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Add affine load/store/dma_start/dma_wait to dialect doc.
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andydavis1 authored and tensorflower-gardener committed Nov 6, 2019
1 parent 68bd355 commit 1efc511
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions mlir/g3doc/Dialects/
Expand Up @@ -424,6 +424,142 @@ func @reduced_domain_example(%A, %X, %N) : (memref<10xi32>, i32, i32) {

#### 'affine.load' operation


``` {.ebnf}
operation ::= ssa-id `=` `affine.load` ssa-use `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]` `:` memref-type
The `affine.load` op reads an element from a memref, where the index
for each memref dimension is an affine expression of loop induction
variables and symbols. The output of 'affine.load' is a new value with the
same type as the elements of the memref. An affine expression of loop IVs
and symbols must be specified for each dimension of the memref. The keyword
'symbol' can be used to indicate SSA identifiers which are symbolic.


```mlir {.mlir}
Example 1:
%1 = affine.load %0[%i0 + 3, %i1 + 7] : memref<100x100xf32>
Example 2: Uses 'symbol' keyword for symbols '%n' and '%m'.
%1 = affine.load %0[%i0 + symbol(%n), %i1 + symbol(%m)]
: memref<100x100xf32>

#### '' operation


``` {.ebnf}
operation ::= ssa-id `=` `` ssa-use, ssa-use `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]` `:` memref-type
The `` op writes an element to a memref, where the index
for each memref dimension is an affine expression of loop induction
variables and symbols. The '' op stores a new value which is the
same type as the elements of the memref. An affine expression of loop IVs
and symbols must be specified for each dimension of the memref. The keyword
'symbol' can be used to indicate SSA identifiers which are symbolic.


```mlir {.mlir}
Example 1: %v0, %0[%i0 + 3, %i1 + 7] : memref<100x100xf32>
Example 2: Uses 'symbol' keyword for symbols '%n' and '%m'. %v0, %0[%i0 + symbol(%n), %i1 + symbol(%m)]
: memref<100x100xf32>

#### 'affine.dma_start' operation


``` {.ebnf}
operation ::= `affine.dma_Start` ssa-use `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, ssa-use `:` memref-type

The `affine.dma_start` op starts a non-blocking DMA operation that transfers
data from a source memref to a destination memref. The source and destination
memref need not be of the same dimensionality, but need to have the same
elemental type. The operands include the source and destination memref's
each followed by its indices, size of the data transfer in terms of the
number of elements (of the elemental type of the memref), a tag memref with
its indices, and optionally at the end, a stride and a
number_of_elements_per_stride arguments. The tag location is used by an
AffineDmaWaitOp to check for completion. The indices of the source memref,
destination memref, and the tag memref have the same restrictions as any
affine.load/store. In particular, index for each memref dimension must be an
affine expression of loop induction variables and symbols.
The optional stride arguments should be of 'index' type, and specify a
stride for the slower memory space (memory space with a lower memory space
id), transferring chunks of number_of_elements_per_stride every stride until
%num_elements are transferred. Either both or no stride arguments should be
specified. The value of 'num_elements' must be a multiple of


```mlir {.mlir}
For example, a DmaStartOp operation that transfers 256 elements of a memref
'%src' in memory space 0 at indices [%i + 3, %j] to memref '%dst' in memory
space 1 at indices [%k + 7, %l], would be specified as follows:
%num_elements = constant 256
%idx = constant 0 : index
%tag = alloc() : memref<1xi32, 4>
affine.dma_start %src[%i + 3, %j], %dst[%k + 7, %l], %tag[%idx],
%num_elements :
memref<40x128xf32, 0>, memref<2x1024xf32, 1>, memref<1xi32, 2>
If %stride and %num_elt_per_stride are specified, the DMA is expected to
transfer %num_elt_per_stride elements every %stride elements apart from
memory space 0 until %num_elements are transferred.
affine.dma_start %src[%i, %j], %dst[%k, %l], %tag[%idx], %num_elements,
%stride, %num_elt_per_stride : ...
#### 'affine.dma_wait' operation


``` {.ebnf}
operation ::= `affine.dma_Start` ssa-use `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, `[` multi-dim-affine-map-of-ssa-ids `]`, ssa-use `:` memref-type

The `affine.dma_start` op blocks until the completion of a DMA operation
associated with the tag element '%tag[%index]'. %tag is a memref, and %index
has to be an index with the same restrictions as any load/store index.
In particular, index for each memref dimension must be an affine expression of
loop induction variables and symbols. %num_elements is the number of elements
associated with the DMA operation. For example:


```mlir {.mlir}
affine.dma_start %src[%i, %j], %dst[%k, %l], %tag[%index], %num_elements :
memref<2048xf32, 0>, memref<256xf32, 1>, memref<1xi32, 2>
affine.dma_wait %tag[%index], %num_elements : memref<1xi32, 2>

#### `affine.terminator` operation

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