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Logion TypeScript backend

The backend stores data which cannot be exposed publicly, or which wait legal officer's approval. It was initially written in Java - now deprecated.

This project features:


Logion API


Authentication process is described here.

For testing purpose, you may generate your own token here and set the following fields:


  "alg": "HS384",
  "typ": "JWT"


    "iat": 1623674099,
    "exp": 1823674099,
    "legalOfficer": true,
    "iss": "localhost",
    "sub": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"

Note that the value of iss must match JWT_ISSUER.

Verify signature: check the "base 64 encoded" box and paste the value of JWT_SECRET.

The generated token may be sent to the API with Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN header. With curl, the command would look like this:

curl -v http://localhost:8090/api/$PATH -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ...

Quick start


First, run a PostgreSQL server:

docker run --name logion-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -p 5432:5432 -d logionnetwork/logion-postgres:latest

(or docker start logion-postgres if you already executed the above command).

Then copy the file ormconfig.json.sample to ormconfig.json, and adapt to your database setup if needed.

Create the database schema using yarn typeorm migration:run. More info about DB migrations.

Note that in order to run the backend itself or the integration tests, you'll need psql to be installed locally.

Logion backend is using a custom PostgreSQL image logionnetwork/logion-postgres. It may be built with the following command:

docker build logion-postgres/ -t logionnetwork/logion-postgres:latest

See ./logion-postgres/Dockerfile for more information about the customizations.

Connection to a node

By default, the backend connects to ws://localhost:9944, i.e. a logion node running on your local machine.

In order to change this behavior, copy the file .env.sample to .env, and adapt it to match your needs:

  • WS_PROVIDER_URL: the url to a logion node.
  • NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: equals to 0 to disable certificate verification


yarn start


Coverage report is generated using yarn coverage (all tests) or yarn coverage-unit (unit tests only). It's located under coverage/index.html.

Logion Components

  • The Node is the implementation of the chain.
  • The Typescript backend stores data which cannot be exposed publicly, or which wait legal officer's approval.
  • The Wallet is the user application.


The backend's Docker image can be built with the following command:

docker build . -t logionnetwork/logion-backend:latest

When building logionnetwork/logion-backend, a build image is required (it is publicly available through

  • logionnetwork/logion-backend-base which comes with a preconfigured Node.JS distribution as a pre-installed IPFS Cluster client

logionnetwork/logion-backend-base can be rebuilt with docker build docker/base/ -t logionnetwork/logion-backend-base:vX where X is a build number.

Update your local node image on a regular time basis docker pull node:18