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Initial Setup v2.3.0

lkubis edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision


Run the following command from the package manager console to install Cassandra identity provider.

Install-Package AspNetCore.Identity.Cassandra

Create your own User and Role entities

[Table("users", Keyspace = "identity")]
public class ApplicationUser : CassandraIdentityUser
    public ApplicationUser()
        : base(Guid.NewGuid())

[Table("roles", Keyspace = "identity")]
public class ApplicationRole : CassandraIdentityRole
    public ApplicationRole()
        : base(Guid.NewGuid())


In Cassandra root there are information about keyspace, replication options, port, and retryCount (number of attempts when connection to cluster)
ContactPoints contains collection of IP addresses of all available nodes
Query is transformed to CqlQueryOptions

    "Cassandra": {
        "ContactPoints": [
        "Port": 9042,
        "RetryCount": 3,
        "Credentials": {
            "UserName": "Cassandra",
            "Password": "Cassandra"
        "KeyspaceName": "identity",
        "Replication": {
            "class": "NetworkTopologyStrategy",
            "datacenter1": "1"
        "Query": {
            "ConsistencyLevel": "One",
            "TracingEnabled": true,
            "PageSize": 25


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Cassandra ISession and DbInitializer setup

    // Add custom Cassandra stores
    services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
    // Other code omitted

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseCassandra<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>();
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