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A simple Discord selfbot written in Node.JS.

Running scord

The Docker way

  • docker run -d -e SCORD_TOKEN='token' -e SCORD_PREFIX='prefix' lodig/scord
  • How to retrieve your token here.

The manual way


  • Linux, macOS (probably works with others OS - not tested)
  • Node.JS >= v7.5.0 (probably works with older versions - not tested)
  • npm >= v5.0.0 (probably works with older versions - not tested)


  • git clone
  • cd scord && npm install


  • cp config/config.example.json config/config.json
  • Edit the config/config.json with your Discord token and wanted prefix.


  • node app.js => This will use the configuration file located in config/config.json. An example is available in the config/config.example.json file.
  • node app.js token prefix => This won't use any configuration file and instead will load the token and prefix from command line.

Writing your own modules


  • With scord, there is a small static core and everything else is a module (reload, help etc).
  • To write your own modules you just need to add a file in the modules/ folder.
  • The file must be a valid JavaScript file.
  • scord uses the discord.js module.
  • You may require('../app'), that gives you an object with the commands manager (in the variable manager) and the bot's user (variable user).

Adding a module file

  • This file must export at least two things: a cmd (type String), and a run (type: function). The cmd field describes the command that will run the run function.
  • You may as well export a help field (type: String) that will be used by the help command.
  • You may as well export an args field (type: Number). It will be used to verify the number of arguments is perfectly valid. If you expect a variadic number of arguments, it won't be useful.

The run function

  • The run function is the function called when you will type ${prefix}${cmd}.
  • The run function accepts two parameters: a msg (an instance of the Message class from discord.js), representing the sent message, and an args (type: Array) representing the arguments.

Accessing commands

  • You may need to access current registered commands (as I did to write the reload and help modules).
  • require('../app').manager is the only thing needed to access these. app.js exports an instance of the CommandsManager class. Its definition is trivial and can be read in the commands.js file.

Accessing bot's user

  • You may need to access the current bot's user (as I did to write the game module).
  • require('../app').user is the only thing needed to access it. app.js exports an instance of the ClientUser class (a discord.js class). Though be aware that the export is valid only when the bot has logged in. Before that, user is null.
  • I suggest taking a look at the modules/game.js to fully understand.


  • All current modules can be used as examples. They use all the feature described above and each file is less than 50 lines of code.


  • Core:
    • Logging with different levels of verbosity
  • Modules:
    • Translate
    • Google Search
    • Quote
    • Game API?
    • Regional indicator comments

Thanks for reading

  • And also thanks to LazyShpee for helping me countless times.
