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[clangd] Add test for changing build configuration
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This patch adds tests for the two ways of changing build configuration
(pointing to a particular compile_commands.json):

- Through the workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification.
- Through the initialize request.

Subscribers: ilya-biryukov, ioeric, jkorous, arphaman, cfe-commits

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 338914
  • Loading branch information
Simon Marchi committed Aug 3, 2018
1 parent 23310a8 commit 70e209b
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Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Test that we can set choose a configuration/build directly in the initialize
# request.

# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir/* && mkdir -p %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir/build-1
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir/build-2
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir", "command": "c++ the-file.cpp", "file": "the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/compile_commands.json
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir/build-1", "command": "c++ -DMACRO=1 the-file.cpp", "file": "../the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/build-1/compile_commands.json
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir/build-2", "command": "c++ -DMACRO=2 the-file.cpp", "file": "../the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/build-2/compile_commands.json

# RUN: sed -e "s|INPUT_DIR|%/t.dir|g" %s > %t.test.1

# On Windows, we need the URI in didOpen to look like "uri":"file:///C:/..."
# (with the extra slash in the front), so we add it here.
# RUN: sed -e "s|file://\([A-Z]\):/|file:///\1:/|g" %t.test.1 > %t.test

# RUN: clangd -lit-test < %t.test | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %t.test

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file://INPUT_DIR/the-file.cpp","languageId":"cpp","version":1,"text":"#if !defined(MACRO)\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is not defined\")\n#elif MACRO == 1\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is one\")\n#elif MACRO == 2\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is two\")\n#else\n#pragma message (\"woops\")\n#endif\nint main() {}\n"}}}
# CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
# CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
# CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
# CHECK-NEXT: "message": "MACRO is one",
# CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
# CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
# CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
# CHECK-NEXT: "message": "MACRO is two",
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions clang-tools-extra/test/clangd/compile-commands-path.test
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Test that we can switch between configuration/build using the
# workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification.

# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir/* && mkdir -p %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir/build-1
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir/build-2
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir", "command": "c++ the-file.cpp", "file": "the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/compile_commands.json
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir/build-1", "command": "c++ -DMACRO=1 the-file.cpp", "file": "../the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/build-1/compile_commands.json
# RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%/t.dir/build-2", "command": "c++ -DMACRO=2 the-file.cpp", "file": "../the-file.cpp"}]' > %t.dir/build-2/compile_commands.json

# RUN: sed -e "s|INPUT_DIR|%/t.dir|g" %s > %t.test.1

# On Windows, we need the URI in didOpen to look like "uri":"file:///C:/..."
# (with the extra slash in the front), so we add it here.
# RUN: sed -e "s|file://\([A-Z]\):/|file:///\1:/|g" %t.test.1 > %t.test

# RUN: clangd -lit-test < %t.test | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %t.test

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file://INPUT_DIR/the-file.cpp","languageId":"cpp","version":1,"text":"#if !defined(MACRO)\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is not defined\")\n#elif MACRO == 1\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is one\")\n#elif MACRO == 2\n#pragma message (\"MACRO is two\")\n#else\n#pragma message (\"woops\")\n#endif\nint main() {}\n"}}}
# CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
# CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
# CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
# CHECK-NEXT: "message": "MACRO is not defined",
# CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
# CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
# CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
# CHECK-NEXT: "message": "MACRO is one",
# CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
# CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
# CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
# CHECK-NEXT: "message": "MACRO is two",

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