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TERRAFORM Provider for DevPod

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Getting started

The provider is available for auto-installation using

devpod provider add terraform
devpod provider use terraform

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Needed variables will be:


TERRAFORM_PROJECT points to a git repo or directory where the terraform project that defines the infra is stored.

In this repo it would point to: ./examples/terraform-aws/

Creating your first devpod env with terraform

After the initial setup, just use:

devpod up .

You'll need to wait for the machine and environment setup.


With the terraform provider, all the power is in the terraform project. So it will be there where you will place your defaults for


Keep also in mind that stop/start is not supported right now on terraform provider So the right thing to do is to handle data saving inside your terraform code (eg. use external data buckets)

Customize the VM Instance

This provides has the seguent options

DISK_SIZE false The disk size to use. 40
IMAGE_DISK false The disk image to use.
INSTANCE_TYPE false The machine type to use.
REGION true The cloud region to create the
VM in. E.g. us-west-1
TERRAFORM_PROJECT true The path or repo where the
terraform files are. E.g.
./examples/terraform or

Options can either be set in env or using for example:

devpod provider set-options -o IMAGE_DISK=my-custom-ami
devpod provider set-options -o INSTANCE_TYPE=t2.micro
devpod provider set-options -o REGION=us-west-2