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Notifications Quickstart for Node.js

This application should give you a ready-made starting point for integrating notifications into your own apps with Twilio Notifications. Before we begin, we need to collect all the credentials we need to run the application:

Credential Description
Twilio Account SID Your main Twilio account identifier - find it on your dashboard.
Twilio Credential SID Adds notification ability to your app - generate one here. You'll need to provision your APN push credentials to generate this. See this guide on how to do that.
Twilio Notification URL The base URL for the Notifications API --
Twilio Notification_Service SID Use the create_service.js script to generate this. Just run 'node create_service.js' in your terminal.

Setting up the Node.js Application

Create a configuration file for your application:

cp .env.example .env

Edit .env with the four configuration parameters we gathered from above.

Next, we need to install our dependencies from npm:

npm install

Now we should be all set! Run the application using the npm command.

npm start

Your application should now be running at http://localhost:3000.


When your app receives a 'registration' in the form of a POST request to the /register endpoint from a mobile client, it will create a binding. A binding is the address Twilio gives your app installation. It lets our service know where to send notifications.

To send a notification to the client run the notify script

  node notify IDENTITY_HERE

The mobile client will receive a notification with the hardcoded 'Hello Bob' message.

That's it! Check out our REST API docs for more information on Twilio Notifications.




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