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TLS mailer

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The idea of this package comes from investigation of how smtp protocol works. It is build around SendMail function that uses implicit TLS encryption. Simple client is included, which can be configured to use either STARTTLS or TLS.

For those who are not familiar with details here is simplified explanation:

There are two versions of smtp protocol:

  • ESMTP with STARTTLS (commonly called STARTTLS), standart port 587
  • SMTPS (commonly called SSL), standart port 465

They differ by the way of establishing secure connection. First one(STARTTLS) for long time was considered as recommended. During my investigation I've found that at last few years ago the situation finally has changed. I will not give links and RFCs here, you can find approvements by yourself.

Difference is that using ESMTP connection to smtp server is established at plaintext unencrypted mode. Then it negotiates to exchange acceptable cipher types and send STARTTLS command. After that if both sides have equal cipher types encryption starts. If not (plaintext connection can easily be attacked and ciphers can be modified by man-in-the-middle) - connection will be continued unencrypted.

There are some "workarounds" to deal with this main problem (recommendations for clients to inform about inability to use encryption, etc...) but they are just recommendations. Implementation details depend on programmers of each client. And that is only main problem, there are another, less dangerous, but anyway...

SMTPS that is commonly called SSL(illogical, it also uses modern TLS encryption, just like STARTTLS and HTTPS for example) encrypts connection from the beginning. If it was unable to set encrypted connection - data exchange does not even start.

Also SMTPS was claimed as deprecated almost just after it was accepted(in 1999). Some smtp servers accept SMTPS connections (Google Mail server for example), some do not (Outlook mail server). Just recently implicit TLS encryption became recommended by RFCs way of smtp protection.

"net/smtp" builtin package contains default SendMail function that internally uses STARTTLS mechanism. In the honor of golang developers I should mention that default SendMail function from "net/smtp" package returns error if it was unable to encrypt after STARTTLS command.

As about me - personally I think that "full" encryption just from the beginning is better. That was the reason to create this package for my own email sending.

This package contains adopted for implicit TLS SendMail function - the core idea. It can be used through included client or directly. Client can be set to fallback to STARTTLS if smtp server does not accept implicit TLS.

To make TLS SendMail function maximally interchangeable with "net/smtp"."SendMail" - signature is just the same.

Actually my TLS SendMail function was made by exact copying of "net/smtp"."SendMail" function (at 01.06.2022) with change of tcp dial from "net"."Dial()" to "tls"."Dial()" and commented out starttls command sending (not necessary over already encrypted connection). Some other small changes were made because of using unexported "net/smtp"."Client" fields and methods that were inside "net/smtp"."SendMail" function.


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