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[SCEV] Add zext(C + x + ...) -> D + zext(C-D + x + ...)<nuw><nsw> tra…
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if the top level addition in (D + (C-D + x + ...)) could be proven to
not wrap, where the choice of D also maximizes the number of trailing
zeroes of (C-D + x + ...), ensuring homogeneous behaviour of the
transformation and better canonicalization of such expressions.

This enables better canonicalization of expressions like

  1 + zext(5 + 20 * %x + 24 * %y)  and
      zext(6 + 20 * %x + 24 * %y)

which get both transformed to

  2 + zext(4 + 20 * %x + 24 * %y)

This pattern is common in address arithmetics and the transformation
makes it easier for passes like LoadStoreVectorizer to prove that 2 or
more memory accesses are consecutive and optimize (vectorize) them.

Reviewed By: mzolotukhin

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 337859
  • Loading branch information
ramntry committed Jul 24, 2018
1 parent 5ddc0a2 commit 1ba1f93
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Showing 3 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions llvm/lib/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1777,6 +1777,44 @@ ScalarEvolution::getZeroExtendExpr(const SCEV *Op, Type *Ty, unsigned Depth) {
Ops.push_back(getZeroExtendExpr(Op, Ty, Depth + 1));
return getAddExpr(Ops, SCEV::FlagNUW, Depth + 1);

// zext(C + x + y + ...) --> (zext(D) + zext((C - D) + x + y + ...))<nuw>
// if D + (C - D + x + y + ...) could be proven to not unsigned wrap
// where D maximizes the number of trailing zeros of (C - D + x + y + ...)
// Useful while proving that address arithmetic expressions are equal or
// differ by a small constant amount, see LoadStoreVectorizer pass.
if (const auto *SC = dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(SA->getOperand(0))) {
// Often address arithmetics contain expressions like
// (zext (add (shl X, C1), C2)), for instance, (zext (5 + (4 * X))).
// ConstantRange is unable to prove that it's possible to transform
// (5 + (4 * X)) to (1 + (4 + (4 * X))) w/o underflowing:
// | Expression | ConstantRange | KnownBits |
// |---------------|------------------------|-----------------------|
// | i8 4 * X | [L: 0, U: 253) | XXXX XX00 |
// | | => Min: 0, Max: 252 | => Min: 0, Max: 252 |
// | | | |
// | i8 4 * X + 5 | [L: 5, U: 2) (wrapped) | YYYY YY01 |
// | (101) | => Min: 0, Max: 255 | => Min: 1, Max: 253 |
// As KnownBits are not available for SCEV expressions, use number of
// trailing zeroes instead:
APInt C = SC->getAPInt();
uint32_t TZ = C.getBitWidth();
for (unsigned I = 1, E = SA->getNumOperands(); I < E && TZ; ++I)
TZ = std::min(TZ, GetMinTrailingZeros(SA->getOperand(I)));
if (TZ) {
APInt D = TZ < C.getBitWidth() ? C.trunc(TZ).zext(C.getBitWidth()) : C;
if (D != 0) {
const SCEV *SZExtD = getZeroExtendExpr(getConstant(D), Ty, Depth);
const SCEV *SResidual =
getAddExpr(getConstant(-D), SA, SCEV::FlagAnyWrap, Depth);
const SCEV *SZExtR = getZeroExtendExpr(SResidual, Ty, Depth + 1);
return getAddExpr(SZExtD, SZExtR, SCEV::FlagNUW, Depth + 1);

if (auto *SM = dyn_cast<SCEVMulExpr>(Op)) {
Expand Down
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions llvm/test/Analysis/ScalarEvolution/no-wrap-add-exprs.ll
Expand Up @@ -120,3 +120,84 @@ define void @f2(i8* %len_addr) {

ret void

@z_addr = external global [16 x i8], align 4
@z_addr_noalign = external global [16 x i8]

%union = type { [10 x [4 x float]] }
@tmp_addr = external unnamed_addr global { %union, [2000 x i8] }

define void @f3(i8* %x_addr, i8* %y_addr, i32* %tmp_addr) {
; CHECK-LABEL: Classifying expressions for: @f3
%x = load i8, i8* %x_addr
%t0 = mul i8 %x, 4
%t1 = add i8 %t0, 5
%t1.zext = zext i8 %t1 to i16
; CHECK: %t1.zext = zext i8 %t1 to i16
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (1 + (zext i8 (4 + (4 * %x)) to i16))<nuw><nsw> U: [1,254) S: [1,257)

%q0 = mul i8 %x, 4
%q1 = add i8 %q0, 7
%q1.zext = zext i8 %q1 to i16
; CHECK: %q1.zext = zext i8 %q1 to i16
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (3 + (zext i8 (4 + (4 * %x)) to i16))<nuw><nsw> U: [3,256) S: [3,259)

%p0 = mul i8 %x, 4
%p1 = add i8 %p0, 8
%p1.zext = zext i8 %p1 to i16
; CHECK: %p1.zext = zext i8 %p1 to i16
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (zext i8 (8 + (4 * %x)) to i16) U: [0,253) S: [0,256)

%r0 = mul i8 %x, 4
%r1 = add i8 %r0, 254
%r1.zext = zext i8 %r1 to i16
; CHECK: %r1.zext = zext i8 %r1 to i16
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (2 + (zext i8 (-4 + (4 * %x)) to i16))<nuw><nsw> U: [2,255) S: [2,258)

%y = load i8, i8* %y_addr
%s0 = mul i8 %x, 32
%s1 = mul i8 %y, 36
%s2 = add i8 %s0, %s1
%s3 = add i8 %s2, 5
%s3.zext = zext i8 %s3 to i16
; CHECK: %s3.zext = zext i8 %s3 to i16
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (1 + (zext i8 (4 + (32 * %x) + (36 * %y)) to i16))<nuw><nsw> U: [1,254) S: [1,257)

%ptr = bitcast [16 x i8]* @z_addr to i8*
%int0 = ptrtoint i8* %ptr to i32
%int5 = add i32 %int0, 5
%int.zext = zext i32 %int5 to i64
; CHECK: %int.zext = zext i32 %int5 to i64
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (1 + (zext i32 (4 + %int0) to i64))<nuw><nsw> U: [1,4294967294) S: [1,4294967297)

%ptr_noalign = bitcast [16 x i8]* @z_addr_noalign to i8*
%int0_na = ptrtoint i8* %ptr_noalign to i32
%int5_na = add i32 %int0_na, 5
%int.zext_na = zext i32 %int5_na to i64
; CHECK: %int.zext_na = zext i32 %int5_na to i64
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (zext i32 (5 + %int0_na) to i64) U: [0,4294967296) S: [0,4294967296)

%tmp = load i32, i32* %tmp_addr
%mul = and i32 %tmp, -4
%add4 = add i32 %mul, 4
%add4.zext = zext i32 %add4 to i64
%sunkaddr3 = mul i64 %add4.zext, 4
%sunkaddr4 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* bitcast ({ %union, [2000 x i8] }* @tmp_addr to i8*), i64 %sunkaddr3
%sunkaddr5 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %sunkaddr4, i64 4096
%addr4.cast = bitcast i8* %sunkaddr5 to i32*
%addr4.incr = getelementptr i32, i32* %addr4.cast, i64 1
; CHECK: %addr4.incr = getelementptr i32, i32* %addr4.cast, i64 1
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ([[C:4100]] + ([[SIZE:4]] * (zext i32 ([[OFFSET:4]] + ([[STRIDE:4]] * (%tmp /u [[STRIDE]]))<nuw>) to i64))<nuw><nsw> + @tmp_addr)

%add5 = add i32 %mul, 5
%add5.zext = zext i32 %add5 to i64
%sunkaddr0 = mul i64 %add5.zext, 4
%sunkaddr1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* bitcast ({ %union, [2000 x i8] }* @tmp_addr to i8*), i64 %sunkaddr0
%sunkaddr2 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %sunkaddr1, i64 4096
%addr5.cast = bitcast i8* %sunkaddr2 to i32*
; CHECK: %addr5.cast = bitcast i8* %sunkaddr2 to i32*
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ([[C]] + ([[SIZE]] * (zext i32 ([[OFFSET]] + ([[STRIDE]] * (%tmp /u [[STRIDE]]))<nuw>) to i64))<nuw><nsw> + @tmp_addr)

ret void
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
; RUN: opt -codegenprepare -load-store-vectorizer %s -S -o - | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt -load-store-vectorizer %s -S -o - | FileCheck %s

target triple = "x86_64--"

%union = type { { [4 x [4 x [4 x [16 x float]]]], [4 x [4 x [4 x [16 x float]]]], [10 x [10 x [4 x float]]] } }

@global_pointer = external unnamed_addr global { %union, [2000 x i8] }, align 4

; Function Attrs: convergent nounwind
define void @test(i32 %base) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test(
; CHECK-NOT: load i32
; CHECK: load <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NOT: load i32
%mul331 = and i32 %base, -4
%add350.4 = add i32 4, %mul331
%idx351.4 = zext i32 %add350.4 to i64
%arrayidx352.4 = getelementptr inbounds { %union, [2000 x i8] }, { %union, [2000 x i8] }* @global_pointer, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i64 0, i64 0, i64 0, i64 %idx351.4
%tmp296.4 = bitcast float* %arrayidx352.4 to i32*
%add350.5 = add i32 5, %mul331
%idx351.5 = zext i32 %add350.5 to i64
%arrayidx352.5 = getelementptr inbounds { %union, [2000 x i8] }, { %union, [2000 x i8] }* @global_pointer, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i64 0, i64 0, i64 0, i64 %idx351.5
%tmp296.5 = bitcast float* %arrayidx352.5 to i32*
%cnd = icmp ult i32 %base, 1000
br i1 %cnd, label %loads, label %exit

; If and only if the loads are in a different BB from the GEPs codegenprepare
; would try to turn the GEPs into math, which makes LoadStoreVectorizer's job
; harder
%tmp297.4 = load i32, i32* %tmp296.4, align 4, !tbaa !0
%tmp297.5 = load i32, i32* %tmp296.5, align 4, !tbaa !0
br label %exit

ret void

; Function Attrs: convergent nounwind
define void @test.codegenprepared(i32 %base) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test.codegenprepared(
; CHECK-NOT: load i32
; CHECK: load <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NOT: load i32
%mul331 = and i32 %base, -4
%add350.4 = add i32 4, %mul331
%idx351.4 = zext i32 %add350.4 to i64
%add350.5 = add i32 5, %mul331
%idx351.5 = zext i32 %add350.5 to i64
%cnd = icmp ult i32 %base, 1000
br i1 %cnd, label %loads, label %exit

loads: ; preds = %entry
%sunkaddr = mul i64 %idx351.4, 4
%sunkaddr1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* bitcast ({ %union, [2000 x i8] }* @global_pointer to i8*), i64 %sunkaddr
%sunkaddr2 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %sunkaddr1, i64 4096
%0 = bitcast i8* %sunkaddr2 to i32*
%tmp297.4 = load i32, i32* %0, align 4, !tbaa !0
%sunkaddr3 = mul i64 %idx351.5, 4
%sunkaddr4 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* bitcast ({ %union, [2000 x i8] }* @global_pointer to i8*), i64 %sunkaddr3
%sunkaddr5 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %sunkaddr4, i64 4096
%1 = bitcast i8* %sunkaddr5 to i32*
%tmp297.5 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4, !tbaa !0
br label %exit

exit: ; preds = %loads, %entry
ret void

attributes #0 = { convergent nounwind }

!0 = !{!1, !1, i64 0}
!1 = !{!"float", !2, i64 0}
!2 = !{!"omnipotent char", !3, i64 0}
!3 = !{!"Simple C++ TBAA"}

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