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Version-bump your software with a single command!

A small command line tool to simplify releasing software by updating all version strings in your source code by the correct increment. Also creates commits and tags.


Install the tool via the dotnet cli:

dotnet tool install --global BumpVersion

Attention: you mau need to add the tools directory to your path:


export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"


Everything starts with a file named .bumpversion.cfg containing at least one section:

current_version = "0.0.5"
commit = true
tag = true


  • current_version - Required: The current version of your software, a string in the form {major}.{minor}.{patch}.
  • commit - Optional, default is false: A boolean flag that tells the script wether to create a commit containing the changes to all the files.
  • tag - Optional, default is false (only used if commit is true): A boolean flag that tells the script wether to create a tag pointing to the commit containing the changes.

Then we can use the tool like this:

bumpversion [major|minor|patch]

from the root of your repository to increase the part of the version you desire to change, for example, taking into account the previous file:

  • running bumpversion patch, would result in the version being changed from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6.
  • running bumpversion minor, would result in the version being changed from 0.0.5 to 0.1.0.
  • running bumpversion major, would result in the version being changed from 0.0.5 to 1.0.0.

Modifying additional files

Obviously, changing just the configuration file is not that useful. For example, if you are developing a .NET project, you may want to change your **proj files, for each file you want to change you'll need to add an entry like the following to the .bumpversion.cfg file:

file = "BumpVersion/BumpVersion.csproj"
search = "<AssemblyVersion>{current_version}</AssemblyVersion>"
replace = "<AssemblyVersion>{new_version}</AssemblyVersion>"


  • [bumpversion.file.X]: the section header. X should be an increasing sequence of integers, starting at 0.
  • file - Required: Relative path (from the root of the repo) that should be modified.
  • search - Optional, default is {current_version}: The string to search for when replacing the version values.
  • replace - Optional, default is {new_version}: The string to replace woth when replacing the version values.

For a slightly more complex example, see the .bumpversion.cfg file in this repo.