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305 lines (207 loc) · 6.68 KB

File metadata and controls

305 lines (207 loc) · 6.68 KB

Adding a new VFS type

Multiple steps are involved in adding a new dfVFS type:

  1. Adding a type indicator
  2. Adding a path specification
  3. Adding a virtual file system and file entry implementation
  4. Adding a file IO implementation
  5. Adding a path specification resolver helper
  6. Adding a format analyzer helper

Adding a type indicator

The type indicators are stored in:


Add a new type indicator:


Adding a path specification

The path specifications are stored in:


Create a new path specification:


Implement a path specification class based on the PathSpec interface class:

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.path import factory
from dfvfs.path import path_spec

class MyPathSpec(path_spec.PathSpec):
  """Class that implements the my path specification."""


A path specification class largely consists of:

  • an object initialization method (__init__) that sets the class attributes;
  • a comparable property that returns a comparable string form of the path specification.

The comparable string form normally consist of multiple (newline terminated) lines in the form:


where every line represent an individual path specification.

Make sure the path specification will register with the factory on import.


To have the path specification loaded when dfvfs is used, make sure to include in:

from dfvfs.path import my_path_specification

Adding a virtual file system and file entry implementation

The virtual file systems and file entries are stored in:


The file system and file entry are co-dependent.

Adding a virtual file system implementation

Create a new file system and file entry:


Implement a file system class based on the FileSystem interface class:

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.path import my_path_spec
from dfvfs.vfs import file_system
from dfvfs.vfs import my_file_entry

class MyFileSystem(file_system.FileSystem):
  """Class that implements my file system object."""


A file system class largely consists of:

  • A class constant to define the path (segment) separator used by the file system (PATH_SEPARATOR);
  • A method to determine if a file entry for a specific path specification exists (FileEntryExistsByPathSpec);
  • A method to retrieve if a file entry for a specific path specification (GetFileEntryByPathSpec);
  • A method to retrieve the root file entry (GetRootFileEntry).

Adding a virtual file entry implementation

Create a new file system and file entry:


Implement a file entry class based on the FileEntry interface class and a directory class based on the Directory interface class:

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.file_io import fake_file_io
from dfvfs.path import fake_path_spec
from dfvfs.vfs import file_entry

class MyDirectory(file_entry.Directory):
  """Class that implements my directory object."""

class MyFileEntry(file_entry.FileEntry):
  """Class that implements my file entry object."""


A directory class largely consists of:

  • A protected method to generate path specification of directory entries for a specific directory path specification (_EntriesGenerator).

A file entry class largely consists of:

  • (_GetDirectory);
  • (_GetStat);
  • a name property that ...
  • a sub_file_entries property that ...
  • (GetFileObject);
  • (GetParentFileEntry).

TODO describe a bit more what should be in the class.

Adding a file IO implementation

The file IO (or file-like) objects are stored in:


Create a new file IO object:


Implement a path specification class based on the FileIO interface class:

class MyFile(file_io.FileIO):
  """Class that implements my file-like object."""


A file IO class largely consists of:

  • (open);
  • (close);
  • (read);
  • (seek);
  • (get_offset);
  • (get_size);

TODO describe a bit more what should be in the class.

dfVFS does not implement write or any of the readline functions in its file-like object. Also tell is implemented in the FileIO interface as an alias of get_offset.

Adding a path specification resolver helper

The path specification resolver helpers are stored in:


Create a new resolver helper:


Implement a resolver helper class based on the ResolverHelper interface class:

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver_helper

class MyResolverHelper(resolver_helper.ResolverHelper):
  """Class that implements my resolver helper."""


A resolver helper class largely consists of:

  • (NewFileObject);
  • (NewFileSystem).

TODO describe a bit more what should be in the class.

Make sure the resolver helper will register with the resolver on import.


To have the resolver helper loaded when the resolver is used, make sure to include in:

from dfvfs.resolver import my_resolver_helper

Adding a format analyzer helper

The format analyzer helpers are stored in:


Create a new analyzer helper:


Implement an analyzer helper class based on the AnalyzerHelper interface class:

from dfvfs.analyzer import analyzer_helper
from dfvfs.lib import definitions

class MyAnalyzerHelper(resolver_helper.AnalyzerHelper):
  """Class that implements my analyzer helper."""


An analyzer helper class largely consists of:

  • A FORMAT_CATEGORIES definition;
  • (GetFormatSpecification)

TODO describe a bit more what should be in the class.

Make sure the analyzer helper will register with the analyzer on import.


To have the analyzer helper loaded when the analyzer is used, make sure to include in:

from dfvfs.analyzer import my_analyzer_helper