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Introduce fine-grain dependence analysis by tagging access functions …
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…and schedules tree with either the id of memory access or memory references.

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llvm-svn: 262039
  • Loading branch information
etherzhhb committed Feb 26, 2016
1 parent 9590c53 commit 9691d71
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Showing 5 changed files with 175 additions and 3 deletions.
78 changes: 75 additions & 3 deletions polly/lib/Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp
Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,53 @@ static cl::opt<enum AnalysisType> OptAnalysisType(
cl::Hidden, cl::init(VALUE_BASED_ANALYSIS), cl::ZeroOrMore,

enum AnalyisLevel {
static cl::opt<enum AnalyisLevel> OptAnalysisLevel(
cl::desc("The level of dependence analysis"),
cl::values(clEnumValN(STATEMENT_LEVEL_ANALYSIS, "statement-level",
"Statement-level analysis"),
clEnumValN(REFERENCE_LEVEL_ANALYSIS, "reference-level",
"Memory reference level analysis that distinguish"
" accessed references in the same statement"),
clEnumValN(ACCESS_LEVEL_ANALYSIS, "access-level",
"Memory reference level analysis that distinguish"
" access instructions in the same statement"),
cl::Hidden, cl::init(STATEMENT_LEVEL_ANALYSIS), cl::ZeroOrMore,


/// @brief Tag the @p Relation domain with @p TagId
static __isl_give isl_map *tag(__isl_take isl_map *Relation,
__isl_take isl_id *TagId) {
isl_space *Space = isl_map_get_space(Relation);
Space = isl_space_drop_dims(Space, isl_dim_out, 0, isl_map_n_out(Relation));
Space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(Space, isl_dim_out, TagId);
isl_multi_aff *Tag = isl_multi_aff_domain_map(Space);
Relation = isl_map_preimage_domain_multi_aff(Relation, Tag);
return Relation;

/// @brief Tag the @p Relation domain with either MA->getArrayId() or
/// MA->getId() based on @p TagLevel
static __isl_give isl_map *tag(__isl_take isl_map *Relation, MemoryAccess *MA,
AnalyisLevel TagLevel) {
return tag(Relation, MA->getArrayId());

return tag(Relation, MA->getId());

// No need to tag at the statement level.
return Relation;

/// @brief Collect information about the SCoP @p S.
static void collectInfo(Scop &S, isl_union_map **Read, isl_union_map **Write,
isl_union_map **MayWrite,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,15 +161,24 @@ static void collectInfo(Scop &S, isl_union_map **Read, isl_union_map **Write,
accdom = isl_map_range_map(accdom);

*AccessSchedule = isl_union_map_add_map(*AccessSchedule, Schedule);
} else {
accdom = tag(accdom, MA, OptAnalysisLevel);
if (OptAnalysisLevel > STATEMENT_LEVEL_ANALYSIS) {
isl_map *Schedule = tag(Stmt.getSchedule(), MA, OptAnalysisLevel);
*StmtSchedule = isl_union_map_add_map(*StmtSchedule, Schedule);

if (MA->isRead())
*Read = isl_union_map_add_map(*Read, accdom);
*Write = isl_union_map_add_map(*Write, accdom);
*StmtSchedule = isl_union_map_add_map(*StmtSchedule, Stmt.getSchedule());

*StmtSchedule = isl_union_map_add_map(*StmtSchedule, Stmt.getSchedule());

*StmtSchedule =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,7 +323,11 @@ static __isl_give isl_union_flow *buildFlow(__isl_keep isl_union_map *Snk,
if (Src)
AI = isl_union_access_info_set_must_source(AI, isl_union_map_copy(Src));
AI = isl_union_access_info_set_schedule(AI, isl_schedule_copy(Schedule));
return isl_union_access_info_compute_flow(AI);
auto Flow = isl_union_access_info_compute_flow(AI);
DEBUG(if (!Flow) dbgs() << "last error: "
<< isl_ctx_last_error(isl_schedule_get_ctx(Schedule))
<< '\n';);
return Flow;

void Dependences::calculateDependences(Scop &S) {
Expand All @@ -280,9 +338,22 @@ void Dependences::calculateDependences(Scop &S) {

collectInfo(S, &Read, &Write, &MayWrite, &AccessSchedule, &StmtSchedule);

DEBUG(dbgs() << "Read: " << Read << '\n';
dbgs() << "Write: " << Write << '\n';
dbgs() << "MayWrite: " << MayWrite << '\n';
dbgs() << "AccessSchedule: " << AccessSchedule << '\n';
dbgs() << "StmtSchedule: " << StmtSchedule << '\n';);

if (isl_union_map_is_empty(AccessSchedule)) {
Schedule = S.getScheduleTree();
// Tag the schedule tree if we want fine-grain dependence info
if (OptAnalysisLevel > STATEMENT_LEVEL_ANALYSIS) {
auto TaggedDom = isl_union_map_domain((isl_union_map_copy(StmtSchedule)));
auto TaggedMap = isl_union_set_unwrap(TaggedDom);
auto Tags = isl_union_map_domain_map_union_pw_multi_aff(TaggedMap);
Schedule = isl_schedule_pullback_union_pw_multi_aff(Schedule, Tags);
} else {
auto *ScheduleMap =
isl_union_map_union(AccessSchedule, isl_union_map_copy(StmtSchedule));
Expand All @@ -304,7 +375,8 @@ void Dependences::calculateDependences(Scop &S) {

DEBUG(dbgs() << "Read: " << Read << "\n";
dbgs() << "Write: " << Write << "\n";
dbgs() << "MayWrite: " << MayWrite << "\n");
dbgs() << "MayWrite: " << MayWrite << "\n";
dbgs() << "Schedule: " << Schedule << "\n");

RAW = WAW = WAR = RED = nullptr;

Expand Down
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions polly/test/DependenceInfo/fine_grain_dep_0.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-dependences -polly-dependences-analysis-type=value-based -polly-dependences-analysis-level=reference-level -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; CHECK: RAW dependences:
; CHECK-NEXT: [N] -> { [Stmt_for_body[i0] -> MemRef_a[]] -> [Stmt_for_body[4 + i0] -> MemRef_a[]] : 0 <= i0 <= -11 + N; [Stmt_for_body[i0] -> MemRef_b[]] -> [Stmt_for_body[6 + i0] -> MemRef_b[]] : 0 <= i0 <= -13 + N; Stmt_for_body[i0] -> Stmt_for_body[6 + i0] : 0 <= i0 <= -13 + N; Stmt_for_body[i0] -> Stmt_for_body[4 + i0] : 0 <= i0 <= -11 + N }
; CHECK-NEXT: WAR dependences:
; CHECK-NEXT: WAW dependences:
; CHECK-NEXT: Reduction dependences:
; void test(char a[], char b[], long N) {
; for (long i = 6; i < N; ++i) {
; a[i] = a[i - 4] + i;
; b[i] = b[i - 6] + i;
; }
; }

target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable
define void @test(i8* %a, i8* %b, i64 %N) #0 {
br label %for.cond

for.cond: ; preds =, %entry
%i.0 = phi i64 [ 6, %entry ], [ %inc, ]
%cmp = icmp slt i64 %i.0, %N
br i1 %cmp, label %for.body, label %for.end

for.body: ; preds = %for.cond
%sub = sub nsw i64 %i.0, 4
%arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %a, i64 %sub
%0 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx, align 1
%conv = sext i8 %0 to i64
%add = add nsw i64 %conv, %i.0
%conv1 = trunc i64 %add to i8
%arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %a, i64 %i.0
store i8 %conv1, i8* %arrayidx2, align 1
%sub3 = sub nsw i64 %i.0, 6
%arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %b, i64 %sub3
%1 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx4, align 1
%conv5 = sext i8 %1 to i64
%add6 = add nsw i64 %conv5, %i.0
%conv7 = trunc i64 %add6 to i8
%arrayidx8 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %b, i64 %i.0
store i8 %conv7, i8* %arrayidx8, align 1
br label ; preds = %for.body
%inc = add nsw i64 %i.0, 1
br label %for.cond

for.end: ; preds = %for.cond
ret void

attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.ident = !{!0}

!0 = !{!"clang version 3.9.0 ( 3d5d4c39659f11dfbe8e11c857cadf5c449b559b) ( 801561e2bba12f2aa0285feb1105e110df443761)"}
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions polly/test/DependenceInfo/reduction_complex_location.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-dependences -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-dependences -polly-dependences-analysis-level=reference-level -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-dependences -polly-dependences-analysis-level=access-level -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; CHECK: RAW dependences:
Expand Down
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt -basicaa %loadPolly -polly-dependences -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt -basicaa %loadPolly -polly-dependences -polly-dependences-analysis-level=reference-level -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt -basicaa %loadPolly -polly-dependences -polly-dependences-analysis-level=access-level -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
; Verify that only the inner reduction like accesses cause reduction dependences
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions polly/test/DependenceInfo/sequential_loops.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt -S %loadPolly -basicaa -polly-dependences -analyze -polly-dependences-analysis-type=value-based < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=VALUE
; RUN: opt -S %loadPolly -basicaa -polly-dependences -analyze -polly-dependences-analysis-type=memory-based < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MEMORY
; RUN: opt -S %loadPolly -basicaa -polly-dependences -analyze -polly-dependences-analysis-type=value-based -polly-dependences-analysis-level=access-level < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=VALUE_ACCESS

; VALUE-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'sequential_writes':
; VALUE-NEXT: RAW dependences:
Expand All @@ -9,6 +10,14 @@
; VALUE-NEXT: WAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 10 <= i0 <= 99 }
;VALUE_ACCESS-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'sequential_writes':
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: RAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAR dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 10 <= i0 <= 99; Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 10 <= i0 <= 99 }
; VALUE-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'read_after_writes':
; VALUE-NEXT: RAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: { Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 10 <= i0 <= 99 }
Expand All @@ -17,6 +26,14 @@
; VALUE-NEXT: WAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9 }
;VALUE_ACCESS-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'read_after_writes':
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: RAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: { [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Read0_MemRef_A[]] : 10 <= i0 <= 99; Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Read0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 10 <= i0 <= 99 }
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAR dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9 }
; VALUE-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'write_after_read':
; VALUE-NEXT: RAW dependences:
Expand All @@ -25,13 +42,29 @@
; VALUE-NEXT: WAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: { Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9 }
;VALUE_ACCESS-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'write_after_read':
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: RAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAR dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Read0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Read0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 10 <= i0 <= 99; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 10 <= i0 <= 99 }
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: { Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S3[i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 9; [Stmt_S2[i0] -> Stmt_S2_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S3[i0] -> Stmt_S3_Write0_MemRef_A[]] : 0 <= i0 <= 9 }
; VALUE-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.2' in function 'parametric_offset':
; VALUE-NEXT: RAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: [p] -> { Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[-p + i0] : i0 >= p and 0 <= i0 <= 99 and i0 <= 9 + p }
; VALUE-NEXT: WAR dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: [p] -> { }
; VALUE-NEXT: WAW dependences:
; VALUE-NEXT: [p] -> { }
;VALUE_ACCESS-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.2' in function 'parametric_offset':
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: RAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: [p] -> { [Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S1_Write0_MemRef_A[]] -> [Stmt_S2[-p + i0] -> Stmt_S2_Read0_MemRef_A[]] : i0 >= p and 0 <= i0 <= 99 and i0 <= 9 + p; Stmt_S1[i0] -> Stmt_S2[-p + i0] : i0 >= p and 0 <= i0 <= 99 and i0 <= 9 + p }
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAR dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: [p] -> { }
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: WAW dependences:
;VALUE_ACCESS-NEXT: [p] -> { }

; MEMORY-LABEL: Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: 'S1 => exit.3' in function 'sequential_writes':
; MEMORY-NEXT: RAW dependences:
Expand Down

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