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Source and data files used to analyse vertebrate intron size evolution (ws2)

This repository contains a set of source code and data files used to analyse how intron sizes have evolved during vertebrate evolution.

The source and data files are present throughout the directories, but are described in two separate lists below. Many of the data files used as input and listed below were created within a separate directory structure on a different computer (ws1).

Source files

Project specific source code

  • R/

    • functions.R
      General plotting and data transformation functions. Somewhat redundant with those in R_common_funnctions/ (see below).
  • R_172_genomes/

    • R_172_genomes.R
      Initial analysis of intron size changes across the vertebrates. Was used to create the intron orthology and Kimura two factor distances used for phylogenetic data. All processed transcript alignments were called from this file.

    The analyses were based on sequence and exon coordinates defined in analyses on ws1 in R_i72_genomes.R and family_members/

  • R_basic_stats/

    • basic_stats.R
      Statistics and plots based on all introns in all species without consideration of orthology.
  • R_common_functions/

    • functions.R
      Primarily database access functions, but also some general plotting functions.
    • src/
      Compiled functions for extracting sequence masks from tabular blast data.
      • bl_cov.c
      • test.R
  • R_dr_repeats/

    • dr_repeats.R
      An analysis of repeat sequence influenece on intron size in D. rerio.
  • R_gene_ontology/

    • gene_ontology.R
      Analyses used to investigate enrichment and depletion statistics for gene ontology group membership.
  • R_genome_pos/

    • genome_pos.R
      Relationship between genome location and intron size. Incomplete.
  • R_intron_alignments/

    • intron_alignments.R
      First attempts to assess the relationship between intron length and sequence conservation; the code was refactored in later analyses due to being too messy.
  • R_intron_alignments_2/
    Primarily a cleanup of the code in R_intron_alignments, but also includes blast of aligned sequences to a range of genomes (see subdirectories). Note that these analyses were carried out on (slightly) incorrectly defined sets of introns.

    • functions.R
      Functions specific to intron alignments, sourced in several other R sessions.
    • intron_alignments_2.R
    • extracted_introns/
      Directories and files containing extracted intron sequences and scripts for running blast on these against genome sequence databases.
      • blast/
    • extracted_seqs/
      • blast/
        • blast_alignments.R
  • R_intron_alignments_3/

    • intron_alignments_3.R
      Similar analyses to those in R_intron_alignments_2, but using G. aculeatus as the seed species.
  • R_intron_alignments_4/

    • intron_alignments_4.R
      Alignments as in prior analyses but using reverse complemented D. rerio sequences as control sequences.
  • R_intron_alignments_5/
    Inclusion of additional intron sets.

    • intron_alignments_5.R
    • extracted_seqs/
      Directories and files containing extracted intron sequences and scripts for running blast on these against genome sequence databases.
      • blast/
  • R_intron_alignments_6/
    All alignments redone due to a bug found in the code selecting specific sets of introns which meant that the definitions of the different intron sets was not completely correct. Note that the error was minor, and that no difference in overall behaviour was observed.

    • functions.R
    • intron_alignments_6.R
  • R_intron_alignments_7/
    All orthologous introns from two closely related species aligned. Incomplete analysis.

    • functions.R
    • intron_alignments_7.R
  • R_intron_alignments_8/
    Alignments of introns with a teleost minimal length between 256 and 90 bp long.

    • intron_alignemnts_8.R
  • R_intron_alignments_summary/
    A combined analyses of alignments in R_intron_alignments_2 and R_intron_alignments_5. Note that these used the incorrectly defined intron sets.

    • functions.R
    • intron_alignments_summary.R
    • blast/
      Directories and files containing extracted intron sequences and scripts for running blast on these against genome sequence databases.
  • R_intron_alignments_summary_2/
    A combined analyses of alignments in R_intron_alignments_6 and R_intron_alignments_8 (i.e. the corrected intron sets).

    • functions.R
      Local functions.
    • intron_alignments_summary_2.R
    • blast/
      Directories and files containing extracted intron sequences and scripts for running blast on these against genome sequence databases.
  • R_intron_orthology/
    Definition of a quality score for intron orthologue predictions.

    • intron_orthology.R
  • R_rand_alignments/
    Alignment of introns to random sequences in order to evaluate the alignment statistics used.

    • rand_alignments.R
  • R_trees_distances/
    Inference of ancestral intron sizes.

    • trees_distances.R
  • R_trees_distances_2/
    Inference of ancestral intron sizes but with finer grained intron size discretization.

    • trees_distances_2.R
  • danio_rerio_orth_introns/
    An aborted attempt to define repeats within D. rerio introns by self-blast. This turns out to be to too expensive, so I used Ensembl repeat annotation instead (see R_dr_repeats/).

  • family_members/
    Files synchronised from ws1 (see descriptions above). Included in the directory structure since the resulting outputs were used as input data for downstream analyses.

    • family_members.R

External dependancies

A mixture of compiled (C) and R code used by the project specific code. Note that the absolute locations of these files was different when used for the described analyses, and that it is necessary to amend all source() and dyn.load() statements in the above described code in order to reflect the new location.

Both R_max_parsimony and exon_aligneR have their own github repositories; the ones given here reflect the code used in the described analyses.

  • external/R_max_parsimony/
    Source for wrappers and compiled functions implementing Sankoff maximimum parsimony as anextension to R.
    • R/
      R wrapper functions.
      • functions.R
    • src/
      • max_parsimony.c
      • tree.c
      • tree.h
  • external/exon_aligneR/
    Source for wrappers and compiled functions implementing a range of different pairwise alignment methods.
    • functions.R
    • src/
      • cigar.h
      • exon_aligneR.c
      • needleman_wunsch.c
      • needleman_wunsch.h
      • util.c
      • util.h
  • external/general_functions.R A collection of small utility functions used by some of the analyses (primarily the hsvScale() colour generating function).

Data files

Note that some of the files listed below have are not included in the repository due to their excessive size. Nevertheless it should be possible to create most of these files from the scripts included. In some cases these may require the use of external databases such as genome blast databases.

Compute node 2 (ws2)

  • R_172_genomes/
    Files resulting from initial analysis of orthologous introns from 172 species, and data files obtained from ws1.
    • assemblies.rds
      Copy of file from ws1. Not used due to variable representation.
    • dr_intron_fam.txt
    • dr_intron_orthology_i.txt
    • dr_intron_orthology_id.txt
    • dr_intron_orthology_l.txt
    • dr_intron_orthology_tr.txt
      Files with names starting with dr_intron_orthology defined the intron orthology used here. Each one is a table with one column for each species and one row for each D. rerio intron found in gene members of the selected protein family set. The files contain: _i intron rank; _id gene id, _tr transcript id, _l length. The table dr_intron_fam.txt contains a single column containing the family identifier for each row of these tables.
    • dr_mammal_var.txt
    • dr_sauria_var.txt
    • dr_teleost_var.txt
      Tables with names matching the dr_[a-z]+_var.txt pattern contain intron length variance data for the respective species groups.
    • ex_align_2.rds
      Alignment statistics derived from alignments of transcripts from 472 protein families used to define phylogenetic distances. A list based tree (protein family -> species 1 -> species 2 -> alignment statistics).
    • ex_align_2_id.txt
      Protein families and gene identities for genes aligned all-against-all in order to define phylogenetic distances.
    • ex_align_2_jc.rds
    • ex_align_2_jcg.rds
    • ex_align_2_k2.rds
      Files with names matching ex_align_2_(jc|jcg|k2).rds contain pairwise phylogenetic distances: _jc Jukes Cantor, _jcg Jukes Cantor gapped, _k2 Kimura two factor.
    • ex_align_2_k2_nj.rds
      A neighbour joining tree derived from the distances in ex_align_2_k2.rds using the nj() function from the ape package (CRAN).
    • ex_align_id.rds
      Sequence alignments and statistics used to define the intron orthology. A list based tree structure (protein family -> seed species -> alignment information).
      Note that this file has been split into five smaller files with suffixes _aa to _ae. The original file can be reformed by concatenation.
    • genome_sizes.txt
    • int_s_inf.rds
      Inferred lengths (log2 transformed) of introns ancestral species.
    • int_s_l.rds
      Intron lengths (log2 transformed).
    • int_sp_mi_dr_m.rds
      Matrix of species mutual information statistics based on orthologous intron lengths.
    • intron_files.txt
      A mapping of protein family identifiers to the files containing the intron sequences.
    • leaf_int_d.rds
      Cumulative sums of mean intron size and phylogenetic distance from the common ancestor to each individual leaf node.
    • mammal_b.txt
    • sauria_b.txt
    • teleost_b.txt
      Logical values; is the species a mammal, sauria, or teleost.
    • ncbi_lineages.rds
      Taxonomic information obtained from the Ensembl compara database (ws1).
    • seq_region.rds
      Contig and scaffold information for each species (ws1).
    • species_lineages.rds
      The taxonomic lineage of individual species (i.e. the nodes traversed from the common root to each leaf).
  • R_basic_stats/
    • all_genes_exon_intron_stats.csv
      Copy of family_members/all_genes/exon_intron_stats.csv created on ws1.
  • R_dr_repeats/
    • danio_rerio_introns_mask.txt
      Repeat masking of D. rerio introns. Incomplete analysis.
  • R_intron_alignments/
    Alignments of selected sets of D. rerio introns to orthologues in all other species.
    • al_ctl_500.rds
    • al_ctl_500_ctl.rds
    • al_top_500.rds
    • al_top_500_ctl.rds
  • R_intron_alignments_2/
    A set of files complementing the analysis in R_intron_alignments. Not used for the final analysis.
    • aligns_top_al_cl.rds
    • extracted_introns/
      • long.ctl.txt
      • long.fasta
      • long.txt
      • sampled.ctl.txt
      • sampled.fasta
      • sampled.txt
        Intron sequences and coordinates from aligned sequences. Created by shell and perl scripts in the same directory. Not used.
      • blast/
        A directory containing series of blast output files created by the shell scripts in this directory. Outputfiles not included due to size, and since they were not used.
    • extracted_seqs/
      Sequence files containing the aligned parts of the D. rerio sequence which aligned with the highest score to sequences from the indicated clades (Mammalia, Sauria and Teleostei). These files were extracted by intron_alignments_2.R.
      • mam_long.ctl.fasta
      • mam_long.fasta
      • mam_sampled.ctl.fasta
      • mam_sampled.fasta
      • sau_long.ctl.fasta
      • sau_long.fasta
      • sau_sampled.ctl.fasta
      • sau_sampled.fasta
      • tel_long.ctl.fasta
      • tel_long.fasta
      • tel_sampled.ctl.fasta
      • tel_sampled.fasta
      • blast/
        Blast outpu files. Not included due to excessive size.
  • R_intron_alignments_5/ Similar to R_intron_alignments_2 with a similar directory structure, but for an extended set of introns. Also not used in final analysis due to incorrect intron set selection.
    • ctl_aligns.rds
    • ctl_aligns_top_cl.rds
    • extracted_seqs/
      • mam_ctl.fasta
      • mam_long_2.fasta
      • sau_ctl.fasta
      • sau_long_2.fasta
      • tel_ctl.fasta
      • tel_long_2.fasta
      • blast/
    • long_2_aligns.rds
    • long_3_aligns.rds
  • R_intron_alignments_6/
    Repeat of alignments performed in R_intron_alignments_2 and R_intron_alignments_5, but with the intron set memberships corrected. The .rds files here were used in R_intron_alignments_summary_2.
    • ctl_aligns.rds
    • ctl_ctl_aligns.rds
    • ctl_i.rds
    • long_aligns.rds
    • long_ctl_aligns.rds
    • long_i.rds
    • med_aligns.rds
    • med_ctl_aligns.rds
    • med_i.rds
    • tel_var.rds
  • R_intron_alignments_7/
    Data from alignments of all orthologous introns for two pairs of closely related species. Incomplete analysis.
    • sp1_al.rds
    • sp2_al.rds
  • R_intron_alignments_8/
    An extended set of alignments. Used in R_intron_alignments_summary_2 below.
    • ctl_2_aligns.rds
    • ctl_2_i.rds
    • ctl_3_aligns.rds
  • R_intron_alignments_summary/
    A combined analysis of alignments performed in R_intron_alignments and R_intron_alignments_5. Note that these are for slightly incorrectly defined intron sets.
    • aligns_ctl_top.rds
    • aligns_top.rds
    • bl_cov.rds
    • bl_ctl_cov.rds
    • blast/
      Blast of aligned sequences from the indicated sets to a set of complete genomes. Run using the shell scripts within the directory.
    • extracted_seqs/
      Aligned intronic sequences.
      • ctl.ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • ctl.ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • long.ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • long.ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • long_mammalia.fasta
      • long_teleostei.fasta
      • med_mammalia.fasta
      • med_teleostei.fasta
  • R_intron_alignments_summary_2/
    A combined analysis of the alignments peformed in R_intron_alignments_6 and R_intron_alignments_8.
    • aligns_ctl_top.rds
    • aligns_short_2_top.rds
    • aligns_short_top.rds
    • aligns_top.rds
      Files with names matching the pattern aligns_.+?_top.rds contain alignment information from the top scoring local alignment for each species.
    • bl_cov.rds
    • bl_cov_2.rds
    • bl_cov_3.rds
    • bl_ctl_cov.rds
      bl_.+?_cov_.?.rds files contain blast coverage data (i.e. how many sequences from D. rerio aligned to the D. rerio intron sequences.
    • bl_data_3.rds
    • bl_files_3.rds
    • blast/
      Blast of aligned sequences from the indicated sets to a set of complete genomes. Data not included as excessively large.
    • extracted_seqs/
      The sequences used for the above blast (extracted from the highest scoring alignments per intron and indicated clade.
      • ctl.ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • ctl.ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • long.ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • long.ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • long_mammalia.fasta
      • long_teleostei.fasta
      • med.ctl_mammalia.fasta
      • med.ctl_teleostei.fasta
      • med_mammalia.fasta
      • med_teleostei.fasta
      • short.2_mammalia.fasta
      • short.2_teleostei.fasta
      • short_mammalia.fasta
      • short_teleostei.fasta
    • mam_var.rds
    • tel_var.rds
      Mammailan and teleost intron length variances recalculated to ensure internal correspondence between row and column orders of datastructures used in the analysis.
    • orth.rds
    • orth_sc_dr.rds
  • R_intron_orthology/
    • intron_orth_lscore.rds
      Contains information about the localised alignment score at the inferred intron orthologue posisitions.
  • R_trees_distances/
    Analysis of inferred ancestral intron sizes.
    • all_intron_s_n.rds
      Numbers of introns for each species that are annotated as shorter than 2^5^ or 2^8^ bases.
    • class_col_3.rds
    • int_s_b.rds
    • sp_class_3.rds
    • sp_col_3.rds
    • sp_y.rds
      Data files giving species classification, colours and a logical taxonomic ordering (sp_y.rds).
  • R_trees_distances_2/
    • sp_class_3.rds
      More finely grained taxonomic information.
  • family_members/
    Data copied from ws1 in order to faciliate extended analyses.
    • introns_nuc_counts.txt
    • orthologue_transcripts/
      • exon_intron_stats.csv
    • vertebrate_family_members_1_130.txt


Evolution of vertebrate intron size






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