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Deniz İrgin edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

Thank you for your interest in contributing to LocalStack.NET! Community contributions are vital in enhancing the library, and we appreciate your efforts. This page provides guidelines on building the project, using sandbox applications, and running tests.

Building the Project

To build the project, use the following commands based on your operating system:





Sandbox Applications

The LocalStack .NET repository includes several sandbox console applications located in tests/sandboxes. These applications serve both as testing tools and as examples.

These sandbox applications showcase various initialization methods for LocalStack.Client and LocalStack.Client.Extensions and demonstrate common AWS applications. If you're looking to contribute or experiment with the library, these sandbox applications provide a safe environment to do so. Ensure you have the necessary software dependencies installed to run these applications.

To interact with a LocalStack container, use the LocalStack.Container console application. This application leverages testcontainers-dotnet to initialize LocalStack. Start the LocalStack.Container application first, then run any of the sandbox applications to experiment.

Running Tests

Before submitting your contributions, it's crucial to run tests to ensure code quality and functionality. To execute the tests, use the commands below:


build.ps1 --target=tests


./ --target=tests
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