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Modules: LocalGov Core, Additional, Contributed

ekes edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 8 revisions

LocalGov Drupal is made up with a modular structure so you can use what is needed. The profile includes a set of modules of which only some are enabled by default. As it's grown in addition to these modules more have been developed for particular use cases.

Profile modules

List of modules are here. @todo move that table here? Correct it, or drop the required column?

Contrib modules

Module Repository Description
Sitewide Search Solr localgovdrupal/localgov_search_solr A drop-in starter configuration for a solr backend to replace the Database Search API backend for Sitewide Search
ModernGov localgovdrupal/localgov_moderngov Template for integration with ModernGov
LocalGov Blogs localgovdrupal/localgov_blogs Blog post content type and listing page for LocalGov Drupal.
LocalGov Outpost localgovdrupal/localgov_outpost Integration with Outpost directory service.
LocalGov CQC localgovdrupal/localgov_cqc Integration with Care Quality Commission widget.
LocalGov Forms localgovdrupal/localgov_forms Provides additional configuration, styling and components for the Drupal Webform module.
LocalGov Multilingual localgovdrupal/localgov_multilingual Adds multilingual functionality to LocalGov Drupal