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A word list app implemented using Flutter. This application aims to help learning and reviewing words, instead of searching words in a dictionary.


Download the installation pack here:

If you are deploying as developers using the source code, follow the guide here:


Please allow the app to access bluetooth, etc.



When the app is started, the interface is as follows, containing a drawer button and a list of words.

Initial interface

Note that if the app is started for the first time, the list of words is the sample words.

You can open the toolkit drawer by tapping the top left corner. After tapping, you would see something like this.

Toolkit interface

Add new word

You can add a new word by tapping the Add new words in the toolkit drawer. This will lead you to the following page.

Add page

You can key in the information of the word according to the dictionary, including the word, part of speech (select exactly one, as seen in the picture below), glossary, and example.

Speech selector

You can specify the word into some categories, including CET4, CET8, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, and SAT. One word may belong to one or more categories, or no categories.

An example of completed form for adding a word is as follows.

Add page filled

Note that the word itself should be unique. If you intend to add a word that already exists in the app, you will see something like this after tapping submit button.

Invalid word

After you tap the submit button, you will return to the word list page (with filters, whose details will be given in the subsequent sections, retained), and the new word is added to the end of the list. The picture below is the result after tapping submit in the previous picture.

Add result

Possible feature extensions

  1. Allow the user to specify customized category.
  2. Find a way to solve situations where one word has multiple meanings, especially multiple possible part of speech.

View word details

In the word list, you can only see the word itself. If you want to see the details you added, such as glossary and example, you can tap the view button at the right of each word in the word list. This will guide you to a view page, an example of which is shown as follows.

View interface

Edit a word

If you accidentally keyed in some wrong information about a word, you can edit it. You can open the edit page by tapping the Edit button in the view page, which will guide you to the following page.

Edit interface

The form is filled with original information of the word. You can change it in whatever way you want. For example, in the picture below, an 's' is added at the end of the word.

Edit example

After you've updated all information you want to change, you can submit, which will lead you back to the view page with updated information.

Edit result

If you go back to the list page, the list will also show the updated version of word.

Edit list result

Delete a word

If you no longer want to keep a word in the app, for example, you don't want the word in the picture below anymore.

Before delete

You can tap the delete button, which will delete this word in the word list and return to the word list page with this word removed.

After delete


Filter by whether assigned today

You may want to see the words that are assigned for today to review. You can see the filtered wordlist by using the switch in the toolkit drawer as follows.

Today switch

Then close the drawer, you can see the list of words assigned today only.

Today result

Filter by category

You may want to see words only belong to one of the categories. For example, you want to see the words for GRE, then in the drawer, you tap GRE, you can get the filtered list. The resulting list is seen as follows.

Category result

Note that category and today filter are connected by AND.

If you want to check which category you are in, you can open the drawer, the selected category is highlighted.

Category in drawer

Possible feature extensions

  1. Filter by other conditions on review date, for example, assigned this week, assigned before today, etc.
  2. Search word by key in the word.
  3. Sort words.
  4. Filter by categories with some and/or connector.


You can select some words that you want to mark as reviewed today by checking the checkbox in front of the word such as follows.

Select words

You can also select all by checking the checkbox in front of the list header.

Then, you can tap the button at the bottom to mark the selected words as reviewed today. If you are under the filter of today only set to true, then the words will disappear in the list displayed because the expected review date is updated when it is marked reviewed today. For example, if you mark the words selected in the previous picture as reviewed, you will get something as follows.

Selected result

The app will note down the review date and calculate the review date for the next round for you automatically. Note that reviewing a word not assigned today is allowed.

Rule for the next date to review

  1. When the word is created, namely, first added to the app, the review date is set to be 1 day after today, let's call this 1 day interval.
  2. In general, the expected review date is interval days after the last review date.
  3. When the word is reviewed, the last review date is updated to today and interval increments by 2.

Possible feature extensions

  1. Set the incrementation of interval to make more sense according to some research on memory.
  2. Allow user to set customized interval.


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