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Component Hierarchy

Tan Loc Phan edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 14 revisions


  • App
    • NavBar
    • MainPage (all other Components are rendered inside here)
    • Footer

Session Form

  • SessionFormContainer + SessionForm

Recipe Index / Story Index / Category Index

  • RecipeIndexContainer + RecipeIndex
    • RecipeIndexItem (Can be reused for Story, Category)

Search Form

  • SearchFormContainer + SearchForm
    • FilterOptionsContainer + FilterOptions
      • FilterOptionItem
    • SearchResult

Article (for Recipe and Story Showpage)

  • Article
    • ArticleHeader
      • ArticleNavbarContainer + ArticleNavbar
    • ArticleBody
      • ArticleTitle
      • ArticleAuthor
      • ArticleText


  • CommentContainer + Comment
    • CommentFormContainer + CommentForm
    • CommentIndexContainer + CommentIndex
      • CommentIndexItem


  • SuggestionContainer + Suggestion
    • SuggestionItem

BONUS (for later)

How-To Index / Video Index

  • HowtoIndexContainer + HowtoIndex
    • HowtoIndexItem (Can be reused for Video)