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xOBSE 22.2

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@llde llde released this 23 May 16:41
· 221 commits to master since this release

Debug symbols provided with the release

    - Better message for failed plugins in case of missing or mismatched dependancies   
    - Rewrote from scratch the input handling system of OBSE switching from the old and kludgy DInput hook to a proper OSInputGlobal hook. This should overall simplify the code, be faster and more robust, and more easily to interact with OBSE plugins in the future.
    - The above change also fix these instances were input handling routines weren't working on some system if bBackground Keyboard = 0 (Oblivion.ini)
    - Backport 3 fixes for Menu functions ignoring keyboard selection tiles, from NorthenerUI + 1 fix not covered by NUI
    - Add some Error message in the ExpressionEvaluator for Array
    - Fixed an issue were using subscript operator ([]) on a string map non existant element would succeed (and provide invalid data, testexpr would return true), now it complain with an error (and testexpr fail)
    - Added an obse.ini option to avoid suppressing testexpr error messages.
    - Fixed an issue with array loading were mod index 0 were mistakenly  seen as arrays beloging to discarded mods
    - Fix some error reporting issues were failing command weren't shown
    - Fix bad dereferencing  CommandList.end() iterator element, in exception handler.
    - Fix OnActorEquip event being sent twice when using enchantend armours or clothing
    - Improved Script diagnostics for Expression Evaluator for Commands.
    - Documented a lot of the struct fields for OSInputGlobals, and documented at least some of it's member functions 
    - Removed code for older version  of Oblivion then the last version (1_2_416)
    - GetFame() is now correctly placed into Actor vtbl instead of MobileObject
    - CompareTo is now correctly in BaseFormComponent vtbl instead of being repeated in TESForm, TESModel and TesAttackDamage.  
    - Decoded some virtual functions and members on game structures, thanks to COEF and OR
    - OBSEInputInterface to allow plugins to interact with the new Input System 
    - OBSEEventInterface allow plugins to install event handlers and dispatch UDF