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[DebugInfo][RemoveDIs] Emulate inserting insts in dbg.value sequences #73350

merged 3 commits into from
Nov 30, 2023


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@jmorse jmorse commented Nov 24, 2023

Here's a problem for the RemoveDIs project to make debug-info not be stored in instructions -- in the following sequence:
%bar = add i32 ...
It's possible for rare passes (only CodeGenPrepare) to remove the add instruction, and then re-insert it back in the same place. When debug-info is stored in instructions and there's a total order on "when" things happen this is easy, but by moving that information out of the instruction stream we start having to do manual maintenance.

This patch adds some utilities for re-inserting an instruction into a sequence of DPValue objects. Someday we hope to design this away, but for now it's necessary to support all the things you can do with dbg.values. The two unit tests show how DPValues get shuffled around using the relevant function calls. A follow-up patch adds instrumentation to CodeGenPrepare.

Here's a problem for the RemoveDIs project to make debug-info not be stored
in instructions -- in the following sequence:
    %bar = add i32 ...
It's possible for rare passes (only CodeGenPrepare) to remove the add
instruction, and then re-insert it back in the same place. When debug-info
is stored in instructions and there's a total order on "when" things happen
this is easy, but by moving that information out of the instruction stream
we start having to do manual maintenance.

This patch adds some utilities for re-inserting an instruction into a
sequence of DPValue objects. Someday we hope to design this away, but for
now it's necessary to support all the things you can do with dbg.values.
The two unit tests show how DPValues get shuffled around using the relevant
function calls. A follow-up patch adds instrumentation to CodeGenPrepare.
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llvmbot commented Nov 24, 2023



Author: Jeremy Morse (jmorse)


Here's a problem for the RemoveDIs project to make debug-info not be stored in instructions -- in the following sequence:
%bar = add i32 ...
It's possible for rare passes (only CodeGenPrepare) to remove the add instruction, and then re-insert it back in the same place. When debug-info is stored in instructions and there's a total order on "when" things happen this is easy, but by moving that information out of the instruction stream we start having to do manual maintenance.

This patch adds some utilities for re-inserting an instruction into a sequence of DPValue objects. Someday we hope to design this away, but for now it's necessary to support all the things you can do with dbg.values. The two unit tests show how DPValues get shuffled around using the relevant function calls. A follow-up patch adds instrumentation to CodeGenPrepare.

Full diff:

5 Files Affected:

  • (modified) llvm/include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h (+8)
  • (modified) llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.h (+10)
  • (modified) llvm/lib/IR/BasicBlock.cpp (+49)
  • (modified) llvm/lib/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.cpp (+25)
  • (modified) llvm/unittests/IR/BasicBlockDbgInfoTest.cpp (+144)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h
index ec916acc25151c8..45e4b577c8a992d 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h
@@ -141,6 +141,14 @@ class BasicBlock final : public Value, // Basic blocks are data objects also
   /// move such DPValues back to the right place (ahead of the terminator).
   void flushTerminatorDbgValues();
+  /// In rare circumstances instructions can be speculatively removed from
+  /// blocks, and then be re-inserted back into that position later. When this
+  /// happens in RemoveDIs debug-info mode, some special patching-up needs to
+  /// occur: inserting into the middle of a sequence of dbg.value intrinsics
+  /// does not have an equivalent with DPValues.
+  void reinsertInstInDPValues(Instruction *I,
+                              std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> Pos);
   void setParent(Function *parent);
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.h b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.h
index cfee2a87b75c7b5..93adf866054de4f 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.h
@@ -308,6 +308,11 @@ class DPMarker {
   /// Transfer any DPValues from \p Src into this DPMarker. If \p InsertAtHead
   /// is true, place them before existing DPValues, otherwise afterwards.
   void absorbDebugValues(DPMarker &Src, bool InsertAtHead);
+  /// Transfer the DPValues in \p Range from \p Src into this DPMarker. If
+  /// \p InsertAtHead is true, place them before existing DPValues, otherwise
+  // afterwards.
+  void absorbDebugValues(iterator_range<DPValue::self_iterator> Range,
+                         DPMarker &Src, bool InsertAtHead);
   /// Insert a DPValue into this DPMarker, at the end of the list. If
   /// \p InsertAtHead is true, at the start.
   void insertDPValue(DPValue *New, bool InsertAtHead);
@@ -328,6 +333,11 @@ class DPMarker {
   /// erasing a dbg.value from a block.
   void dropOneDPValue(DPValue *DPV);
+  /// Return an iterator to the position of the "Next" DPValue after this
+  /// marker, or std::nullopt. This is the position to pass to
+  /// BasicBlock::reinsertInstInDPValues when re-inserting an instruction.
+  std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> getReinsertionPosition();
   /// We generally act like all llvm Instructions have a range of DPValues
   /// attached to them, but in reality sometimes we don't allocate the DPMarker
   /// to save time and memory, but still have to return ranges of DPValues. When
diff --git a/llvm/lib/IR/BasicBlock.cpp b/llvm/lib/IR/BasicBlock.cpp
index 6c08ca1efc65288..27a797438891085 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/IR/BasicBlock.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/IR/BasicBlock.cpp
@@ -1013,6 +1013,55 @@ DPMarker *BasicBlock::getMarker(InstListType::iterator It) {
   return It->DbgMarker;
+void BasicBlock::reinsertInstInDPValues(
+    Instruction *I, std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> Pos) {
+  // "I" was originally removed from a position where it was immediately in
+  // front of Pos. Any DPValues on that position then "fell down" onto Pos.
+  // "I" has been re-inserted after that wedge of DPValues, shuffle them around
+  // to represent the original positioning. To illustrate:
+  //
+  //   Instructions:  I1---I---I0
+  //       DPValues:    DDD DDD
+  //
+  // Instruction "I" removed,
+  //
+  //   Instructions:  I1------I0
+  //       DPValues:    DDDDDD
+  //                       ^Pos
+  //
+  // Instruction "I" re-inserted (now):
+  //
+  //   Instructions:  I1------I-I0
+  //       DPValues:    DDDDDD
+  //                       ^Pos
+  //
+  // After this method completes:
+  //
+  //   Instructions:  I1---I---I0
+  //       DPValues:    DDD DDD
+  //
+  // In a fantastic future we would a) ban passes from doing this at all, but
+  // in lieu of that b) we could have more fine grained control over how
+  // debug-info records coalesce together. This will probably happen if/when we
+  // address the matter of all debug-info records having to have a total order.
+  // If there were no DPValues on I0, Pos will be empty. We also don't need to
+  // do any further maintanence.
+  if (!Pos)
+    return;
+  // Construct the range of DPMarkers to move.
+  DPMarker *DPM = (*Pos)->getMarker();
+  auto Range = make_range(*Pos, DPM->StoredDPValues.end());
+  assert(Range.begin() != Range.end());
+  // These are DPValues that used to be attached to I0 but are now attached to I
+  // after the re-insertion. Move them back onto I0.
+  DPMarker *NextMarker = createMarker(std::next(I->getIterator()));
+  assert(NextMarker->StoredDPValues.empty());
+  NextMarker->absorbDebugValues(Range, *DPM, true);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 /// In asserts builds, this checks the numbering. In non-asserts builds, it
 /// is defined as a no-op inline function in BasicBlock.h.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.cpp b/llvm/lib/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.cpp
index 581d77a26acb80a..f0e00b0d7a40a5f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/IR/DebugProgramInstruction.cpp
@@ -267,6 +267,19 @@ void DPMarker::dropOneDPValue(DPValue *DPV) {
+std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> DPMarker::getReinsertionPosition() {
+  // Is there a marker on the next instruction?
+  DPMarker *NextMarker = getParent()->getNextMarker(MarkedInstr);
+  if (!NextMarker)
+    return std::nullopt;
+  // Are there any DPValues in the next marker?
+  if (NextMarker->StoredDPValues.empty())
+    return std::nullopt;
+  return NextMarker->StoredDPValues.begin();
 const BasicBlock *DPMarker::getParent() const {
   return MarkedInstr->getParent();
@@ -334,6 +347,18 @@ void DPMarker::absorbDebugValues(DPMarker &Src, bool InsertAtHead) {
   StoredDPValues.splice(It, Src.StoredDPValues);
+void DPMarker::absorbDebugValues(iterator_range<DPValue::self_iterator> Range,
+                                 DPMarker &Src, bool InsertAtHead) {
+  for (DPValue &DPV : Range)
+    DPV.setMarker(this);
+  auto InsertPos =
+      (InsertAtHead) ? StoredDPValues.begin() : StoredDPValues.end();
+  StoredDPValues.splice(InsertPos, Src.StoredDPValues, Range.begin(),
+                        Range.end());
 iterator_range<simple_ilist<DPValue>::iterator> DPMarker::cloneDebugInfoFrom(
     DPMarker *From, std::optional<simple_ilist<DPValue>::iterator> from_here,
     bool InsertAtHead) {
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/IR/BasicBlockDbgInfoTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/IR/BasicBlockDbgInfoTest.cpp
index 481cd181d3848e7..190a9d772c7889e 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/IR/BasicBlockDbgInfoTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/IR/BasicBlockDbgInfoTest.cpp
@@ -1110,5 +1110,149 @@ TEST(BasicBlockDbgInfoTest, DbgSpliceTrailing) {
   UseNewDbgInfoFormat = false;
+// When we remove instructions from the program, adjacent DPValues coalesce
+// together into one DPMarker. In "old" dbg.value mode you could re-insert
+// the removed instruction back into the middle of a sequence of dbg.values.
+// Test that this can be replicated correctly by DPValues
+TEST(BasicBlockDbgInfoTest, RemoveInstAndReinsert) {
+  LLVMContext C;
+  UseNewDbgInfoFormat = true;
+  std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseIR(C, R"(
+    define i16 @f(i16 %a) !dbg !6 {
+    entry:
+      call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i16 %a, metadata !9, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !11
+      %foo = add i16 %a, %a
+      call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i16 0, metadata !9, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !11
+      ret i16 1
+    }
+    declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata)
+    ! = !{!0}
+    !llvm.module.flags = !{!5}
+    !0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C, file: !1, producer: "debugify", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !2)
+    !1 = !DIFile(filename: "t.ll", directory: "/")
+    !2 = !{}
+    !5 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
+    !6 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", linkageName: "foo", scope: null, file: !1, line: 1, type: !7, scopeLine: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition | DISPFlagOptimized, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !8)
+    !7 = !DISubroutineType(types: !2)
+    !8 = !{!9}
+    !9 = !DILocalVariable(name: "1", scope: !6, file: !1, line: 1, type: !10)
+    !10 = !DIBasicType(name: "ty16", size: 16, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned)
+    !11 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 1, scope: !6)
+  BasicBlock &Entry = M->getFunction("f")->getEntryBlock();
+  M->convertToNewDbgValues();
+  // Fetch the relevant instructions from the converted function.
+  Instruction *AddInst = &*Entry.begin();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(isa<BinaryOperator>(AddInst));
+  Instruction *RetInst = AddInst->getNextNode();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(isa<ReturnInst>(RetInst));
+  // They should both have one DPValue on each.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AddInst->hasDbgValues());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(RetInst->hasDbgValues());
+  auto R1 = AddInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R1.begin(), R1.end()), 1u);
+  auto R2 = RetInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R2.begin(), R2.end()), 1u);
+  // The Supported (TM) code sequence for removing then reinserting insts:
+  std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> Pos =
+      AddInst->DbgMarker->getReinsertionPosition();
+  AddInst->removeFromParent();
+  // We should have a re-insertion position.
+  // Both DPValues should now be attached to the ret inst.
+  auto R3 = RetInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R3.begin(), R3.end()), 2u);
+  // Re-insert and re-insert.
+  AddInst->insertBefore(RetInst);
+  Entry.reinsertInstInDPValues(AddInst, Pos);
+  // We should be back into a position of having one DPValue on each inst.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AddInst->hasDbgValues());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(RetInst->hasDbgValues());
+  auto R4 = AddInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R4.begin(), R4.end()), 1u);
+  auto R5 = RetInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R5.begin(), R5.end()), 1u);
+  UseNewDbgInfoFormat = false;
+// Test instruction removal and re-insertion, this time with one DPValue that
+// should hop up one instruction.
+TEST(BasicBlockDbgInfoTest, RemoveInstAndReinsertForOneDPValue) {
+  LLVMContext C;
+  UseNewDbgInfoFormat = true;
+  std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseIR(C, R"(
+    define i16 @f(i16 %a) !dbg !6 {
+    entry:
+      call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i16 %a, metadata !9, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !11
+      %foo = add i16 %a, %a
+      ret i16 1
+    }
+    declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata)
+    ! = !{!0}
+    !llvm.module.flags = !{!5}
+    !0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C, file: !1, producer: "debugify", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !2)
+    !1 = !DIFile(filename: "t.ll", directory: "/")
+    !2 = !{}
+    !5 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
+    !6 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", linkageName: "foo", scope: null, file: !1, line: 1, type: !7, scopeLine: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition | DISPFlagOptimized, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !8)
+    !7 = !DISubroutineType(types: !2)
+    !8 = !{!9}
+    !9 = !DILocalVariable(name: "1", scope: !6, file: !1, line: 1, type: !10)
+    !10 = !DIBasicType(name: "ty16", size: 16, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned)
+    !11 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 1, scope: !6)
+  BasicBlock &Entry = M->getFunction("f")->getEntryBlock();
+  M->convertToNewDbgValues();
+  // Fetch the relevant instructions from the converted function.
+  Instruction *AddInst = &*Entry.begin();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(isa<BinaryOperator>(AddInst));
+  Instruction *RetInst = AddInst->getNextNode();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(isa<ReturnInst>(RetInst));
+  // There should be one DPValue.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AddInst->hasDbgValues());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(RetInst->hasDbgValues());
+  auto R1 = AddInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R1.begin(), R1.end()), 1u);
+  // The Supported (TM) code sequence for removing then reinserting insts:
+  std::optional<DPValue::self_iterator> Pos =
+      AddInst->DbgMarker->getReinsertionPosition();
+  AddInst->removeFromParent();
+  // No re-insertion position as there were no DPValues on the ret.
+  // The single DPValue should now be attached to the ret inst.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(RetInst->hasDbgValues());
+  auto R2 = RetInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R2.begin(), R2.end()), 1u);
+  // Re-insert and re-insert.
+  AddInst->insertBefore(RetInst);
+  Entry.reinsertInstInDPValues(AddInst, Pos);
+  // We should be back into a position of having one DPValue on the AddInst.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AddInst->hasDbgValues());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(RetInst->hasDbgValues());
+  auto R3 = AddInst->getDbgValueRange();
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(R3.begin(), R3.end()), 1u);
+  UseNewDbgInfoFormat = false;
 } // End anonymous namespace.

Fix tests for insertAfter faff
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jmorse commented Nov 28, 2023

More mucking around with the CodeGenPrepare patch (uploading shortly) has revealed that actually the supported use case is where the reinserted instruction is placed with insertAfter rather than insertBefore, which changes the set of inputs that needs to be supported. The commit just pushed switches this facility to support that (and udpate the tests for it).

I feel it's alright to support this limited situation seeing how it's only for one consumer (CodeGenPrepare). One day codegenprepare will go away anyway... according to the file comment... written in 2008.

jmorse added a commit to jmorse/llvm-project that referenced this pull request Nov 28, 2023
CodeGenPrepare needs to support the maintenence of DPValues, the
non-instruction replacement for dbg.value intrinsics. This means there are
a few functions we need to duplicate or replicate the functionality of:
 * fixupDbgValue for setting users of sunk addr GEPs,
 * The remains of placeDbgValues needs a DPValue implementation for sinking
 * Rollback of RAUWs needs to update DPValues
 * Rollback of instruction removal needs supporting (see github llvm#73350)
 * A few places where we have to use iterators rather than instructions.

There are three places where we have to use the setHeadBit call on
iterators to indicate which portion of debug-info records we're about to
splice around. This is because CodeGenPrepare, unlike other optimisation
passes, is very much concerned with which block an operation occurs in and
where in the block instructions are because it's preparing things to be in
a format that's good for SelectionDAG.

There isn't a large amount of test coverage for debuginfo behaviours in
this pass, hence I've added some more.
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@OCHyams OCHyams left a comment

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@jmorse jmorse merged commit 2ec0283 into llvm:main Nov 30, 2023
2 of 3 checks passed
jmorse added a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 30, 2023

CodeGenPrepare needs to support the maintenence of DPValues, the
non-instruction replacement for dbg.value intrinsics. This means there are
a few functions we need to duplicate or replicate the functionality of:
 * fixupDbgValue for setting users of sunk addr GEPs,
 * The remains of placeDbgValues needs a DPValue implementation for sinking
 * Rollback of RAUWs needs to update DPValues
 * Rollback of instruction removal needs supporting (see github #73350)
 * A few places where we have to use iterators rather than instructions.

There are three places where we have to use the setHeadBit call on
iterators to indicate which portion of debug-info records we're about to
splice around. This is because CodeGenPrepare, unlike other optimisation
passes, is very much concerned with which block an operation occurs in and
where in the block instructions are because it's preparing things to be in
a format that's good for SelectionDAG.

There isn't a large amount of test coverage for debuginfo behaviours in
this pass, hence I've added some more.
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