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Ponticule d'Or result reveal application

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies

npm ci

Then you can run the project either in dev mode or production mode

# dev mode
npm run dev

# production mode
npm run build && npm run start

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Tests, typecheck and linters

To run jest tests

npm run test
# or
npm run test:watch

You can also via CLI test the TypeScript compliance:

npm run typecheck

Both ESLint & Prettier are setup in this project.

To lint the files just run

npm run lint

You can also fix improper code style syntax before linting doing

npm run lint:fix

Visual Code Studio integration

For Visual Code Studio users, the project comes with a workspace setting in order to format on save following Prettier and ESLint rules.

To do so, you need to install the following extension to your Visual Code Studio:

Technical stack

This project has been bootstraped with LoicGoyet/hiring-test-boilerplate.

Main technologies
