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Logion's web site

Logion's web site published at

Content update

The code is designed in a way that non-programmers are able to edit content directly.

All content is centralized in a single file src/Content.tsx.

Variables with type string | undefined may contain plain text (actual text goes between ASCII double-quotes ").

The blocks delimited by { /* START EDIT */ } and { /* STOP EDIT */ } tags may contain plain text or simple XHTML content (e.g. p, em, br tags).


All images should be added to the media folder.

For example, in order to insert an image named polkadot.svg and located in the media folder, the following code may be used (see Content file above for examples):

    alt="polkadot logo"

The width parameter enables some control on the size of the image. There is also a height parameter. Any valid HTML size may be used there.


The header is the block containing the logo and social media links.

Only social media URLs can be customized. If a link must be hidden, the value of related variable should be set to undefined (without the quotes).

The available variables are:



The footer is the section at the very bottom of the page which contains a text part and some partners logos.

The title and content of text part can be changed through variables FOOTER_TITLE and FOOTER_TEXT.


The content is composed of the sections that go between the header and the footer. It is set through variable CONTENT.

CONTENT is composed of a sequence of components. Regular content may be edited as explained above.

The components may be re-ordered but valid React syntax must be conserved.


Configurable style elements can be found in file src/vars.css.

The file must remain in valid CSS syntax. Only values following --var-name: should be modified.

Colors have variable names ending with -color, fonts have variable names ending with -font. Other variables impact more general styling elements.

When changing a font variable, make sure to include the linked import statement (can be generated using Google Fonts). Also, make sure to removed unused imports, they slow down page loading.

Edit this file with caution as it may be hard to maintain the overall design coherence while just changing a couple of values.


New commits pushed to the main branch trigger a GitHub action wish builds and deploys the web site to