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Folders and files

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fort 🏰

A minimalistic alternative to nextcloud.


This one's the lighthouse score through a slow vpn connection in a different country connecting to an instance on a residential ip!


To install, all you need is docker and docker-compose and common sense (please don't use the default credentials).

You should edit docker-compose.yml and change the storage location for persistent storage (STORAGE_PATH).

The default login is admin:admin. You can change this and add new users by running the add-user script:

# Change admin password
docker-compose exec -it www /app/add-user "admin" "password"

# Add a new user
docker-compose exec -it www /app/add-user "username" "password"

You'll also need to edit the LAT and LON environment variables if you want accurate weather info.

To run the service, type the following command:

docker-compose up -d

and visit the webpage in your browser.


Since I will probably forget how I've implemented authentication in the future, here's how I did it:

  • User clicks login
  • Server checks password against bcrypt hash in private db (the key is the user)
  • If the user has the right password continue, otherwise return 401
  • Create a JWT that stores the user as the payload
  • JWT is signed by the server
  • User can use this jwt cookie as authorization to prove they are a specific user

Mitigations agaisnt JWT bruteforcing

When the server starts up for the first time, it generates a random string of 2048 chars out of a choice of 88 chars. This is an arbitrary number that I think is strong enough against bruteforcing. Feel free to disagree with a pr.


  • Docker support
  • Basic file upload and download
  • No third-party cross-origin nonsense on client-side
  • File browser
  • File editor
    • Create files
    • Create folders
    • Upload files to directory
    • Delete files
    • Rename files
    • Rename folders
    • Edit text files
  • Layer 7 stuff
    • HTTP/2 support
    • HTTP/3 support
    • TLS support
  • Users and access control
    • Better cookie+jwt based auth
    • Access control
    • Sharing files and folders
  • Upload progress bar
  • Support multiple files
  • The weather and stuff
  • Custom dashboard creation