change beyond your control.

The Tower can represent the collapse of relationship or a dream. Don't panic. A structure built on false beliefs can't stand. Pay attention to what you are doing and prepare for change. When things collapse, you can experience deep insight and see how to build a better foundation.

XVII The Star

The Star represents hope, peace, and strength.

Your luck is changing. You will feel inspired, confidant, and hopeful. Creativity flows. Make a list of what you want to accomplish and do it. Get in touch with your spirituality, shine and share your gifts. Everything is great.

XVIII The Moon

This is a card of duality and emotional turmoil. It can be a card of warning or a card of genius and powerful creativity.

You are in for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Don't wallow in misery, go through it. Trust your instincts but remember people and situations may not be what they seem. Rely on your senses. Your intuitive abilities are high so be open to intuitive messages. You may be asked to take a risk and the situation may not be clear. You can turn this situation into something wonderful.

XIX The Sun

The Sun represents light and self-awareness.

You will experience energy and growth. You will feel carefree and creative. You are at a high point. Enjoy it and express yourself.

XX Judgment

Time to assess yourself and your actions and move forward.

Change is coming. You may have to face some tough decisions. Face the future with courage. Settle your past issues. Act with integrity. There are opportunities awaiting you. Don't jump to conclusions. Pay attention to details. Enjoy a spiritual awakening as you have grown along the path.

XXI The World

Success and completion

You will experience success, joy and happiness. Life is balanced. Everything comes together. You will be acknowledged for you hard work. Celebrate! The World is your home.