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redo: a top-down software build system

redo is a competitor to the long-lived, but sadly imperfect, make program. There are many such competitors, because many people over the years have been dissatisfied with make's limitations. However, of all the replacements I've seen, only redo captures the essential simplicity and flexibility of make, while eliminating its flaws. To my great surprise, it manages to do this while being simultaneously simpler than make, more flexible than make, and more powerful than make.

Although I wrote redo and I would love to take credit for it, this magical simplicity and flexibility comes because I copied verbatim a design by Daniel J. Bernstein (creator of qmail and djbdns, among many other useful things). He posted some very terse notes on his web site at one point (there is no date) with the unassuming title, "Rebuilding target files when source files have changed." Those notes are enough information to understand how the system it supposed to work; unfortunately there's no code to go with it. I get the impression that the hypothetical "djb redo" is incomplete and Bernstein doesn't yet consider it ready for the real world.

I was led to that particular page by random chance from a link on The djb way, by Wayne Marshall.

After I found out about djb redo, I searched the Internet for any sign that other people had discovered what I had: a hidden, unimplemented gem of brilliant code design. I found only one interesting link: Alan Grosskurth, whose Master's thesis at the University of Waterloo was about top-down software rebuilding, that is, djb redo. He wrote his own (admittedly slow) implementation in about 250 lines of shell script.

If you've ever thought about rewriting GNU make from scratch, the idea of doing it in 250 lines of shell script probably didn't occur to you. redo is so simple that it's actually possible. For testing, I actually wrote an even more minimal version (which always rebuilds everything instead of checking dependencies) in only 70 lines of shell.

The design is simply that good.

This implementation of redo is called redo for the same reason that there are 75 different versions of make that are all called make. It's just easier that way. Hopefully it will turn out to be compatible with the other implementations, should there be any.


My version of redo was written without ever seeing redo code by Bernstein or Grosskurth, so I own the entire copyright. It's distributed under the GNU LGPL version 2. You can find a copy of it in the file called LICENSE.

What's so special about redo?

The theory behind redo is almost magical: it can do everything make can do, only the implementation is vastly simpler, the syntax is cleaner, and you can do even more flexible things without resorting to ugly hacks. Also, you get all the speed of non-recursive make (only check dependencies once per run) combined with all the cleanliness of recursive make (you don't have code from one module stomping on code from another module).

But the easiest way to show it is with an example.

Create a file called redo-ifchange $1.c gcc -MD -MF $3.deps.tmp -c -o $3 $1.c DEPS=$(sed -e "s/^$3://" -e 's/\//g' <$3.deps.tmp) rm -f $3.deps.tmp redo-ifchange $DEPS

Create a file called DEPS="a.o b.o" redo-ifchange $DEPS gcc -o $3 $DEPS

Of course, you'll also have to create a.c and b.c, the C language source files that you want to build to create your application.

In a.c: #include <stdio.h> #include "b.h"

int main() { printf(bstr); }

In b.h: extern char *bstr;

In b.c: char *bstr = "hello, world!\n";

Now you simply run: $ redo myprog

And it says: redo myprog redo a.o redo b.o

Now try this: $ touch b.h $ redo myprog

Sure enough, it says: redo myprog redo a.o

Did you catch the shell incantation in where it generates the autodependencies? The filename means "run this script to generate a .o file unless there's a more specific script that applies."

The amazing innovation in redo - and really, this is the key innovation that makes everything else work - is that declaring a dependency is just another shell command. The redo-ifchange command means, "build each of my arguments. If any of them or their dependencies ever change, then I need to run the current script over again."

Dependencies are tracked in a persistent .redo database so that redo can check them later. If a file needs to be rebuilt, it re-executes the script and regenerates the dependencies. If a file doesn't need to be rebuilt, redo can calculate that just using its persistent .redo database, without re-running the script. And it can do that check just once right at the start of your project build.

But best of all, as you can see in, you can declare a dependency after building the program. In C, you get your best dependency information by trying to actually build, since that's how you find out which headers you need. redo offers the following simple insight: you don't actually care what the dependencies are before you build the file; if the file doesn't exist, you obviously need to build it. Then, the build script itself can provide the dependency information however it wants; unlike in make, you don't need a special dependency syntax at all. You can even declare your dependencies after building, which makes everything much simpler.

(GNU make supports putting some of your dependencies in include files, and auto-reloading those include files if they change. But this is very confusing - the program flow through a Makefile is hard to trace already, and even harder if it restarts randomly from the beginning when a file changes. With redo, you can just read the script from top to bottom. A redo-ifchange call is like calling a function, which you can also read from top to bottom.)

One script per file? Can't I just put it all in one big Redofile like make does?

One of my favourite features of redo is that it doesn't add any new syntax; the syntax of redo is just the syntax of sh.

Also, it's surprisingly useful to have each build script in its own file; that way, you can declare a dependency on just that one build script instead of the entire Makefile, and you won't have to rebuild everything just because of a one-line Makefile change. (Some build tools avoid that by tracking exactly which variables and commands were used to do the build. But that's more complex, more error prone, and slower.)

Still, it would be rather easy to make a "Redofile" parser that just has a bunch of sections like this:

	DEPS="a.o b.o"
        redo-ifchange $DEPS
            gcc -o $3 $DEPS

We could just auto-extract by slurping out the indented sections into their own files. You could even write a .do file to do it.

It's not obvious that this would be a real improvement however.

See djb's Target files depend on build scripts article for more information.

Can a *.do file itself be generated as part of the build process?

Not currently. There's nothing fundamentally preventing us from allowing it. However, it seems easier to reason about your build process if you aren't auto-generating your build scripts on the fly.

This might change.

Do end users have to have redo installed in order to build my project?

No. We include a very short (70 lines, as of this writing) shell script called do in the minimal subdirectory of the redo project. do is like redo (and it works with the same *.do scripts), except it doesn't understand dependencies; it just always rebuilds everything from the top.

You can include do with your program to make it so non-users of redo can still build your program. Someone who wants to hack on your program will probably go crazy unless they have a copy of redo though.

Actually, redo itself isn't so big, so for large projects where it matters, you could just include it with your project.

How does redo store dependencies?

FIXME: Currently, in a directory called .redo that's full of text files. This isn't really optimal, so it will change eventually. Please consider the storage format undocumented (but feel free to poke around and look; it's simple enough).

If a target didn't change, how to I prevent dependents from being rebuilt?

For example, running ./configure creates a bunch of files including config.h, and config.h might or might not change from one run to the next. We don't want to rebuild everything that depends on config.h if config.h is identical.

With make, which makes build decisions based on timestamps, you would simply have the ./configure script write to, then only overwrite config.h with that if the two files are different.

FIXME: This is not possible in the current version of redo. redo knows whenever it rebuilds a target and doesn't bother re-checking dependencies after that; even if the file didn't technically change, it is considered "rebuilt," which means all its dependants now need to be rebuilt.

The advantage of this method is you can't accidentally prevent the rebuilding of things just by marking the target files as "newer" or marking the source files as "older" (as sometimes happens when you extract an old tarball or backup on top of your source code files). The disadvantage is unnecessary rebuilding of some stuff sometimes.

We will have to find a solution to this before redo 1.0.

See also the next question.

What about checksum-based dependencies instead of timestamp-based ones?

Some build systems keep a checksum of target files and rebuild dependants only when the target changes. This is appealing in some cases; for example, with ./configure generating config.h, it could just go ahead and generate config.h; the build system would be smart enough to rebuild or not rebuild dependencies automatically. This keeps build scripts simple and gets rid of the need for people to re-implement file comparison over and over in every project or for multiple files in the same project.

I think this would be a good addition to redo - and not a very difficult one.

Probably we should add a new command similar to redo-ifchange; let's call it redo-ifsum or redo-ifdiff. That command would verify checksums instead of timestamps.

Sometimes you don't want to use checksums for verification; for example, in some complicated build systems, you want to create empty something.stamp files to indicate that some big complex operation has completed successfully. But empty files all have the same checksum, so perhaps you'd rather just use a timestamp comparison in that case. (Alternatively, you could fill the file with data - maybe a series of checksums - indicating the state of the data that was produced. If that data changed, the stamp would then be out of date.)

FIXME: This requires a bit more thought before we commit to any particular option.

Can my .do files be written in a language other than sh?

FIXME: Not presently. In theory, we could support starting your .do files with the magic "#!/" sequence (eg. #!/usr/bin/python) and then using that shell to run your .do script. But that opens new problems, like figuring out what is the equivalent of the redo-ifchange command in python. Do you just run it in a subprocess? That might be unnecessarily slow. And so on.

Right now, redo explicitly runs sh -c The main reasons for this are to make the #!/ line optional, and so you don't have to remember to chmod +x your .do files.

Can a single .do script generate multiple outputs?

FIXME: Not presently. This seems like a useful feature though.

For example, you could have a file called that would generate .do files from a Redofile. Then you wouldn't have to argue with the redo maintainers about whether putting stuff into a single Redofile is better than the current behaviour.

Right now you could do that, except you would want to parse the Redofile only once and produce a bunch of .do files from that single action. But you would still want redo to know which .do files were produced, so it could rerun the splitter script, if Redofile ever changed, before using one of the generated .do files.

It would also be useful, again, with ./configure: typically running the configure script produces several output files, and it would be nice to declare dependencies on all of them.

Recursive make is considered harmful. Isn't redo even more recursive?

You probably mean this 1997 paper by Peter Miller.

Yes, redo is recursive, in the sense that every target is built by its own .do file, and every .do file is a shell script being run recursively from other shell scripts, which might call back into redo. In fact, it's even more recursive than recursive make.

However the reason recursive make is considered harmful is that each instance of make has no access to the dependency information seen by the other instances. Each one starts from its own Makefile, which only has a partial picture of what's going on; moreover, each one has to stat a lot of the same files over again, leading to slowness. That's the thesis of the "considered harmful" paper.

On the other hand, nobody has written a paper about it, but non-recursive make should also be considered harmful. The problem is Makefiles aren't very "hygienic" or "modular"; if you're not running make recursively, then your one copy of make has to know everything about everything in your entire project. Every variable in make is global, so every variable defined in any of your Makefiles is visible in all of your Makefiles. Every little private function or macro is visible everywhere. In a huge project made up of multiple projects from multiple vendors, that's just not okay.

redo deftly manages to dodge both sets of problems. First of all, dependency information is shared through a global persistent .redo directory, which is accessed by all your redo instances at once. Dependencies created or checked by one instance can be immediately used by another instance. And there's locking to prevent two instances from building the same target at the same time. So you get all the "global dependency" knowledge of non-recursive make.

But also, every .do script is entirely hygienic and traceable; redo discourages the use of global environment variables, suggesting that you put settings into files (which can have timestamps and dependencies) instead. So you also get all the hygiene and modularity advantages of recursive make.

By the way, you can trace any redo build process just by reading the .do scripts from top to bottom. Makefiles are actually a collection of "rules" whose order of execution is unclear; any rule might run at any time. In a non-recursive Makefile setup with a bunch of included files, you end up with lots and lots of rules that can all be executed in a random order; tracing becomes impossible. Recursive make tries to compensate for this by breaking the rules into subsections, but that ends up with all the "considered harmful" paper's complaints. redo just runs from top to bottom in a nice tree, so it's traceable no matter how many layers you have.

How do I set environment variables that affect the entire build?

Directly using environment variables is a bad idea because you can't declare dependencies on them. Also, if there were a file that contained a set of variables that all your .do scripts need to run, then redo would have to read that file every time it starts (which is frequently, since it's recursive), and that could get slow.

Luckily, there's an alternative. Once you get used to it, this method is actually much better than environment variables, because it runs faster and it's easier to debug.

For example, djb often uses a computer-generated script called compile for compiling a .c file into a .o file. To generate the compile script, we create a file called

. ./
echo "gcc -c -o \$3 $1.c $CFLAGS"
chmod a+x $3

(Note that if a .do script produces data to stdout, like we have here, then redo will use that to atomically update the target file. So you don't have to redirect it yourself, or worry about using a temp file and then renaming it.)

Then, your can simply look like this:

redo-ifchange compile $1.c
./compile $1 $2 $3

This is not only elegant, it's useful too. With make, you have to always output everything it does to stdout/stderr so you can try to figure out exactly what it was running; because this gets noisy, some people write Makefiles that deliberately hide the output and print something friendlier, like "Compiling hello.c". But then you have to guess what the compile command looked like.

With redo, the command is ./compile hello.c, which looks good when printed, but is also completely meaningful. Because it doesn't depend on any environment variables, you can just run ./compile hello.c to reproduce its output, or you can look inside the compile file to see exactly what command line is being used.

As a bonus, all the variable expansions only need to be done once: when generating the ./compile program. With make, it would be recalculating expansions every time it compiles a file.

How do I write a that works for both C and C++ source?

See the previous answer for why you will probably use a instead. Then your looks like it does in the previous answer. We can then upgrade to look something like this:

    . ./
    cat <<-EOF
            [ -e "\$" ] && || EXT=.c
            gcc -o "\$3" -c "\$1\$EXT" -Wall $CFLAGS
    chmod a+x "$3"

Isn't it expensive to have ./compile doing this kind of test for every single source file? Not really. Remember, if you have two implicit rules in make:

	gcc ...

%.o: %.c
	gcc ...

Then it has to do all the same checks. Except make has even more implicit rules than that, so it ends up trying and discarding lots of possibilities before it actually builds your program.

So in this case, it's not implicit at all; you're specifying exactly how to decide whether it's a C program or a C++ program, and what to do in each case. You can also share the two gcc command lines between the two rules, which is hard in make. (In GNU make you can use macro functions, but the syntax for those is ugly.)

Can I just rebuild a part of the project?

Absolutely! Although redo runs "top down" in the sense of one .do file calling into all its dependencies, you can start at any point in the dependency tree that you want.

Unlike recursive make, no matter which subdir of your project you're in when you start, redo will be able to build all the dependencies in the right order.

Unlike non-recursive make, you don't have to jump through any strange hoops (like adding a fake Makefile in each directory that does make -C ${TOPDIR} back up to the main non-recursive Makefile). redo just uses to build filename, or uses default*.do if the specific doesn't exist.

When running any .do file, redo makes sure its current directory is set to the directory where the .do file is located. That means you can do this:

redo ../utils/foo.o

And it will work exactly like this:

cd ../utils
redo foo.o

Can my filenames have spaces in them?

Yes, unlike with make. For historical reasons, the Makefile syntax doesn't support filenames with spaces; spaces are used to separate one filename from the next, and there's no way to escape these spaces.

Since redo just uses sh, which has working escape characters and quoting, it doesn't have this problem.

Does redo care about the differences between tabs and spaces?


What if my .c file depends on a generated .h file?

This problem arises as follows. foo.c includes config.h, and config.h is created by running ./configure. The second part is easy; just write a that depends on the existence of configure (which is created by, which probably runs autoconf).

The first part, however, is not so easy. Normally, the headers that a C file depends on are detected as part of the compilation process. That works fine if the headers, themselves, don't need to be generated first. But if you do

redo foo.o

There's no way for redo to know that compiling foo.c into foo.o depends on first generating config.h.

FIXME: There seem to be a few workarounds for this, but none are very good. You can explicitly make all .o files depend on config.h (which will cause things to get recompiled unnecessarily). You can just tell people to run ./configure before running redo (which is what make users typically do).

You can try to guess dependencies using gcc -MM -MG (-MG means don't die if headers aren't present), but that's not actually very helpful, because of the compiler's header include paths: if I #include "foo.h", which directory is redo supposed to look at to find foo.h? All of them? Normally a C file's autodependencies have full paths attached, so this would be special.

djb has a solution for his own projects, which is a simple script that looks through C files to pull out #include lines. He assumes that #include <file.h> is a system header (thus not subject to being built) and #include "file.h" is in the current directory (thus easy to find). Unfortunately this isn't really a complete solution in the general case.

Maybe just telling redo to try to generate the file in all possible locations is the best way to go. But we need to think about this more.

In the meantime, you'll have to explicitly specify such dependencies in your * files.

Why don't you by default print the commands as they are run?

make prints the commands it runs as it runs them. redo doesn't, although you can get this behaviour with redo -v.

The main reason we made this decision is that the commands get pretty long winded (a compiler command line might be multiple lines of repeated gibberish) and, on large projects, it's hard to actually see the progress of the overall build. Thus, make users often work hard to have make hide the command output in order to make the log "more useful."

The reduced output is a pain with make, however, because if there's ever a problem, you're left wondering exactly what commands were run at what time, and you often have to go editing the Makefile in order to figure it out.

With redo, it's much less of a problem. By default, redo produces output that looks like this:

$ redo t
redo  t/all
redo    t/hello
redo      t/LD
redo      t/hello.o
redo        t/CC
redo    t/yellow
redo      t/yellow.o
redo    t/bellow
redo    t/c
redo      t/c.c
redo        t/c.c.c
redo          t/c.c.c.b
redo            t/c.c.c.b.b
redo    t/d

The indentation indicates the level of recursion (deeper levels are dependencies of earlier levels). The repeated word "redo" down the left column looks strange, but it's there for a reason, and the reason is this: you can cut-and-paste a line from the build script and rerun it directly.

$ redo t/c
redo  t/c
redo    t/c.c
redo      t/c.c.c
redo        t/c.c.c.b
redo          t/c.c.c.b.b

So if you ever want to debug what happened at a particular step, you can choose to run only that step in verbose mode:

$ ./redo  t/c.c.c.b.b -v
redo  t/c.c.c.b.b
redo-ifchange "$1$2.a"
echo a-to-b
cat "$1$2.a"

If you're using an autobuilder or something that logs build results for future examination, you should probably set it to always run redo with the -v option.

Is redo compatible with autoconf?

Yes. You don't have to do anything special, other than the above note about declaring dependencies on config.h, which is no worse than what you would have to do with make.

Is redo compatible with automake?

Hells no. You can thank me later. But see next question.

Is redo compatible with make?

Yes. If you have an existing Makefile (for example, in one of your subprojects), you can just call make to build that subproject.

In a file called

redo-ifchange $(find myproject -name '*.[ch]')
make -C myproject all

So, to amend our answer to the previous question, you can include automake-generated Makefiles as part of your redo-based project.

Is redo -j compatible with make -j?

Yes! redo implements the same jobserver protocol as GNU make, which means that redo running under make -j, or make running under redo -j, will do the right thing. Thus, it's safe to mix-and-match redo and make in a recursive build system. Just make sure you declare your dependencies correctly.

What about distributed builds?

FIXME: So far, nobody has tried redo in a distributed build environment. It surely works with distcc, since that's just a distributed compiler. But there are other systems that distribute more of the build process to other machines.

The most interesting method I've heard of was explained (in public, this is not proprietary information) by someone from Google. Apparently, the Android team uses a tool that mounts your entire local filesystem on a remote machine using FUSE and chroots into that directory. Then you replace the $SHELL variable in your copy of make with one that runs this tool. Because the remote filesystem is identical to yours, the build will certainly complete successfully. After the $SHELL program exits, the changed files are sent back to your local machine. Cleverly, the files on the remote server are cached based on their checksums, so files only need to be re-sent if they have changed since last time. This dramatically reduces bandwidth usage compared to, say, distcc (which mostly just re-sends the same preparsed headers over and over again).

At the time, he promised to open source this tool eventually. It would be pretty fun to play with it.

FIXME: However, it won't work as easily with redo as it did with make. With make, a separate copy of $SHELL is launched for each step of the build (and gets migrated to the remote machine), but make runs only on your local machine, so it can control parallelism and avoid building the same target from multiple machines, and so on. With redo, since the entire script runs inside the shell, we'd have to do the parallelism another way.

How fast is redo compared to make?

FIXME: The current version of redo is written in python and has not been optimized. So right now, it's usually a bit slower. Not too embarrassingly slower, though, and the slowness really only strikes the first time you build a project.

For incrementally building only the changed parts of the project, redo can be much faster than make, because it can check all the dependencies up front and doesn't need to repeatedly parse and re-parse the Makefile (as recursive make needs to do).

More bad news, however: the current version of redo also pointlessly re-evaluates the same dependencies over and over. Unlike with make, there is no good reason for this, so it'll be fixed eventually.

Even better, in 'redo -j' mode, it sometimes rebuilds the same dependency more than once. Not at the same time, so your build won't break, but it'll just be unnecessarily slow. Obviously this should be fixed.

Furthermore, redo's current dependency database (in the .redo directory) is not very efficient, and thrashes a lot of filesystem metadata, which is especially slow on some filesystems, notably ext3. We'll want to improve that by using a "real" data structure eventually. With a "real" data structure, a daemon, and inotify, you could actually get redo's dependency evaluation to run instantly. On very large projects with tens of thousands of files to stat() before we can even start building, that could make a pretty big difference. With make, an inotify implementation would be pretty hard to do (since just parsing the Makefiles of such a project is complicated, and there's no guarantee the dependencies are the same as last time). But with the way redo works, this kind of optimization would be pretty easy.

We'll probably have to rewrite redo in C eventually to speed it up further. This won't be very hard; the design is so simple that it should be easy to write in any language. It's just even easier in python, which was good for writing a prototype.

Most of the so-called slowness at the moment (it's really not that bad) is because redo-ifchange (and also sh itself) need to be fork'd and exec'd over and over during the build process. The minimal/do script shows a way around this; redo-ifchange could be a shell function instead of a standalone program. Eliminating the need for extra fork/exec in the common case could actually get us much faster than make even when doing an initial build; make executes $SHELL for every command, but with redo, there is a shell running at all times anyway, so if we're very careful we could optimize that out.

As a point of reference, on my computer, I can fork-exec about 87 times per second; an empty python program, about 100 times per second; an empty C program, about 1000 times per second; an empty make, about 300 times per second. So if I could compile 87 files per second, which I can't, then python overhead would be 50%. Also, if you're using redo -j on a multicore machine, all the python forking happens in parallel with everything else, so that's 87 per second per core. Nevertheless, that's still slower than make and should be fixed.

What's missing? How can I help?

redo is thoroughly incomplete and probably has numerous bugs. Just what you always wanted in a build system, I know.

What's missing? Search for the word FIXME in this document; anything with a FIXME is something that is either not implemented, or which needs discussion, feedback, or ideas. Of course, there are surely other undocumented things that need discussion or fixes too.

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An experimental implementation of djb's redo build system.







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  • Python 92.6%
  • Shell 6.4%
  • C 1.0%