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Boris Lovosevic edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Pre-built firmwares

Latest pre-built firmwares are provided in this repository.

If you have cloned this repository, the firmwares wil be in the MicroPython_K210_LoBo/firmware directory.

If you just want to flash the firmware, without cloning the whole repository,
download the firmware zip archive (MicroPython_firmwares) from this repository or from my server.

Extract the archive to some empty directory. Change the working directory to it.

Four prebuilt firmwares are provided:

  • default default configuration, no sqlite module, one MicroPython task; in this directory
  • sqlite default configuration, sqlite module included, one MicroPython task; in sqlite directory
  • twotasks no KPU (8 MB SRAM used), sqlite module included, two MicroPython task; in twotasks directory
  • ota default configuration, no sqlite module, one MicroPython task, OTA enabled; in ota directory

To flash the pre-built firmware to your K210 board, run (in this directory):

./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 2000000 -t MicroPython.bin

Change /dev/ttyUSB0 to the port used to connect to the board if needed.
You can replace MicroPython.bin with sqlite/MicroPython.bin, twotasks/MicroPython.bin or ota/MicroPython.binto flash another firmware.

MicroPython.kfpkg is also provided which contains prebuilt LittleFS internal file system.
To flash it, just replace MicroPython.bin with MicroPython.kfpkg.

Flashing OTA firmware

OTA firmware is suposed to run with KBoot bootloader.
Kboot bootloader is included in ota/MicroPython.kfpkg, when flashing for the first time, always use MicroPython.kfpkg, not a MicroPython.bin!

After the Kboot bootloader is flashed, you can later flash only the MicroPython binary using the command:

./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -a 65536 -b 2000000 -t MicroPython.bin
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