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raft: introduce DisableProposalForwarding option #171

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DisableProposalForwarding set to true means that followers will drop
proposals, rather than forwarding them to the leader. Proposal from
follower or observer will be dropped.

One use case for this feature would be in a situation where the Raft leader
is used to compute the data of a proposal, for example, adding a timestamp
from a hybrid logical clock to data in a monotonically increasing way.
Forwarding should be disabled to prevent a follower with an inaccurate hybrid
logical clock from assigning the timestamp and then forwarding the data
to the leader.

DisableProposalForwarding set to true means that followers will drop
proposals, rather than forwarding them to the leader. Proposal from
follower or observer will be dropped.

One use case for this feature would be in a situation where the Raft leader
is used to compute the data of a proposal, for example, adding a timestamp
from a hybrid logical clock to data in a monotonically increasing way.
Forwarding should be disabled to prevent a follower with an inaccurate hybrid
logical clock from assigning the timestamp and then forwarding the data
to the leader.
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lni commented Apr 2, 2021

@SergeyLysanov I saw etcd has this feature and your message above is mostly copied from etcd's godoc. Any particular reason here?

I am also confused by the described use case. Let's say you have nodes A, B and C in a raft cluster and A is the leader. You basically want the described computation to happen on A so when a proposal is initiated from A based on such computation outcome, everything is fine. This prevents proposals to be initiated from B and C as those proposals will be dropped. My question is what happens if say B becomes the leader of the raft cluster?

To me, based on the described use case which is copied from etcd's godoc, my feeling is that this feature seems trying to misuse the raft election system. The application should have its own system to determine which node is allowed to make proposals, in this case it would be the node that has the accurate hybrid clock, once that is determined the selected node should be allowed to make proposals using any raft node in the cluster.

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@lni Yes, feature description is copied from etcd.

I am also confused by the described use case. Let's say you have nodes A, B and C in a raft cluster and A is the leader. You basically want the described computation to happen on A so when a proposal is initiated from A based on such computation outcome, everything is fine. This prevents proposals to be initiated from B and C as those proposals will be dropped. My question is what happens if say B becomes the leader of the raft cluster?

B will be allowed to make Proposal and continue computations. Let's think about Proposal like about task to do. Task should be executed on single node to avoid "split brain". So if node succeed on making proposal it means that node may continue to exec proposed computations.

The application should have its own system to determine which node is allowed to make proposals, in this case it would be the node that has the accurate hybrid clock, once that is determined the selected node should be allowed to make proposals using any raft node in the cluster.

Agree. Hybrid clock is not the best example. Let's continue with your example with computations on single node.
So each node has persistent replicated state machine(this is what raft/dragonboat provides) and volatile state in memory. System received some input(e.g. timer triggered) and wants to execute hard computations in memory and then commit result of computations into persistent state. Since computations are hard we want to proceed them on single node on leader. How to be sure that we are still leader in Raft? Try to make a proposal without forwarding.
As you said other node(B) may become leader. So in this case former leader A couldn't commit results of computations because proposal forwarding is disabled.

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lni commented Apr 3, 2021

@SergeyLysanov Thanks for the input but I am still confused.

System received some input(e.g. timer triggered) and wants to execute hard computations in memory and then commit result of computations into persistent state.

Is the above mentioned "hard computation" executed before a Raft proposal is made?

Since computations are hard we want to proceed them on single node on leader.

Why the computations have to be done on the leader? What actually makes the Raft leader special? If you just want to make sure no more than one node can do the computation in certain time period and don't care which node actually does it, will it be ok to do the computation on a node say with the largest IP address or lowest PID value?

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SergeyLysanov commented Apr 3, 2021

Is the above mentioned "hard computation" executed before a Raft proposal is made?

No. It's executed after Raft proposal. Otherwise we can't be sure that we execute it leader.

Why the computations have to be done on the leader? What actually makes the Raft leader special? If you just want to make sure no more than one node can do the computation in certain time period and don't care which node actually does it, will it be ok to do the computation on a node say with the largest IP address or lowest PID value?

Since computations have to be done on the single node we need to have mechanism to choose this single node. Raft already provides such mechanism. Why reinvent bicycle and choose node by hash/lowest PID/IP or whatever?

Actually I have the one more use case for this feature. This use case describes the real system which I am developing right now. Try to describe in short without a lot of technical details:
Think of distributed file system with architecture similar to GFS(Google File System).
So we have 3 MDSes(metadata servers) in Raft cluster. And we have a lot of(say 100 servers) CSes(chunk servers) where actual data are stored and which are not in raft.
Looks like it's obvious that we should have single leader MDS that controls replication if one of chunk servers die.

Algorithm of replication:

  1. MDS detects that one of CS is died(by keep alive or whatever)
  2. MDS has to start replication of data from died CS to alive one. Replication should be initiated by leader. It doesn't make sense start the same task(quite long task in terms of time, need to transfer a lot of data) on each MDS.
    How to be sure that replication initiated by leader MDS? Make a proposal with DisableProposalForwarding.
    Let's say MDS#1 is leader and makes Proposal with the following data: 'start replication CS#1(died) -> CS#3(alive)'.
  3. After Proposal has finished MDS#1 can start transferring data. If proposal failed do nothing.
  4. After all data will be transferred from died CS need to make Proposal to mark replication task as completed.
    Proposal will contain the following data: 'finished replication CS#1(died) -> CS#3(alive)'.

What happens if MDS#1 dies and MDS#2 becomes the leader after step 3. :
MDS#2 reads 'start replication CS#1(died) -> CS#3(alive)' record and continues replication.

@lni I hope this use case will make more sense for you. Thanks!

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 4, 2021

A system which transparently accepts proposals from both leaders and followers cannot be made linearizable without some in-band consistency checks.

Proposed Solution (library change): Add option to reject proposals issued by non-leaders for a cluster.

Alternate solution (application change): Modify state machine to track cluster leadership and reject proposals from non-leaders.

// LeaderUpdated receives leader promotion notifications (satisfying IRaftEventListener)
// -- New leader sends setLeaderID update to statemachine on leadership change
func (rel *raftEventListener) LeaderUpdated(info dbio.LeaderInfo) {
	if info.ClusterID == yourClusterID && rel.leaderID != info.LeaderID && rel.nodeID == info.leaderID {
		ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
		rel.nodehost.SyncPropose(ctx, resl.yourSession, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("{setLeaderID: %d}", info.leaderID))
	rel.leaderID = info.LeaderID

// Update updates the state machine (satisfying IStateMachine)
// -- Responds appropriately (and linearly) to setLeaderID updates 
// -- Rejects updates originating from non-leaders 
func (fsm *yourFsm) Update(data []byte) (dbsm.Result, error) {
	m := map[string]interface{}{}
	json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
	if _, ok := m["setLeaderID"]; ok {
		return dbsm.Result{1, nil}, nil
	if _, ok := m["leaderID"]; ok {
		if fsm.getLeaderID() != m["leaderID"].(uint64) {
			// Reject updates from non-current leaders (where 0 result value indicates error)
			return dbsm.Result{0, []byte("Fault: Update rejected due to leadership change")}, nil
	// Process update normally

@SergeyLysanov Would this work?

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 4, 2021

Another solution (library change) to guarantee proposal linearizability might be to allow proposals to be optionally locked to a raft term in the same way that membership changes can be optimistically locked to a ConfigChangeIndex.

func (nh *NodeHost) SyncProposeTerm(
	ctx context.Context,
	session *client.Session, 
	cmd []byte, 
	term uint64,
) (sm.Result, error)

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lni commented Apr 4, 2021

@kevburnsjr could you please provide a concrete sequence of events to show linearizability violation in the current default mode in which transparently accepting proposals from both leaders and followers are allowed.

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Alternate solution (application change): Modify state machine to track cluster leadership and reject proposals from non-leaders.

@kevburnsjr I thought about the same application change and it didn't seem safe for me. Correctness of such solution is not obvious for me. For example:

Terms:           4                    5
Node A:       P(1)->x                   P(1)    
Node B:                            P(2)            
Node C:                                                 
LeaderID:        ?                  2    1

Node A ID=1, Node B ID=2, Node C ID=3
At term 4 Node A becomes the leader and try to P(1) (Propose leaderID=1), but failed for some reason.
At term 5 Node B becomes the leader and successfully Propose leaderID=2.
At the same term 5 Node A do the step as a follower and retry P(1). P(1) is executed successfully and rewrite leaderID with old value.

Another solution (library change) to guarantee proposal linearizability might be to allow proposals to be optionally locked to a raft term in the same way that membership changes can be optimistically locked to a ConfigChangeIndex.

Yes, it looks like a working and safe solution for me. Also had thoughts about but it's a bit more difficult to implement than current solution in PR.

So to be on safe side it's should be implemented in library IMHO.

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 4, 2021

@lni Sequence:

Node A - Is elected leader and notified of leadership change
Node A - Believes it is the leader
Node A - Submits proposal p0 (set x=1.0)
Node A - Pauses for some period of time T
Node B - Is elected leader and notified of leadership change
Node B - Believes it is the leader
Node B - Submits proposal p1 (set x=2.1)
Node A - Submits proposal p2 (set x=1.1)
Node A - Is notified of leadership change

Node B observes x to be 1.1 when it should be 2.1

T could be a few milliseconds or a few nanoseconds.
Node A can't ever really know at any moment whether it is still the leader.

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 4, 2021

@SergeyLysanov All linearizable distributed systems are built on top of non-linearizable interfaces (ie. networks).
Dragonboat doesn't need its own optimistic write lock in order to be used to build linearizable systems.

Here is an example of a finite state machine with linearizable keys (review appreciated):

Linearizability can be enforced using optimistic write locks at any level of granularity from individual keys to entire multi-terabyte on-disk state machines. Key-level granularity is generally sufficient.

Monotonic counters/clocks are a special case where you should be able to use direct compare-and-swap (CAS).
Every proposal to update a monotonic clock need only contain the clock's previous value.
Any update that contains a mismatched previous value can be rejected.

If the update frequency is very high and/or the lock granularity is coarse (entire state machine), you can still leverage pipelined proposals by maintaining what you suppose to be the current value/version in a variable in memory. Disruption should be low so long as leadership is stable. Your code just needs to expect that some proposals may be rejected during leadership change.


Node A - Is elected leader and notified of leadership change
Node A - Reads x=0.0
Node A - Believes it is the leader
Node A - Submits proposal p0 (term 1): set x=1.0, prev=0.0 (as leader)
Node A - Pauses for some period of time T

Node B - Is elected leader and notified of leadership change
Node B - Believes it is the leader
Node B - Reads x=1.0
Node B - Submits proposal p1 (term 2): set x=2.1, prev=1.0 (as leader)

Node A - Submits proposal p2 (term 2): set x=1.1, prev=1.0 (as follower)
Node A - Proposal p2 rejected due to version mismatch <--------------------------------

Node B observes x to be 2.1 as expected.

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lni commented Apr 5, 2021


Thanks for your input.

In Raft, it is impossible to have "Node A - Submits proposal p2 (set x=1.1)" to be succeed. When node B became the leader and got p1 proposed and committed, the majority nodes were notified for the new leader B causing their term values to be higher than node A's term value. This would prevent A from committing p2 as the replication messages sent from node A would be rejected by those majority nodes with higher term. The proposed p2 will be sitting in node A's local Raft log and it will eventually be overwritten by the already committed p1 as soon as the replication message from node B can be delivered to node A.

Even without the above described constrains from Raft, your sequence above is still linearizable. When node B observes the x value to be 1.1, it means that there is a linearization point caused by a write from another client that happened after x was set to 2.1.

Below is a porcupine test converted from your provided sequence that you can copy & paste into the porcupine_test.go file in porcupine to play with. porcupine is one of the linearizability checkers used in Dragonboat. Feel free to convert it to Jepsen's Knossos event file format to double check in Knossos.

func TestKevburnsjrSequence(t *testing.T) {
  type registerInput struct {
    op    bool // false = put true = get
    value float64

  // a sequential specification of a register
  registerModel := Model{
    Init: func() interface{} {
      return 0.0
    // step function: takes a state, input, and output, and returns whether it
    // was a legal operation, along with a new state
    Step: func(state, input, output interface{}) (bool, interface{}) {
      regInput := input.(registerInput)
      if regInput.op == false {
        return true, regInput.value // always ok to execute a put
      } else {
        readCorrectValue := output == state
        return readCorrectValue, state // state is unchanged

  events := []Event{
    // Node A - Submits proposal p0 (set x=1.0)
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: registerInput{false, 1.0}, Id: 0, ClientId: 0},
    // completed set x -> 1.0
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 0, Id: 0, ClientId: 0},
    // Node B - Submits proposal p1 (set x=2.1)
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: registerInput{false, 2.1}, Id: 1, ClientId: 1},
    // completed set x -> 2.1
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 0, Id: 1, ClientId: 1},
    // Node A - Submits proposal p2 (set x=1.1)
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: registerInput{false, 1.1}, Id: 2, ClientId: 0},
    // completed set x -> 1.1
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 0, Id: 2, ClientId: 0},
    // Node B - observe the value of x
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: registerInput{true, 0}, Id: 3, ClientId: 1},
    // completed x.get() -> 1.1
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 1.1, Id: 3, ClientId: 1},

  if ok := CheckEvents(registerModel, events); !ok {
    t.Fatalf("not linearizable")

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 5, 2021

I think some of this confusion may be attributable to terminology. When I say "Node A" I'm referring to a Go process containing an instance of a running nodehost that makes proposals against that nodehost. I'll rename them to "Instance A/B" for clarity.

This would prevent A from committing p2 as the replication messages sent from node A would be rejected by those majority nodes with higher term.

p2 may have been committed by Instance A after it transitioned from leader to follower.
The nodehost knows that it has transitioned but the app instance may not.
SyncPropose succeeds regardless of whether Instance A's node is a leader or a follower.
Your assertion that p2 would be rejected is true if DisableProposalForwarding is implemented and enabled.

Maybe this would be better illustrated with an increment operation:

Instance A's node is leader (term 1)
Instance A begins its control loop
Instance A observes x to be 0

Instance B's node becomes leader (term 2)
Instance B begins its control loop
Instance B observes x to be 0

Instance A determines x should be 1
Instance A proposes p1 (term 2): x += 1 (as follower)

Instance B determines x should be 1
Instance B proposes p2 (term 2): x += 1 (as leader)

Instance B observes x to be 2 (should be 1)

Between the time when a client becomes a follower and is notified that it is no longer the leader, it may be allowed to make proposals under the impression that it is still the leader.

This is an example of write skew.


The question is not whether Dragonboat's raft log is linearizable, the question is how to build linearizable state machines using dragonboat without any way to guarantee that the cluster's term hasn't changed between GetLeaderID and SyncPropose.

DisableProposalForwarding is not a perfect solution, as leadership may have changed from A to B and back to A with writes in between while A was paused.

The simplest way I see to provide a mechanism to prevent these types of stale reads is to include term in leader updates and add a new method SyncProposeTerm that rejects proposals from old terms.

Another way would be to stash this data in the context which is probably where it belongs.

func (c *Instance) send(ctx context.Context, cmd []byte) (res statemachine.Result, err error) {
	for {
		ctx, isLeader := c.nodehost.ContextWithTerm(ctx, c.clusterID)
		if isLeader {
			res, err = c.nodehost.SyncPropose(ctx, c.session, cmd)
			if err == dragonboat.ErrTermExpired {
				err = nil
		} else {
			err = ErrPoposalForwardingDisabled

res, err := c.send(ctx, []byte("x += 1"))

dragonboat.NodeHost.ContextWithTerm would add term to the context and return a boolean isLeader.
dragonboat.NodeHost.SyncPropose would be altered to check the term of the context, rejecting proposals from previous terms with a new sentinel error dragonboat.ErrTermExpired (or similar).

This would allow any user to implement DisableProposalForwarding themselves without exposing the term to the user.

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Another note... etcd itself doesn't use DisableProposalForwarding.

Instance A's node is leader (term 1)
Instance A begins its control loop
Instance A observes x to be 0

Instance B's node becomes leader (term 2)
Instance B begins its control loop
Instance B observes x to be 0
Instance B determines x should be 1
Instance B proposes p1 (term 2): x += 1 (as leader)

Instance A's node becomes leader (term 3)
Instance A determines x should be 1
Instance A proposes p2 (term 3): x += 1 (as leader)

Instance A observes x to be 2 (should be 1)

p2 succeeds when DisableProposalForwarding is enabled as implemented despite multiple leadership changes between read and write.

imho DisableProposalForwarding is only a partial solution and could be misleading.

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lni commented Apr 6, 2021


I'd like to clarify a few things. My initial concern is your claims that -

A system which transparently accepts proposals from both leaders and followers cannot be made linearizable without some in-band consistency checks.

In the context of Raft/Dragonboat and this issue, the above is very likely to be interrupted as something like "Dragonboat allows proposals to be made from followers by default, it is thus not linearizable by default". This is not true. A correct Raft implementation which employs the ReadIndex protocol for reads is linearizable by default no matter whether proposals can be concurrently made on followers or not. The linearization points for writes are the time of commits, for reads, it is the time of read return. That is, in Dragonboat, all writes (proposals) can be regarded as atomically taking effects on all nodes when they are committed, all future reads will get the results of such writes or later writes. Both such writes/reads can be initiated from any regular member nodes.

On the other hand, when building applications on top of such linearizable Raft implementation, your system with its own supported operations is not guaranteed to be linearizable. For example, in your updated sequence of events, your application logic requires an operation "read the current state, increase it by 1 if it is 0", it is not linearizable. This has nothing to do with any Raft stuff, it doesn't have anything to do with any node being leader or follower. For the same application logic implemented on a shared memory machine with two processes trying to concurrently do such increment logic without any involvement of Raft/Paxos, you end up with the exact same problem. Its porcupine model, which is shown to be considered as not linearizable, is provided below.

func TestNaiveInc(t *testing.T) {
  type incInput struct{}

  incModel := Model{
    Init: func() interface{} {
      return 0
    Step: func(state, input, output interface{}) (bool, interface{}) {
      ov := output.(int)
      st := state.(int)
      newState := st
      if st == 0 {
        newState = 1
      return ov == newState, newState

  events := []Event{
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: incInput{}, Id: 0, ClientId: 0},
    {Kind: CallEvent, Value: incInput{}, Id: 1, ClientId: 1},
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 1, Id: 0, ClientId: 0},
    {Kind: ReturnEvent, Value: 2, Id: 1, ClientId: 1},

  if CheckEvents(incModel, events) {
    t.Fatalf("unexpectedly considered as linearizable")

The proposed DisableProposalForwarding approach tries to solve such problem by disabling concurrent accesses by employing a write lock style mechanism. It does this by trying to only allow the Raft leader node to access the resource in single thread. This is not a good choice, to name just a few reasons on top of my head -

  1. Lots of constrains. It requires all propose operations to be initiated from the the same NodeHost process hosting the Raft leader node and there is only a single thread in that process allowed to access the resource. You'd end up with the exact same problem when having multiple threads running in the same NodeHost process hosting the Raft leader node trying to concurrently proposing stuff. So in short, lots of constrains must be carefully implemented by the user to use it correctly.

  2. Potential performance bottleneck. It forces application logics onto the already more stressed leader node when it is actually fine to only allow a certain follower node to make the proposal.

  3. Potential safety issues. I am not fully convinced that it works as a reliable write lock.

@SergeyLysanov as explained above, unless there is something I misunderstood, this PR won't be merged. It is a feature that is hard for reasoning, it can be easily misused, it has negative performance consequences, it is safety is not convincing yet its usefulness is limited.

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kevburnsjr commented Apr 6, 2021

@lni I agree.

It was not my intent to question dragonboat's linearizability (hence the caveat "without some in-band consistency checks.") The "system" I'm referring to is not dragonboat itself but the user's application as a whole which employs dragonboat.

"read the current state, increase it by 1 if it is 0", it is not linearizable.

Correct. This operation can be made linearizable with the addition of in-band consistency checks (ie. optimistic write locks)

Let me explain why I jumped on this thread and why this is relevant to me:

I am currently developing an autoscaling distributed data stream management system using dragonboat. This application has two planes:

  1. The control plane (CP)
  • One cluster that tracks metadata about all nodes in all clusters across all nodehosts in the deployment
  • Very low write volume (only changes when new nodes or topics are added)
  • Very high consistency requirements
  • Very small dataset
  • Used by the control loop that manages autoscaling
  • Responsible for scheduling data repartitioning and redistribution
  • Must have one active leader with a totally consistent representation of the entire system or none at all
  1. The data plane (AP)
  • Very high throughput
  • Highly partitioned
  • Immutable data streams
  • Independent producers and consumers means log linearity is basically the only consistency requirement

I've already created successful proofs of concept for each plane on dragonboat.

So if there existed a feature like ContextWithTerm that provided term enforcement to reject proposals from previous terms I would probably use it for my control plane and remove the in-band consistency checks to simplify my code.

DisableProposalForwarding is not a solution to my problem, but ContextWithTerm would be a solution to both our problems.

I began an implementation of ContextWithTerm but realized pretty quickly that the term restriction needs to be added to the proposal itself which means pushing that metadata all the way down to the GRPC layer which would involve a lot of changes. I'll be sticking with my in-band consistency checks for the time being. 👍

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@kevburnsjr Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. I am going to track cluster leadership in my application as you suggested and reject proposals with old terms from non-leaders.

@lni I agree with you and with @kevburnsjr that DisableProposalForwarding probably is not the best solution of current problem. But I hope it became clearer why some systems need to have one active leader node in cluster. Performance in such systems isn't important. Thanks!

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lni commented Apr 9, 2021

@SergeyLysanov The major concern is always its correctness, please see the following sequence of events -

  1. node A makes a proposal as the leader, the proposal is batched somewhere in the library above the raft layer
  2. node B calls for election and becomes the new leader, a proposal is then successfully made by B
  3. node A receives the replication message from B with a higher term, it steps down and becomes a follower
  4. node A call for election and becomes the next new leader
  5. the proposal batched in the library in step 1 above finally reaches the raft layer, it is successfully committed

Note that a proposal might be "batched" for various reasons, e.g. the implementation might want to batch multiple proposals for better performance or simply because the goroutine responsible for making the proposal is never scheduled by the Go runtime.

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lni commented Apr 9, 2021


Thanks for the detailed explanation.

I'd like to make Dragonboat a straight Raft implementation in which proposals can always be made when leader is available. This helps to keep the library API simple so it is easy for everyone to learn & use. I agree that different applications might want to have certain application logic related constrains on who can make proposals or how proposals should be made, but that is really up to each application to implement - users have full control on what to put into the proposal payload and how the proposal is going to be handled by the state machine. Pushing all such extensions to the Raft implementation is not the optimal solution.

@lni lni closed this May 2, 2021
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