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Elixir board game demo

This little repo encapsulates a question I have implementing a simple board game in elixir.

Most of the code is generated boilerplate. The code of interest is in:

My question is: how can I activate and disactivate drop sites dynamically?

The board is a 3x3 grid (currently using a table to simplify css but will move to div soon). There is a red piece and a green piece. Pieces take turns to move and it is red to move. A piece should be able to move one square in any direction (including diagonally).

I am using hooks for the javascript interop, with a drop hook labelling each td that can be a drop site, eg

<td id="cell-3-1" phx-hook="Drop">

If I add the hook to every td statically, everything works, but pieces can move anywhere on the board.

The current implementation (in DemoWeb.GameLive.board_cell/1) gives a td the hook only if that cell is a valid drop site – and this changes move by move depending on which piece is to move and where that piece is.

However, this doesn’t work. The DOM is updated – using the browser html inspector I can see the right cells have the phx-hook attribute – but the javascript is not called for the new cells. The three cells that have the phx-hook on page load are the drop sites, and that never changes.

I have read (eg here & following comments) that elements added to the DOM should be mounted, hence I thought this would work.

  • what have I missed?
  • what is the right way to do this?

setup & run

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server, or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server (or the run equivalent scripts in shortcuts/).

Now you can visit http://localhost:4000 from your browser.


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