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[TableGen] Add a general-purpose JSON backend.
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The aim of this backend is to output everything TableGen knows about
the record set, similarly to the default -print-records backend. But
where -print-records produces output in TableGen's input syntax
(convenient for humans to read), this backend produces it as
structured JSON data, which is convenient for loading into standard
scripting languages such as Python, in order to extract information
from the data set in an automated way.

The output data contains a JSON representation of the variable
definitions in output 'def' records, and a few pieces of metadata such
as which of those definitions are tagged with the 'field' prefix and
which defs are derived from which classes. It doesn't dump out
absolutely every piece of knowledge it _could_ produce, such as type
information and complicated arithmetic operator nodes in abstract
superclasses; the main aim is to allow consumers of this JSON dump to
essentially act as new backends, and backends don't generally need to
depend on that kind of data.

The new backend is implemented as an EmitJSON() function similar to
all of llvm-tblgen's other EmitFoo functions, except that it lives in
lib/TableGen instead of utils/TableGen on the basis that I'm expecting
to add it to clang-tblgen too in a future patch.

To test it, I've written a Python script that loads the JSON output
and tests properties of it based on comments in the .td source - more
or less like FileCheck, except that the CHECK: lines have Python
expressions after them instead of textual pattern matches.

Reviewers: nhaehnle

Reviewed By: nhaehnle

Subscribers: arichardson, labath, mgorny, llvm-commits

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 336771
  • Loading branch information
statham-arm committed Jul 11, 2018
1 parent 867b0e4 commit 6a8c6ca
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Showing 9 changed files with 526 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions llvm/docs/CommandGuide/tblgen.rst
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ OPTIONS

Print all records to standard output (default).

.. option:: -dump-json

Print a JSON representation of all records, suitable for further
automated processing.

.. option:: -print-enums

Print enumeration values for a class.
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions llvm/docs/TableGen/BackEnds.rst
Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,127 @@ AttrDocs
**Purpose**: Creates ``AttributeReference.rst`` from ````, and is
used for documenting user-facing attributes.

General BackEnds


**Purpose**: Output all the values in every ``def``, as a JSON data
structure that can be easily parsed by a variety of languages. Useful
for writing custom backends without having to modify TableGen itself,
or for performing auxiliary analysis on the same TableGen data passed
to a built-in backend.


The root of the output file is a JSON object (i.e. dictionary),
containing the following fixed keys:

* ``!tablegen_json_version``: a numeric version field that will
increase if an incompatible change is ever made to the structure of
this data. The format described here corresponds to version 1.

* ``!instanceof``: a dictionary whose keys are the class names defined
in the TableGen input. For each key, the corresponding value is an
array of strings giving the names of ``def`` records that derive
from that class. So ``root["!instanceof"]["Instruction"]``, for
example, would list the names of all the records deriving from the
class ``Instruction``.

For each ``def`` record, the root object also has a key for the record
name. The corresponding value is a subsidiary object containing the
following fixed keys:

* ``!superclasses``: an array of strings giving the names of all the
classes that this record derives from.

* ``!fields``: an array of strings giving the names of all the variables
in this record that were defined with the ``field`` keyword.

* ``!name``: a string giving the name of the record. This is always
identical to the key in the JSON root object corresponding to this
record's dictionary. (If the record is anonymous, the name is

* ``!anonymous``: a boolean indicating whether the record's name was
specified by the TableGen input (if it is ``false``), or invented by
TableGen itself (if ``true``).

For each variable defined in a record, the ``def`` object for that
record also has a key for the variable name. The corresponding value
is a translation into JSON of the variable's value, using the
conventions described below.

Some TableGen data types are translated directly into the
corresponding JSON type:

* A completely undefined value (e.g. for a variable declared without
initializer in some superclass of this record, and never initialized
by the record itself or any other superclass) is emitted as the JSON
``null`` value.

* ``int`` and ``bit`` values are emitted as numbers. Note that
TableGen ``int`` values are capable of holding integers too large to
be exactly representable in IEEE double precision. The integer
literal in the JSON output will show the full exact integer value.
So if you need to retrieve large integers with full precision, you
should use a JSON reader capable of translating such literals back
into 64-bit integers without losing precision, such as Python's
standard ``json`` module.

* ``string`` and ``code`` values are emitted as JSON strings.

* ``list<T>`` values, for any element type ``T``, are emitted as JSON
arrays. Each element of the array is represented in turn using these
same conventions.

* ``bits`` values are also emitted as arrays. A ``bits`` array is
ordered from least-significant bit to most-significant. So the
element with index ``i`` corresponds to the bit described as
``x{i}`` in TableGen source. However, note that this means that
scripting languages are likely to *display* the array in the
opposite order from the way it appears in the TableGen source or in
the diagnostic ``-print-records`` output.

All other TableGen value types are emitted as a JSON object,
containing two standard fields: ``kind`` is a discriminator describing
which kind of value the object represents, and ``printable`` is a
string giving the same representation of the value that would appear
in ``-print-records``.

* A reference to a ``def`` object has ``kind=="def"``, and has an
extra field ``def`` giving the name of the object referred to.

* A reference to another variable in the same record has
``kind=="var"``, and has an extra field ``var`` giving the name of
the variable referred to.

* A reference to a specific bit of a ``bits``-typed variable in the
same record has ``kind=="varbit"``, and has two extra fields:
``var`` gives the name of the variable referred to, and ``index``
gives the index of the bit.

* A value of type ``dag`` has ``kind=="dag"``, and has two extra
fields. ``operator`` gives the initial value after the opening
parenthesis of the dag initializer; ``args`` is an array giving the
following arguments. The elements of ``args`` are arrays of length
2, giving the value of each argument followed by its colon-suffixed
name (if any). For example, in the JSON representation of the dag
value ``(Op 22, "hello":$foo)`` (assuming that ``Op`` is the name of
a record defined elsewhere with a ``def`` statement):

* ``operator`` will be an object in which ``kind=="def"`` and

* ``args`` will be the array ``[[22, null], ["hello", "foo"]]``.

* If any other kind of value or complicated expression appears in the
output, it will have ``kind=="complex"``, and no additional fields.
These values are not expected to be needed by backends. The standard
``printable`` field can be used to extract a representation of them
in TableGen source syntax if necessary.

How to write a back-end

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions llvm/docs/TableGen/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,14 @@ example, to get a list of all of the definitions that subclass a particular type
ADD16rr, ADD32mi, ADD32mi8, ADD32mr, ADD32ri, ADD32ri8, ADD32rm, ADD32rr,
ADD64mi32, ADD64mi8, ADD64mr, ADD64ri32, ...
The default backend prints out all of the records.
The default backend prints out all of the records. There is also a general
backend which outputs all the records as a JSON data structure, enabled using
the `-dump-json` option.

If you plan to use TableGen, you will most likely have to write a `backend`_
that extracts the information specific to what you need and formats it in the
appropriate way.
appropriate way. You can do this by extending TableGen itself in C++, or by
writing a script in any language that can consume the JSON output.

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions llvm/include/llvm/TableGen/Record.h
Expand Up @@ -1900,6 +1900,8 @@ class HasReferenceResolver final : public Resolver {
Init *resolve(Init *VarName) override;

void EmitJSON(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS);

} // end namespace llvm

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions llvm/lib/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
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189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions llvm/lib/TableGen/JSONBackend.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
//===- JSONBackend.cpp - Generate a JSON dump of all records. -*- C++ -*-=====//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This TableGen back end generates a machine-readable representation
// of all the classes and records defined by the input, in JSON format.

#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"

#define DEBUG_TYPE "json-emitter"

using namespace llvm;

namespace {

class JSONEmitter {
RecordKeeper &Records;

json::Value translateInit(const Init &I);
json::Array listSuperclasses(const Record &R);

JSONEmitter(RecordKeeper &R);

void run(raw_ostream &OS);

} // end anonymous namespace

JSONEmitter::JSONEmitter(RecordKeeper &R) : Records(R) {}

json::Value JSONEmitter::translateInit(const Init &I) {

// Init subclasses that we return as JSON primitive values of one
// kind or another.

if (isa<UnsetInit>(&I)) {
return nullptr;
} else if (auto *Bit = dyn_cast<BitInit>(&I)) {
return Bit->getValue() ? 1 : 0;
} else if (auto *Bits = dyn_cast<BitsInit>(&I)) {
json::Array array;
for (unsigned i = 0, limit = Bits->getNumBits(); i < limit; i++)
return array;
} else if (auto *Int = dyn_cast<IntInit>(&I)) {
return Int->getValue();
} else if (auto *Str = dyn_cast<StringInit>(&I)) {
return Str->getValue();
} else if (auto *Code = dyn_cast<CodeInit>(&I)) {
return Code->getValue();
} else if (auto *List = dyn_cast<ListInit>(&I)) {
json::Array array;
for (auto val : *List)
return array;

// Init subclasses that we return as JSON objects containing a
// 'kind' discriminator. For these, we also provide the same
// translation back into TableGen input syntax that -print-records
// would give.

json::Object obj;
obj["printable"] = I.getAsString();

if (auto *Def = dyn_cast<DefInit>(&I)) {
obj["kind"] = "def";
obj["def"] = Def->getDef()->getName();
return obj;
} else if (auto *Var = dyn_cast<VarInit>(&I)) {
obj["kind"] = "var";
obj["var"] = Var->getName();
return obj;
} else if (auto *VarBit = dyn_cast<VarBitInit>(&I)) {
if (auto *Var = dyn_cast<VarInit>(VarBit->getBitVar())) {
obj["kind"] = "varbit";
obj["var"] = Var->getName();
obj["index"] = VarBit->getBitNum();
return obj;
} else if (auto *Dag = dyn_cast<DagInit>(&I)) {
obj["kind"] = "dag";
obj["operator"] = translateInit(*Dag->getOperator());
if (auto name = Dag->getName())
obj["name"] = name->getAsUnquotedString();
json::Array args;
for (unsigned i = 0, limit = Dag->getNumArgs(); i < limit; ++i) {
json::Array arg;
if (auto argname = Dag->getArgName(i))
obj["args"] = std::move(args);
return obj;

// Final fallback: anything that gets past here is simply given a
// kind field of 'complex', and the only other field is the standard
// 'printable' representation.

obj["kind"] = "complex";
return obj;

void JSONEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
json::Object root;

root["!tablegen_json_version"] = 1;

// Prepare the arrays that will list the instances of every class.
// We mostly fill those in by iterating over the superclasses of
// each def, but we also want to ensure we store an empty list for a
// class with no instances at all, so we do a preliminary iteration
// over the classes, invoking std::map::operator[] to default-
// construct the array for each one.
std::map<std::string, json::Array> instance_lists;
for (const auto &C : Records.getClasses()) {
auto &Name = C.second->getNameInitAsString();

// Main iteration over the defs.
for (const auto &D : Records.getDefs()) {
auto &Name = D.second->getNameInitAsString();
auto &Def = *D.second;

json::Object obj;
json::Array fields;

for (const RecordVal &RV : Def.getValues()) {
if (!Def.isTemplateArg(RV.getNameInit())) {
auto Name = RV.getNameInitAsString();
if (RV.getPrefix())
obj[Name] = translateInit(*RV.getValue());

obj["!fields"] = std::move(fields);

json::Array superclasses;
for (const auto &SuperPair : Def.getSuperClasses())
obj["!superclasses"] = std::move(superclasses);

obj["!name"] = Name;
obj["!anonymous"] = Def.isAnonymous();

root[Name] = std::move(obj);

// Add this def to the instance list for each of its superclasses.
for (const auto &SuperPair : Def.getSuperClasses()) {
auto SuperName = SuperPair.first->getNameInitAsString();

// Make a JSON object from the std::map of instance lists.
json::Object instanceof;
for (auto kv: instance_lists)
instanceof[kv.first] = std::move(kv.second);
root["!instanceof"] = std::move(instanceof);

// Done. Write the output.
OS << json::Value(std::move(root)) << "\n";

namespace llvm {

void EmitJSON(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) { JSONEmitter(RK).run(OS); }
} // end namespace llvm

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