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Wojtek Rosinski edited this page Mar 18, 2019 · 5 revisions

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Wyrównanie minibatchy do zapytań


Additionally, we provide minibatch iterators for Learning to Rank datasets. These generate variable-sized minibatches, where each minibatch represents one query and all associated query-document instances. You can additionally specify whether the iterator should repeat infinitely and/or shuffle the data on every epoch.

Graph features - networkX

Wykorzystanie features z grafów.

"Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection" (CIKM 2018). - nowa metoda faktoryzacji.


  • vowpal wabbit
  • factorization machines (w tym field aware factorization machines)
  • svd
  • sieci glebokie (user_id,item_id jak embeddingi)
  • modele sekwencyjne