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This web application is supposed to make a public forum on which user can post questions, answer them related to academics and daily life.

Features supported

  • Post questions
  • Answer questions posted by others
  • Vote questions and answers
  • Flag any inappropiate content
  • Automatically delete content if it is flagged by too many users
  • View posts of a particular tag
  • Search website with any keyword

Link to the website: HoverSpace

Configuration Instructions

  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally

  2. Install pip

  3. Install virtualenv

  4. Install docker

  5. Pull MongoDB using docker pull mongod.

  6. Create mongo instance using docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

  7. Create virtual environment using virtualenv env and then activate it using source env/bin/activate

  8. Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt

  9. Set environment variables using export command
    export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"

  10. deactivate virtual environment by using deactivate
    Reactivate your virtualenv using source env/bin/activate


  1. Create your branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature

  2. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'

  3. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature

  4. Send a Pull Request

  5. Enjoy!
