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Rewrite the VS integration scripts.
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This is a new modernized VS integration installer.  It adds a
Visual Studio .sln file which, when built, outputs a VSIX that can
be used to install ourselves as a "real" Visual Studio Extension.
We can even upload this extension to the visual studio marketplace.

This fixes a longstanding problem where we didn't support installing
into VS 2017 and higher.  In addition to supporting VS 2017, due
to the way this is written we now longer need to do anything special
to support future versions of VS as well.  Everything should
"just work".  This also fixes several bugs with our old integration,
such as MSBuild triggering full rebuilds when /Zi was used.

Finally, we add a new UI page called "LLVM" which becomes visible
when the LLVM toolchain is selected.  For now this only contains
one option which is the path to clang-cl.exe, but in the future
we can add more things here.

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 337572
  • Loading branch information
Zachary Turner committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent 5ff3abb commit 83226b9
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Showing 25 changed files with 590 additions and 365 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions clang/tools/driver/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ add_dependencies(clang clang-headers)

set(CLANG_LINKS_TO_CREATE clang++ clang-cl clang-cpp)

if (MSVC)
list(APPEND CLANG_LINKS_TO_CREATE ../msbuild-bin/cl)

foreach(link ${CLANG_LINKS_TO_CREATE})
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions llvm/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -231,10 +231,6 @@ if(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX)
set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\\\cmake\\\\nsis_icon.ico")
"ExecWait '$INSTDIR/tools/msbuild/install.bat'")
"ExecWait '$INSTDIR/tools/msbuild/uninstall.bat'")
if( CMAKE_CL_64 )
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
69 changes: 0 additions & 69 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/CMakeLists.txt

This file was deleted.

75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/LLVM.Cpp.Common.props
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<Project xmlns="">
<!-- The general order of executing an MSBuild file is roughly:
1) vcxproj file
2) ├─ Import Microsoft.Cpp.props
3) │ └─ Import Toolset specific props (e.g. $(VCTargets)Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\llvm\Toolset.props)
4) │ └─ Import This File (LLVM.Cpp.Common.props)
5) │─ Core logic of vcxproj (define files, override properties, etc)
6) └─ Import Microsoft.Cpp.targets
7) │─ Import Toolset specific targets file (e.g. $(VCTargets)Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\llvm\Toolset.targets)
8) └─ Run the compiler.
The important thing is that we have hooks at 3, 4, and 7. 3 and 4 give
us the ability to provide initial values for toolchain settings (where
is the compiler, what values are considered "default" for a given
setting, etc), 7 gives us the ability to act on anything that the user
has overridden (such as warning or erroring on incompatible settings,
mapping settings to other settings, etc).

<!-- This initializes the values in Properties > General > Output Directory.
Builds will fail without this. -->
<OutDirWasSpecified Condition=" '$(OutDir)'!='' AND '$(OutDirWasSpecified)'=='' ">true</OutDirWasSpecified>
<OutDirWasSpecified Condition=" '$(OutDir)'=='' AND '$(OutDirWasSpecified)'=='' ">false</OutDirWasSpecified>

<IntDir Condition="'$(IntDir)'=='' AND '$(IntermediateOutputPath)'!=''">$(IntermediateOutputPath)</IntDir>
<IntDir Condition="'$(IntDir)'=='' AND '$(IntermediateOutputPath)'==''">$(Configuration)\</IntDir>
<OutDir Condition="'$(OutDir)'=='' AND '$(SolutionDir)' != ''">$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\</OutDir>
<OutDir Condition="'$(OutDir)'=='' AND '$(SolutionDir)' == ''">$(IntDir)</OutDir>
<DebuggerFlavor Condition="'$(DebuggerFlavor)'==''">WindowsLocalDebugger</DebuggerFlavor>

<!-- Short names for platform toolsets (added to project name in Solution Explorer) -->

<!-- Find an installed LLVM and set up our paths. -->
<LLVMInstallDir Condition="'$(LLVMInstallDir)' == ''">$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LLVM@LLVM)</LLVMInstallDir>

<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props" Condition="Exists('$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props')"/>
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Common.props" />

<!-- Set some paths (such as include paths) that are common to all platforms. This is the same as what
the default paths for cl will use.
<IncludePath Condition="'$(IncludePath)' == ''">$(IncludePath);$(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);</IncludePath>
<LibraryWPath Condition="'$(LibraryWPath)' == ''">$(WindowsSDK_MetadataPath);</LibraryWPath>
<SourcePath Condition="'$(SourcePath)' == ''">$(VC_SourcePath);</SourcePath>

<!-- Set values which are reflected in the property UI by default. The user can override these
by editing the vcxproj file (or making changes via the UI, which has the same effect).
<!-- Set this to "Default" (which means not passing any /RTC option) so that any other value will
be treated as having been overridden by the user. This Serves as a hint to the user that
Default is the value we support, and other values will generate a warning. It also means
that if the user simply creates a new project in MSVC (which uses /RTCu by default), then
switches the toolset to Clang, we will still treat the value as default (which for us is to
not pass the option). Only if the user explicitly overrode this setting in a project to use
/RTCu would we see the warning. -->

<AdditionalOptions>-m$(PlatformArchitecture) %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/LLVM.Cpp.Common.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
<Project xmlns="">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets" />

<!-- Set the path to clang-cl executable based on the value of the project-
level setting. This has to be done in the .targets file since values
selected via the settings UI appear in the vcxproj (which is imported
before the targets file but after the props file) and we need the path
that the user may have overridden in the UI. -->

<PropertyPageSchema Include="$(VCTargetsPath)$(LangID)\llvm-general.xml">

<!-- We hook up a target to run every time ClCompile is about to run, the
purpose of which is to sanitize the command line before it gets passed to
the compiler. Some options we silently discard, other options we warn on
and then discard, and other options we generate a hard error.
We try to keep hard errors to a minimum and reserve it for cases where
the option implies fundamentally different assumptions about the way code
should be compiled. This code would probably generate an error anyway,
but at least this way we give the user a more useful message about what
the actual problem is, rather than relying on some obscure compilation
For any options that clang-cl discards, we would prefer to not even pass
them in on the command line. So if a user starts with a cl projects and
changes the toolset to clang, they could have set options such as /Gm
(minimal rebuild), /sdl (Security Checks), etc. The ClCompile task would
then notice this and pass these through to clang-cl.exe. Clang would of
course ignore them, but in some cases (such as /Gm), they would generate
-Wunused-command-line-argument warnings, so it's better if we can just
strip them from the command line entirely. This also has the side
benefit of making command lines shorter which is always nice when trying
to look at the tool output.
<Target Name="BeforeClCompile" BeforeTargets="ClCompile">
<!-- Warn on /Zi and /ZI, then map them both to /Z7. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.DebugInformationFormat)' == 'ProgramDatabase'"
Text="clang-cl does not support /Zi (Program Database). The file will be compiled as if /Z7 (C7 Compatible Debug Info) had been passed. Update the Debug Information Format in project settings to silence this warning."/>
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.DebugInformationFormat)' == 'EditAndContinue'"
Text="clang-cl does not support /ZI (Program Database for Edit and Continue). The file will be compiled as if /Z7 (C7 Compatible Debug Info) had been passed. Update the Debug Information Format in project settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Fiber Safe Optimizations are enabled, and then ignore them. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.EnableFiberSafeOptimizations)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support fiber safe optimizations (/GT). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Whole Program Optimization is enabled, and then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.WholeProgramOptimization)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support MSVC Link Time Optimization. Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Ignore Standard Include Paths is non-empty, then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.IgnoreStandardIncludePath)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support Ignore Standard Include Path (/X). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Smaller Type Check is enabled, then ignore it.-->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.SmallerTypeCheck)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support Smaller Type Check (/RTCc). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Runtime Checks are enabled, then ignore them.-->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.BasicRuntimeChecks)' != 'Default'"
Text="clang-cl does not support Basic Runtime Checks (/RTCu, /RTC1, /RTCs). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if parallel code generation on #pragma loop is enabled, then ignore. -->
<Warning Condition="'(ClCompile.EnableParallelCodeGeneration)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support parallel code generation with #pragma loop(hint) (/Qpar). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if hotpatchable images are turned on -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.CreateHotpatchableImage)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support creating hotpatchable images (/hotpatch). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if /Zc:forScope- is specified, and then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.ForceConformanceInForLoopScope)' == 'false'"
Text="clang-cl does not support disabling for loop scope conformance (/Zc:forScope-). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if /Zc:wchar_t- is specified, and then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType)' == 'false'"
Text="clang-cl does not support treating wchar_t as a non builtin type (/Zc:wchar_t-). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if XML Documentation is generated, and then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support generating xml documentation comment files (/doc). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if Browse Information is generated, and then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.BrowseInformation)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support generating browse information (/FR). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Warn if /analyze is passed, then ignore it. -->
<Warning Condition="'%(ClCompile.EnablePREfast)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support MSVC code analysis functionality (/analyze). Disable this option in compatibility settings to silence this warning."/>

<!-- Error if they're trying to compile this file as managed code. -->
<Error Condition="('%(ClCompile.CompileAsManaged)' != 'false') AND ('%(ClCompile.CompileAsManaged)' != '')"
Text="clang-cl does not support compiling managed code (/clr). This file cannot be compiled."/>

<!-- Error if WinRT is being used. -->
<Error Condition="('%(ClCompile.CompileAsWinRT)' == 'true') OR ('%(ClCompile.WinRTNoStdLib)' == 'true')"
Text="clang-cl does not support Windows Runtime Language Extensions (/ZW, /ZW:nostdlib). This file cannot be compiled."/>

<!-- Error if OpenMP language extensions are enabled. -->
<Error Condition="'%(ClCompile.OpenMPSupport)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support OpenMP (/openmp). This file cannot be compiled."/>

<!-- Error if C++ Modules are enabled. Clang has its own notion of modules that are not compatible. -->
<Error Condition="'%(ClCompile.EnableModules)' == 'true'"
Text="clang-cl does not support MSVC Modules (/experimental:module). This file cannot be compiled."/>

<!-- Map /ZI and /Zi to /Z7. Clang internally does this, so if we were
to just pass the option through, clang would work. The problem is
that MSBuild would not. MSBuild detects /ZI and /Zi and then
assumes (rightly) that there will be a compiler-generated PDB (e.g.
vc141.pdb). Since clang-cl will not emit this, MSBuild will always
think that the compiler-generated PDB needs to be re-generated from
scratch and trigger a full build. The way to avoid this is to
always give MSBuild accurate information about how we plan to
generate debug info (which is to always using /Z7 semantics).
<DebugInformationFormat Condition="'%(ClCompile.DebugInformationFormat)' == 'ProgramDatabase'">OldStyle</DebugInformationFormat>
<DebugInformationFormat Condition="'%(ClCompile.DebugInformationFormat)' == 'EditAndContinue'">OldStyle</DebugInformationFormat>

<!-- Unset any options that we either silently ignore or warn about due to compatibility.
Generally when an option is set to no value, that means "Don't pass an option to the
compiler at all."

<!-- We can't just unset BasicRuntimeChecks, as that will pass /RTCu to the compiler.
We have to explicitly set it to 'Default' to avoid passing anything. -->

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.LLVM-vs2010.targets

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions llvm/tools/msbuild/Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.LLVM-vs2012.targets

This file was deleted.

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