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I have switched from using Ubuntu to Arch linux (btw) and have deprecated this repo.

LXRBS (or Luc's Xenial Ricing and Bootstrapping Script) is a setup script to auto-install and configure many programs as I like them configured. It is a somewhat minimalist environment. It can be run immediately after a fresh Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) install

LXRBS... That sounds strangely familiar!

Know Luke (the unaboomer) Smith maybe? The name is lifted from his LARBS scripts, which I thought was funny because my name is almost the same as his. Only I made a version for Xenial(+) Ubuntu and the scripts are all my own. I got sick of something breaking and having to reinstall all software (note this only happened twice in 2.5 years) so I obviously had to spend hours upon hours automating the process.

If you're more of an arch kind of fella yourself, and consider yourself of the lazy type, I recommend you checkout LARBS instead:

Why even make LXRBS for Noobuntu? Why not LARBS-2-Electric-Boogaloo?

Personal preferences and convenience at this point in time for my hardware/software setup. Also, Ubuntu is only Noobuntu if you're using unity/gnome and install software graphically. (Right???)

Yeah but why Xenial though?!

Again personal preferences and convenience for my hardware/software setup. Also, I like tinkering with shell scripts, leave me alone.

List of Packages and Software that will be installed

Note: Since many Xenial repo's are horribly outdated, some packages will be compiled from source. Others have to be compiled from source. The functionality of this script to install

Impl. Software Install Method Purpose
x i3 gaps custom apt repo window manager
x polybar custom apt repo i3-bar replacement
x compton apt repo compositor
x feh apt repo BG-setter
x htop apt repo task manager
x urxvt apt repo terminal
x zsh apt repo shell
x oh my zsh source (GitHub) zsh but for zoomers
x ranger apt repo file browser
x chromium-browser apt repo internet browser
x git apt repo git
x make apt repo c/c++ compiler wrapper
x cmake 3.16 cmake website make wrapper
x node source (GitHub) js based server dev software
x npm source (GitHub) node package manager
x miniconda website python + pyth. module manager
x vim (8.x) source (GitHub) text editor
x vundle source (GitHub) vim plugin manager
x powerbar-fonts apt repo vim a e s t h e t i c s
x latex (tex-live) apt repo typesetting software
x libre office apt repo mainly for opening exel files
x pandoc apt repo document converter
x zathura apt repo pdf viewer
x dotfiles source (GitHub) For ricing purposes
x neofetch apt repo For fun/ricing
x cli-visualizer custom apt repo Sound visualizer (ricing)
x c-matrix apt repo Epic hacker mode


  • My .vimrc contains many plugins that will automatically be installed
  • Personal shell scripts that I use *

*they can be excluded if you don't trust a stranger's scripts... But you're already using this one


This text is coming to a GitHub repo near you, soon!


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