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nuc_complexity: windowed kmer entropy estimates

This code contains a single function, kmer.complexity that calculates entropy ($E$) based on the kmer content across specified windows:

$$ E = -\sum_{i=1..n}log(f_i)f_i $$

Where $f_i$ is the frequency of kmer $i$ and $n$ is the number of k-mers for a specified window.

kmer.complexity(seq, k, window.size, olap, comp.beg=FALSE)


The function takes 6 arguments:

  1. seq
    A character vector. Entropy will be determined for only the first element of this vector.
  2. k
    A numeric vector specifying the size of the k-mers to be used for the analysis. Any number of values of k can be specified, but they should be within 1 and 16.
  3. window.size
    The size of windows across which entropy should be calculated. If set to 0, the window size will be set to $4^k$ for each k specified. If a vector of window sizes is specified this will be recycled for each value of k.
  4. olap
    Should the complexity be calculated for all overlapping k-mers or only for distinct ones? That is, should the kmers be moved by a step of 1 or k during the determination.
  5. comp.beg
    Compensate the entropy calculated for the incomplete windows. If true, the frequency $f_i$ will be determined for the number of k-mers counted until a complete window is obtained. This means that the initial entropy will always be the maximal possible, and this will then drop until a complete window has been obtained.

The function uses $log_2$ in order that the unit of entropy is in bits. This is convenient as a completely random nucleid acid sequence will have an entropy of $2k$. Since it is possible to specify windows that are smaller than the k-mer, the max entropy $E_{max}$ is:

$$ E_{max} = \min \begin{cases} 2k \\ log_2{s} \end{cases} $$

where $s$ is the window size used.


kmer.complexity returns a named list containing the following components:

  1. k<k>: A vector of entropy for each value of k specified. These will be named "k" with <k> representing the size of k. That is, if k is 5, the entry will be named k5.
  2. kws: a matrix with columns k and ws giving the kmer and window sizes for which entropy has been estimated.
  3. olap: A logical value indicating whether entropy was estimated for overlapping kmers.


Here I have run the function scaffold 4 of an assembly of the genome of L. piscatorius. This scaffold appears to include telomere sequences at both ends and contains about 42 million base pairs.

## seq contains genome assembly scaffolds
i <- 4
    entropy.ol <- kmer.complexity(seq[i], c(5), 1024, olap=TRUE, comp.beg=TRUE)
##  user  system elapsed 
## 4.075   0.185   4.260 

i <- 4
system.time( <- kmer.complexity(seq[i], c(5), 1024, olap=FALSE, comp.beg=TRUE)
##  user  system elapsed 
## 1.695   0.050   1.744 

It takes about 4 and 1.7 seconds respectively for overlapping and non-overlapping kmers with a k of 5. There is no discernible differences in the estimates for overlapping and non-overlapping kmers at this resolution.

Complexity along a scaffold from the L. piscatorius genome. Black and red lines indicate estimates based on overlapping and non-overlapping kmers respectively. Low entropy at the beginning and end of the scaffold reflect telomere sequences


No checks for ambiguity symbols

The function uses a 2 bit representation of kmers by modifying a single 32 bit unsigned integer using the following bitwise operations:

kmer = (kmer << 2) | ( (seq[i] >> 1) & 3 );

This means that any stretches containing ambiguity symbols (especially N) will give incorrect entropy estimates without warning. The most likely problem is that all windows that contain Ns will have a reduced entropy. I do not consider this to be a major issue since the estimates themselves do not consider sequence content and this is something that should be extracted as a secondary step.

Window size

The window size is specified by the number of k-mers counted; this means that the physical window size (the size of the region of the chromosome) is different for overlapping and non-overlapping k-mers.


Windowed k-mer entropy estimates






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