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Project Ciayn

Controller implementation as you need (Ciayn)

how to use the module

A few examples are listed in the folder "./src/examples". This examples should help to use the module.

The class SignalFloat is for log all values into a list at a connection. It also use the Unit singleton to add a defined Unit to a Signal. The class ReadingFloat is the same as ValueFloat but includes the Unit of the value. How to use the Signal class is shown in the example "".

run an example

goals of the project

  1. learn java programming
  2. use the object oriented programming concept
  3. the final project, resulting code has to implement a controller with following features:
    • the control algorithm has to be exchangeable
    • a P, PD, PI, PID controller must be possible to use
    • the controller has to read actual values from the plant and write the output to the plant
    • the controller has to run independent form the environmental


A HTML documentation of the Project is deposited in "./documentation/html-docs/". The online Link is:

UML diagrams

In the folder "./documentation/UML diagrams" the UML diagrams form the current design is documented.

report of the project

design decisions and learn process

first part

The first work what I did before starting programming was to think about the controller structure. The first version of the model is drawn in the PDF "./documentation/OOP_Projekt_161216.pdf". The next step was to learn the java language. But I stated very fast to program the first working version of the project ( During the implementation of v0.1 I read a lot about java peculiarities. So i learned the language a bit by doing programming and with that I saw what is possible in java and what not.

second part

After a steep learning curve I realise that I was dissatisfied with my actual solution. So I change my first design / structure of the code and a new version was finished. ( Between the end of v0.1 and the start of the new design I read a lot about java.

third part

In the last part I did the finished the new design and implements only a few basic parts.

lessons learned

What do I have learned form this project? First of all, some basic design thoughts has to be done before starting programming although this could be change later. It's very helpful if you draw your thoughts on a paper. I definitely learned a new programming language. For me this project was good to build a object oriented module but maybe It makes more sense to realize a controller in another language.

In the first draft of the module design I want to use generics that the user can decide if he want to use the controller with float, double or integer values. But in the first implementation I became clear to me that this won't work with java. Because basic arithmetic operations are not applicable if generics are used. That is why I created the abstract class "Value".