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Mini Projects Archive

This repository serves as an archive for a collection of mini projects implemented in different programming languages, showcasing various concepts and skills.


1. Calculator

  • The Calculator project is a simple web-based application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a user-friendly interface for performing basic arithmetic calculations, supporting addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.

2. Bus Ticket Reservation System

  • The Bus Ticket Reservation System is implemented in C. It allows users to interact with a bus reservation system, enabling them to view a list of buses, book tickets, cancel bookings, and check the status of buses. The code utilizes file handling to store and retrieve passenger details and seat availability.

3. CCValidator Using Luhn's Algorithm

  • This program employs the Luhn algorithm to validate credit card numbers. Upon prompting the user to enter a credit card number, it checks whether it is valid or not based on the Luhn algorithm. If the entered number is valid, it prints "Valid!" to the console; otherwise, it prints "Invalid!". The program continues to prompt for input until the user enters "exit" to quit.

4. Student Mini Project Management System

  • The Student Mini Project Management System assists faculty in managing students' mini projects. Users can perform operations such as adding projects, viewing project details, and editing project marks. The program utilizes a class named "Project" to store information about each project, including roll number, name, and marks. It offers a menu-based interface for easy navigation and interaction with the system.


  • Clone this repository:

    git clone
  • Explore each project in its respective directory to find implementation details.