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Update docs with Google AppEngine instructions. (#246)
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bgrainger authored and loic-sharma committed Mar 28, 2019
1 parent 71db5d5 commit d510e98
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 7 deletions.
73 changes: 66 additions & 7 deletions docs/cloud/
Expand Up @@ -6,20 +6,24 @@
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Before you begin, you should decide [which AppEngine region](
you're going to use. For best performance, Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL should be located
in the same region as your AppEngine deployment.

## Google Cloud Storage

Packages can be stored in [Google Cloud Storage](

### Setup

Follow the instructions in [Using Cloud Storage]( to:

* Create a bucket
* Set up a service account and download credentials
* Set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to the path to the JSON file you downloaded
Follow the instructions in [Using Cloud Storage]( to create a bucket.

### Configuration

**NOTE:** If you plan to use AppEngine, skip this part and follow the AppEngine instructions below.

Set up a service account and download credentials. Set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to the path to the JSON file you downloaded.

Configure BaGet to use GCS by updating the [`appsettings.json`]( file:

Expand All @@ -37,8 +41,63 @@ Configure BaGet to use GCS by updating the [`appsettings.json`](https://github.c

## Google Cloud SQL

* Follow the instructions in [Using Cloud SQL]( to create a 2nd Gen MySQL 5.7 Google Cloud SQL instance. The default options should work well.
* Create a database named `baget`. This can be done through the Google Cloud Console. Use `utf8mb4` as the Character set.
* Follow [Configuring SSL/TLS]( to create a client certificate. Download the three files it creates.
* Convert the PEM to a PFX by running `openssl pkcs12 -inkey client-key.pem -in client-cert.pem -export -out client.pfx`
* One way to obtain OpenSSL on Windows is to install [Git Bash](
* Configure BaGet to use Google Cloud SQL by updating the [`appsettings.json`]( file:

"Database": {
"Type": "MySql",
"ConnectionString": "Server=YOURIP;User Id=root;Password=***;Database=baget;CertificateFile=C:\\Path\\To\\client.pfx;CACertificateFile=C:\\Path\\To\\server-ca.pem;SSL Mode=VerifyCA"

* Create the tables by running `dotnet ef database update --context MySqlContext --project src\BaGet`

## Google AppEngine

BaGet can be hosted in Google AppEngine. See [here](
for a tutorial on how to create a new AppEngine project.

Create a `app.yaml` file to publish the Docker container built by the Dockerfile in this repo. In the template
below, make the following replacements:

* `PROJECT` - your GCP project, as returned by `gcloud config get-value project`
* `REGION` -- the GCP region your Google Cloud SQL database is in, e.g., `us-central1` or `us-west2`
* `DBINSTANCE` -- the name of your Google Cloud SQL database instance
* `DBNAME` -- the name of the BaGet database on that instance (e.g., `baget` in the instructions above)
* `PASSWORD` -- the password for the database root user
* `BUCKETNAME` -- the name of the Google Cloud Storage Bucket configured above

runtime: custom
env: flex

# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not necessarily
# appropriate for production use. For more information, see:
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 0.5
disk_size_gb: 10

cloud_sql_instances: "PROJECT:REGION:DBINSTANCE"

Database__Type: "MySql"
Database__ConnectionString: "Server=/cloudsql/PROJECT:REGION:DBINSTANCE;User Id=root;Password=PASSWORD;Database=DBNAME;SslMode=None"
Storage__Type: "GoogleCloud"
Storage__BucketName: "BUCKETNAME"
Search__Type: "Database"

To publish the application, run `gcloud app deploy`.

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