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Lambda enhancements
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   - Added support for identifying the docker network when running lambda functions in docker containers

    The docker network used when running lambda functions in a container may be specified with the LAMBDA_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK and LAMBDA_SUBNET_AS_DOCKERNET environment variables along with the subnet specified in the lambda's vpc config

   - Added environment variables specifying the function arn and function name
     for use in docker command options -- useful when combined with LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS
   - fixed issue where environment variables were not returned in get_function_configuration
   - Added support for custom docker actions when running lambda functions in docker containers
   custom options to be passed to docker can be specified via the LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS
   environment variables

   - Added test configurations for lambda docker network config
   - Added lambda networking test to travis build
  • Loading branch information
Mike Williams committed May 24, 2018
1 parent eb9d8d5 commit 85ca833
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Showing 14 changed files with 201 additions and 17 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ localstack/infra/
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ services:
- "3.6"

- master

- "sudo apt-get purge openjdk-6*"
- "sudo apt-get purge openjdk-7*"
Expand All @@ -37,18 +33,25 @@ install:
- set -e # fail fast
# run tests using Python 3
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker make test
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker make test-lambdanet
- LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=local USE_SSL=1 make test
# run tests using Python 2
# Note: we're not using multiple versions in the top-level "python" configuration,
# but instead reinstall using 2.x here, as that allows us to use some cached libs etc.
- "make reinstall-p2 > /dev/null"
- make init
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker-reuse USE_SSL=1 make test
# build Docker image
- make docker-build
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker-reuse make test-lambdanet
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker make test
- DEBUG=1 LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker make test-lambdanet
- LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=local USE_SSL=1 make test
# run Java tests
- make test-java-if-changed

# build Docker image
- make docker-build

# push Docker image (if on master branch)
- make docker-push-master

Expand Down
35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,40 @@ web: ## Start web application (dashboard)

test: ## Run automated tests
make lint && \
($(VENV_RUN); DEBUG=$(DEBUG) PYTHONPATH=`pwd` nosetests --with-coverage --logging-level=WARNING --nocapture --no-skip --exe --cover-erase --cover-tests --cover-inclusive --cover-package=localstack --with-xunit --exclude='$(VENV_DIR).*' --ignore-files='' .)
($(VENV_RUN); DEBUG=$(DEBUG) PYTHONPATH=`pwd` nosetests --with-coverage --logging-level=WARNING --nocapture --no-skip --exe --cover-erase --cover-tests --cover-inclusive --cover-package=localstack --with-xunit --exclude='$(VENV_DIR).*' --ignore-files='lambda_python3.+' .)

test-lambdanet: ## Test running lambdas in specific docker networks

# setup docker infrastructure needed by tests
# basically run simple http servers in separate bridge networks
-docker network create -d bridge test_localstack_lambdanet_default
-docker network create -d bridge test_localstack_lambdanet_custom
-docker run -d -P --network=test_localstack_lambdanet_default \
--name=test_localstack_lambdanet_default_id \
--net-alias=networkidentifier --rm \
-v $$(pwd)/tests/integration/nwfiles/default:/www fnichol/uhttpd
-docker run -d -P --network=test_localstack_lambdanet_custom \
--name=test_localstack_lambdanet_custom_id \
--net-alias=networkidentifier --rm \
-v $$(pwd)/tests/integration/nwfiles/custom:/www fnichol/uhttpd
# run the tests -- note the lambda network settings
($(VENV_RUN); \
LAMBDA_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK=test_localstack_lambdanet_default \
nosetests --with-coverage --logging-level=WARNING --nocapture \
--no-skip --exe --cover-erase --cover-tests --cover-inclusive \
--cover-package=localstack --with-xunit \
--exclude='$(VENV_DIR).*' \
--ignore-files='lambda_python3.+' .)
#cleanup our docker infrastructure
docker kill test_localstack_lambdanet_default_id
docker kill test_localstack_lambdanet_custom_id
docker network rm test_localstack_lambdanet_default
docker network rm test_localstack_lambdanet_custom

test-java: ## Run tests for Java/JUnit compatibility
cd localstack/ext/java; mvn -q test && USE_SSL=1 mvn -q test
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,22 @@ You can pass the following environment variables to LocalStack:
- `false`: your Lambda function definitions will be passed to the container by mounting a
volume (potentially faster). This requires to have the Docker client and the Docker
host on the same machine.
- When set, and running lambda functions in a docker container
(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker or docker-reuse) the docker container running the lambda function
will be attached to the docker network identified by LAMBDA_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK
- When set to 1, and lambda functions are run in a docker container
(LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker or docker-reuse) if a lambda function is created with a vpc config,
the subnet identified in the vpc config will be used as the identifier of the docker network for the lambda function's docker container
- Specifies custom options to be passed to the docker engine as part of the docker run or docker create command.

For example, to log lambda function output to a syslog server listening on the local host at port 5601, you can set LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS to:

--log-driver=syslog --log-opt=tag=lambda.$LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME --log-opt=syslog-address=tcp://

* `DATA_DIR`: Local directory for saving persistent data (currently only supported for these services:
Kinesis, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, S3). Set it to `/tmp/localstack/data` to enable persistence
(`/tmp/localstack` is mounted into the Docker container), leave blank to disable
Expand All @@ -180,7 +196,11 @@ Additionally, the following *read-only* environment variables are available:
(e.g., to store an item to DynamoDB or S3 from Lambda).
The variable `LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME` is available for both, local Lambda execution
(`LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=local`) and execution inside separate Docker containers (`LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker`).
* `LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN` is arn of the function executed
* `LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME` is the name of the function being created/executed

These variables can be referenced from within a lambda function, or in the value of the `LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS` or `LAMBDA_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK` variables specified above.

## Accessing the infrastructure via CLI or code

You can point your `aws` CLI to use the local infrastructure, for example:
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions localstack/
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
except Exception as e:


# list of environment variable names used for configuration.
# Make sure to keep this in sync with the above!
# Note: do *not* include DATA_DIR in this list, as it is treated separately
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions localstack/services/awslambda/
Expand Up @@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ def format_func_details(func_details, version=None, always_add_version=False):
'Handler': func_details.handler,
'Runtime': func_details.runtime,
'Timeout': func_details.timeout,
'VpcConfig': func_details.vpc_config,
'Environment': func_details.envvars,
# 'Description': ''
# 'MemorySize': 192,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,12 +508,15 @@ def create_function():
if arn in arn_to_lambda:
return error_response('Function already exist: %s' %
lambda_name, 409, error_type='ResourceConflictException')

arn_to_lambda[arn] = func_details = LambdaFunction(arn)
func_details.versions = {'$LATEST': {'CodeSize': 50}}
func_details.handler = data['Handler']
func_details.runtime = data['Runtime']
func_details.envvars = data.get('Environment', {}).get('Variables', {})
func_details.timeout = data.get('Timeout')
func_details.vpc_config = data.get('VpcConfig', {'SubnetIds': [], 'SecurityGroupIds': []})

result = set_function_code(data['Code'], lambda_name)
if isinstance(result, Response):
del arn_to_lambda[arn]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,6 +652,7 @@ def get_function_configuration(function):
operationId: 'getFunctionConfiguration'

arn = func_arn(function)
lambda_details = arn_to_lambda.get(arn)
if not lambda_details:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -680,6 +685,9 @@ def update_function_configuration(function):
lambda_details.envvars = data.get('Environment', {}).get('Variables', {})
if data.get('Timeout'):
lambda_details.timeout = data['Timeout']
if data.get('VpcConfig'):
lambda_details.vpc_config = data['VpcConfig']

result = {}
return jsonify(result)

Expand Down
53 changes: 44 additions & 9 deletions localstack/services/awslambda/
Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def __init__(self, name, entry_point):
class LambdaExecutorContainers(LambdaExecutor):
""" Abstract executor class for executing Lambda functions in Docker containers """

def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):
def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, func_details, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):
raise Exception('Not implemented')

def execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None, async=False):
Expand All @@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ def execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None, asy
environment['AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY'] = event_body_escaped
environment['HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
environment['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME'] = docker_host
environment['LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN'] = func_arn
environment['LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] = func_arn.split(':function:')[-1]

# custom command to execute in the container
command = ''
Expand All @@ -125,14 +127,34 @@ def execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None, asy

# determine the command to be executed (implemented by subclasses)
cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_arn, environment, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd)
cmd = self.prepare_execution(func_arn, func_details, environment, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd)

# lambci writes the Lambda result to stdout and logs to stderr, fetch it from there!
LOG.debug('Running lambda cmd: %s' % cmd)
result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, environment, async)
LOG.debug('Lambda result / log output:\n%s\n>%s' % (result.strip(), log_output.strip().replace('\n', '\n> ')))
return result, log_output

def lambda_docker_network(self, func_arn, func_details):
network = None

if config.LAMBDA_SUBNET_AS_DOCKERNET and func_details.vpc_config:
subnets = func_details.vpc_config.get('SubnetIds', [])
if len(subnets) > 0:
network = subnets[0]

if not network and config.LAMBDA_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK:

return network

def lambda_docker_cmd_networksection(self, func_arn, func_details):
network = self.lambda_docker_network(func_arn, func_details)
if network:
return ' --network="%s" ' % network
return ''

class LambdaExecutorReuseContainers(LambdaExecutorContainers):
""" Executor class for executing Lambda functions in re-usable Docker containers """
Expand All @@ -144,7 +166,7 @@ def __init__(self):
# locking thread for creation/destruction of docker containers.
self.docker_container_lock = threading.RLock()

def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):
def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, func_details, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):

# check whether the Lambda has been invoked before
has_been_invoked_before = func_arn in self.function_invoke_times
Expand All @@ -154,7 +176,7 @@ def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambd

# create/verify the docker container is running.
LOG.debug('Priming docker container with runtime "%s" and arn "%s".', runtime, func_arn)
container_info = self.prime_docker_container(runtime, func_arn, env_vars.items(), lambda_cwd)
container_info = self.prime_docker_container(runtime, func_arn, func_details, env_vars.items(), lambda_cwd)

# Note: currently "docker exec" does not support --env-file, i.e., environment variables can only be
# passed directly on the command line, using "-e" below. TODO: Update this code once --env-file is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +218,7 @@ def cleanup(self, arn=None):
self.function_invoke_times = {}
return self.destroy_existing_docker_containers()

def prime_docker_container(self, runtime, func_arn, env_vars, lambda_cwd):
def prime_docker_container(self, runtime, func_arn, func_details, env_vars, lambda_cwd):
Prepares a persistent docker container for a specific function.
:param runtime: Lamda runtime environment. python2.7, nodejs6.10, etc.
Expand All @@ -219,6 +241,10 @@ def prime_docker_container(self, runtime, func_arn, env_vars, lambda_cwd):

env_vars_str = ' '.join(['-e {}={}'.format(k, cmd_quote(v)) for (k, v) in env_vars])

network = self.lambda_docker_cmd_networksection(func_arn, func_details)

cust_options = config.LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS

# Create and start the container
LOG.debug('Creating container: %s' % container_name)
cmd = (
Expand All @@ -230,8 +256,10 @@ def prime_docker_container(self, runtime, func_arn, env_vars, lambda_cwd):
' %s' # env_vars
' %s' # network config
' %s' # custom options
' lambci/lambda:%s'
) % (container_name, env_vars_str, runtime)
) % (container_name, env_vars_str, network, cust_options, runtime)
run(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +431,7 @@ def get_container_name(self, func_arn):

class LambdaExecutorSeparateContainers(LambdaExecutorContainers):

def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):
def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, func_details, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):
entrypoint = ''
if command:
entrypoint = ' --entrypoint ""'
Expand All @@ -412,25 +440,32 @@ def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambd

env_vars_string = ' '.join(['-e {}="${}"'.format(k, k) for (k, v) in env_vars.items()])

network = self.lambda_docker_cmd_networksection(func_arn, func_details)
cust_options = config.LAMBDA_DOCKER_OPTIONS

cmd = (
'CONTAINER_ID="$(docker create'
' %s'
' %s'
' %s'
' %s'
' "lambci/lambda:%s" %s'
'docker cp "%s/." "$CONTAINER_ID:/var/task";'
'docker start -a "$CONTAINER_ID";'
) % (entrypoint, env_vars_string, runtime, command, lambda_cwd)
) % (entrypoint, env_vars_string, network, cust_options, runtime, command, lambda_cwd)
lambda_cwd_on_host = self.get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(lambda_cwd)
cmd = (
'docker run'
'%s -v "%s":/var/task'
' %s'
' %s'
' %s'
' --rm'
' "lambci/lambda:%s" %s'
) % (entrypoint, lambda_cwd_on_host, env_vars_string, runtime, command)
) % (entrypoint, lambda_cwd_on_host, env_vars_string, network, cust_options, runtime, command)
return cmd

def get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(self, path):
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions localstack/services/
Expand Up @@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ def setup_logging():

def get_service_protocol():
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions localstack/utils/aws/
Expand Up @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ def __init__(self, arn):
self.handler = None
self.cwd = None
self.timeout = None
self.vpc_config = None

def get_version(self, version):
return self.versions.get(version)
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/integration/lambdas/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# simple test function that identifies the network it is running on
# note: this requires a web server on the local docker network which will
# with the alias "networkidentifier" that respond to the endpoingt /network.txt
# The makefile will set this up before running this test

import requests

def handler(event, context):
r = requests.get('http://networkidentifier/network.txt')
event['network'] = r.text
return event
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/integration/nwfiles/custom/network.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
custom network
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/integration/nwfiles/default/network.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
default network

0 comments on commit 85ca833

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