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Rename src.ast⇒ast_util, find AST end points with asttokens, move rep…
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…orting out of ast_parse and into functions which know src/dst explicitly (don't surmise and confuse the control flow), begin src.editor to execute edit agenda
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lmmx committed Dec 7, 2019
1 parent be86eb6 commit b65b247
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Showing 7 changed files with 145 additions and 76 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions
Expand Up @@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ The idea is to run a command like `mvdef fn1 fn2 fn3` to do the fo
- If not, it would just be a matter of testing this manually (i.e. not necessary to define test
to use tool, but suggested best practice)
- [x] Enumerate all import statements in `` (nodes in the AST of type `ast.Import`)
- `src.ast``annotate_imports` returns this list, which gets assigned to `imports`
in `src.ast``parse_mv_funcs`
- `src.ast_util``annotate_imports` returns this list, which gets assigned to `imports`
in `src.ast_util``parse_mv_funcs`
- [x] Enumerate all function definitions in `` (nodes in the AST of type `ast.FunctionDef`)
- `ast``parse` provides this as the `.body` nodes which are of type `ast.FunctionDef`.
- This subset of AST nodes is assigned to `defs` in `src.ast``ast_parse`.
- This subset of AST nodes is assigned to `defs` in `src.ast_util``ast_parse`.
- [x] Find the following subsets:
- [x] `mvdefs`: subset of all function definitions which are to be moved (`fn1`, `fn2`, `fn3`)
- This subset is determined by cross-referencing the names of the `defs` (from previous step)
against the `mv_list` (list of functions to move, such as `["fn1", "fn2", "fn3"]`),
in the dedicated function `src.ast``get_def_names`, then returned by `src.ast`
`parse_mv_funcs` as a list, assigned to `mvdefs` in `src.ast``ast_parse`.
in the dedicated function `src.ast_util``get_def_names`, then returned by `src.ast_tools`
`parse_mv_funcs` as a list, assigned to `mvdefs` in `src.ast_util``ast_parse`.
- [x] `nonmvdefs`: subset of all function definitions **not** to be moved (not in `mvdefs`)
- This subset is determined by negative cross-ref. to names of the `defs` against the
`mv_list` (such as `["fn4", "fn5", "fn6"]`), again using `src.ast``get_def_names`,
then returned by `src.ast``parse_mv_funcs` as a list, assigned to `nonmvdefs`
in `src.ast``ast_parse`.
`mv_list` (such as `["fn4", "fn5", "fn6"]`), again using `src.ast_util``get_def_names`,
then returned by `src.ast_util``parse_mv_funcs` as a list, assigned to `nonmvdefs`
in `src.ast_util``ast_parse`.
- [x] `mv_imports`: Import statements used only by the functions in `mvdefs`
- [x] `nonmv_imports`: Import statements used only by the functions in `nonmvdefs`
- [x] `mutual_imports`: Import statements used by both functions in `mvdefs` and `nonmvdefs`
Expand All @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ The idea is to run a command like `mvdef fn1 fn2 fn3` to do the fo
`src.demo``run_demo` has returned a parsed version of the source and destination files
(which will only matter once the parameter `nochange` is set to `False` in `run_demo`,
allowing it to propagate through the call to `src.demo``parse_example` into a call to
`src.ast``ast_parse(..., edit=True)` and ultimately carry out in-place editing of the
`src.ast_util``ast_parse(..., edit=True)` and ultimately carry out in-place editing of the
source and/or destination file/s as required).
- [ ] If they fail, ask to restore the backup and give the altered src/dst `.py` files
`.py.mvdef_fix` suffixes (i.e. always permit the user to exit gracefully with no further
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion mvdef/example/
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import arange, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os.path import basename, sep as pathsep, islink
from os.path import (
basename as aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
sep as pathsep,

def show_line(n=4, suppress_display=False):
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions mvdef/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
from asttokens import ASTTokens
from ast import Import as IType, ImportFrom as IFType, walk

def get_imports(source_filepath, index_list=None):
with open(source_filepath, 'r') as f:
source =
fl = source.split('\n')
a = ASTTokens(source, parse=True)
imports = [t for t in walk(a.tree) if type(t) in (IType, IFType)]
if index_list is not None:
imports = []
for (n, n_i) in index_list:
return [imports[i] for i in index_list]
return imports

def count_imported_names(nodes):
Return an integer for a single node (0 if not an import statement),
else return a list of integers for a list of AST nodes.
if type(nodes) is not list:
if type(nodes) in [IType, IFType]:
return len(nodes.names)
assert ast.stmt in type(nodes).mro(), f"{nodes} is not an AST statement"
return 0
counts = []
for node in nodes:
if type(node) in [IType, IFType]:
c = len(node.names)
assert ast.stmt in type(nodes).mro(), f"{nodes} is not an AST statement"
return counts

def locate_import_ends(source_filepath, index_list=None):
ends = []
nodes = get_imports(source_filepath, index_list)
for n in nodes:
end = {}
end["line"], end["index"] = n.last_token.end[0]
return ends
125 changes: 66 additions & 59 deletions mvdef/src/ → mvdef/src/
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,72 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
import builtins
from src.display import colour_str as colour
from asttokens import ASTTokens
from src.editor import edit_defs

def ast_parse(py_file, mv_list=[], report=True, edit=False, backup=True):
Build and arse the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a Python file, and either return
a report of what changes would be required to move the mv_list of funcdefs out
of it, or a report of the imports and funcdefs in general if no mv_list is
provided (taken to indicate that the file is the target funcdefs are moving to),
or make changes to the file (either newly creating one if no such file exists,
or editing in place according to the reported import statement differences).
If the py_file doesn't exist, it's being newly created by the move and obviously
no report can be made on it: it has no funcdefs and no import statements, so
all the ones being moved will be newly created.
mv_list should be given if the file is the source of moved functions, and left
empty (defaulting to value of []) if the file is the destination to move them to.
If report is True, returns a string describing the changes
to be made (if False, nothing is returned).
If edit is True, files will be changed in place (note that this function does
not actually do the editing, it just returns the edit agenda and uses the edit
parameter as a sanity check to prevent wasted computation if neither edit nor
report is True).
If backup is True, files will be changed in place by calling src.backup.backup
(obviously, be careful switching this setting off if report is True, as any
changes made cannot be restored afterwards from this backup file).
assert True in (edit, report), "Nothing to do"
extant = py_file.exists() and py_file.is_file()
if extant:
with open(py_file, "r") as f:
fc =
# a = ast
nodes = ast.parse(fc).body

imports = [n for n in nodes if type(n) in [ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom]]
defs = [n for n in nodes if type(n) == ast.FunctionDef]
# return imports, funcdefs
edit_agenda = process_imports(py_file, mv_list, defs, imports, report)

if mv_list == [] and report:
# The mv_list is empty if it was not passed in at all, i.e. this indicates
# no files are to be moved from py_file, i.e. they are moving into py_file
# extant is True so non_mvdef is just all funcdefs for the file
print(f"⇒ No functions to move from {colour('light_gray', py_file)}")
elif mv_list != [] and report:
print(f"⇒ Functions moving from {colour('light_gray',py_file)}: {mv_list}")
elif report:
print(f"⇒ Functions moving to {colour('light_gray', py_file)}")
return edit_agenda
elif mv_list == [] and report:
# not extant so file doesn't exist (cannot produce a parsed AST)
# however mv_list is [] so file must be dst
f"⇒ Functions will move to {colour('light_gray', py_file)}"
+ " (it's being created from them)"
raise ValueError(f"Can't move {mv_list} from {py_file} – it doesn't exist!")

def annotate_imports(imports, report=True):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,65 +412,6 @@ def process_imports(fp, mv_list, defs, imports, report=True, edit=False):
return edit_agenda

def ast_parse(py_file, mv_list=[], report=True, edit=False, backup=True):
Build and arse the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a Python file, and either return
a report of what changes would be required to move the mv_list of funcdefs out
of it, or a report of the imports and funcdefs in general if no mv_list is
provided (taken to indicate that the file is the target funcdefs are moving to),
or make changes to the file (either newly creating one if no such file exists,
or editing in place according to the reported import statement differences).
If the py_file doesn't exist, it's being newly created by the move and obviously
no report can be made on it: it has no funcdefs and no import statements, so
all the ones being moved will be newly created.
mv_list should be given if the file is the source of moved functions, and left
empty (defaulting to value of []) if the file is the destination to move them to.
If report is True, returns a string describing the changes
to be made (if False, nothing is returned).
If edit is True, files will be changed in place.
If backup is True, files will be changed in place by calling src.backup.backup
(obviously, be careful switching this setting off if report is True, as any
changes made cannot be restored afterwards from this backup file).
assert True in (edit, report), "Nothing to do"
extant = py_file.exists() and py_file.is_file()
if extant:
with open(py_file, "r") as f:
fc =
nodes = ast.parse(fc).body

imports = [n for n in nodes if type(n) in [ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom]]
defs = [n for n in nodes if type(n) == ast.FunctionDef]
# return imports, funcdefs
edit_agenda = process_imports(py_file, mv_list, defs, imports, report)

if mv_list == [] and report:
# The mv_list is empty if it was not passed in at all, i.e. this indicates
# no files are to be moved from py_file, i.e. they are moving into py_file
# extant is True so non_mvdef is just all funcdefs for the file
print(f"⇒ No functions to move from {colour('light_gray', py_file)}")
elif mv_list != [] and report:
print(f"⇒ Functions moving from {colour('light_gray',py_file)}: {mv_list}")
elif report:
print(f"⇒ Functions moving to {colour('light_gray', py_file)}")

if edit:
# Act out the changes specified in edit_agenda
elif mv_list == [] and report:
# not extant so file doesn't exist, however mv_list is [] so file must be dst
f"⇒ Functions will move to {colour('light_gray', py_file)}"
+ " (it's being created from them)"

def spare_mvdef_func():
Wrote this on a misunderstanding of what mvdef_import should be, but might reuse
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mvdef/src/
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ def backup(filepath, dry_run=False, suffix=".backup", hidden=True):
an incrementing integer. If dry_run is True, all the checks for the possibility of
creating the backup will be run, but no files will be opened or touched. (To report
on the funcdef/import statements to be moved without having to adhere to these
requirements, don't call `src.backup.backup` before calling `src.ast.ast_parse`).
requirements, don't call `src.backup.backup` before calling `src.ast_util.ast_parse`).
fd = filepath.parent
assert fd.exists() and fd.is_dir(), "Can't backup {filepath}: {fd} doesn't exist"
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions mvdef/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
from sys import path as syspath
from src.ast import ast_parse
from src.ast_util import ast_parse
from src.backup import backup
from src.__env__ import example_dir
from src.display import colour_str as colour
from example.test.test_demo_program import test_report

# TODO: Move parse_example to AST once logic is figured out for the demo
Expand All @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ def parse_example(src_p, dst_p, move_list, report=True, nochange=True):
# and creating a hidden placeholder if the target doesn't exist yet
assert backup(src_p, dry_run=nochange)
assert backup(dst_p, dry_run=nochange)
# Create edit agendas from the parsed AST of source and destination files
src_parsed = ast_parse(src_p, move_list, report=report, edit=(not nochange))
dst_parsed = ast_parse(dst_p, report=report, edit=(not nochange))
return src_parsed, dst_parsed
Expand All @@ -26,12 +28,11 @@ def main(mvdefs, dry_run=True, report=True):
src_parsed, dst_parsed = parse_example(
src_p, dst_p, move_list=mvdefs, report=report, nochange=dry_run
if dst_parsed is None:
dst_parsed = "(Dst will take all src_parsed imports and funcdefs)"
# src imports, src_funcdefs = src_parsed
src_ret = src_parsed
if type(dst_parsed) is str:
if report: print(dst_parsed)
assert src_parsed is not None, "The src file did not return a processed AST"
if dst_parsed is None:
if report:
print("(Dst will take all src_parsed imports and funcdefs)")
dst_imports, dst_funcdefs = dst_parsed
if dry_run:
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions mvdef/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from src.ast_tokens import get_imports, count_imported_names, locate_import_ends

def edit_defs(src_path, dst_path, imports, defs, edit_agenda):
for mvdef in edit_agenda.get("move"):
# Move the mvdefs out of the source file
for cpdef in edit_agenda.get("copy"):
# Copy the cpdefs over
for rmdef in edit_agenda.get("lose"):
# Just comment out the rmdefs for now

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