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Searchable schedules and fast async 30 day listings pull

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@lmmx lmmx released this 18 Mar 13:08
· 56 commits to master since this release

🚢 🏷️ v1.0.0: “Searchable schedules and fast async 30 day listings pull”

🍾 🥳 Initial release ! 🥳 🍾

  • 🏎️ Async schedule listing fetches for 30 days in 2 seconds with multiprocessing (the GET requests alone previously took 0.5 seconds per schedule, so around 15 seconds total, followed by parsing, big speed up!) 6639bd1
  • 🗂️ ChannelSchedule and ChannelListings for individual days (defaulting to today's date) and multiple days' schedules (defaulting to last 30 days) respectively 15c8bd7