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File metadata and controls

542 lines (430 loc) · 19.2 KB

How to setup an external etcd instance with TLS

"etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. etcd gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure, including the leader."


It is a daemon that runs on all servers in a cluster, providing a dynamic configuration record and allowing multiple configuration data to be shared between cluster members in a simple way.

Because data is stored in a key-value form in etcd, it is distributed and replicated automatically (with a leader being automatically selected). All changes to the stored data are reflected throughout the whole cluster.

etcd also provides a discovery service, allowing “deployed” applications to advertise the services they make available to all cluster nodes.

Communication with etcd is done through API calls, using JSON over HTTP. The API can be used directly (via curl or wget for example), or indirectly through etcdctl.


Create the VMs

To initialize and configure our instances using cloud-init, we'll use the configuration files versioned at the data directory from our repository.

Notice we also make use of our helper script, passing some files from inside the data/kube/ directory as parameters.

  • Create the etcd nodes

    ~/kubernetes-under-the-hood$ for instance in etcd-node01 etcd-node02 etcd-node03; do
        ./ \
            -k ~/.ssh/ \
            -u etcd/user-data \
            -n etcd/network-config \
            -i etcd/post-config-interfaces \
            -r etcd/post-config-resources \
            -o ${instance} \
            -l debian \
            -b debian-base-image

    Expected output:

    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 417
    Total directory bytes: 0
    Path table size(bytes): 10
    Max brk space used 0
    185 extents written (0 MB)
    Machine has been successfully cloned as "etcd-node01"
    Waiting for VM "etcd-node01" to power on...
    VM "etcd-node01" has been successfully started.
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 417
    Total directory bytes: 0
    Path table size(bytes): 10
    Max brk space used 0
    185 extents written (0 MB)
    Machine has been successfully cloned as "etcd-node02"
    Waiting for VM "etcd-node02" to power on...
    VM "etcd-node02" has been successfully started.
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 417
    Total directory bytes: 0
    Path table size(bytes): 10
    Max brk space used 0
    185 extents written (0 MB)
    Machine has been successfully cloned as "etcd-node03"
    Waiting for VM "etcd-node03" to power on...
    VM "etcd-node03" has been successfully started.


    • -k is used to copy the public key from your host to the newly created VM.
    • -u is used to specify the user-data file that will be passed as a parameter to the command that creates the cloud-init ISO file we mentioned before (check the source code of the script for a better understanding of how it's used). Default is /data/user-data.
    • -m is used to specify the meta-data file that will be passed as a parameter to the command that creates the cloud-init ISO file we mentioned before (check the source code of the script for a better understanding of how it's used). Default is /data/meta-data.
    • -n is used to pass a configuration file that will be used by cloud-init to configure the network for the instance.
    • -i is used to pass a configuration file that our script will use to modify the network interface managed by VirtualBox that is attached to the instance that will be created from this image.
    • -r is used to pass a configuration file that our script will use to configure the number of processors and amount of memory that is allocated to our instance by VirtualBox.
    • -o is used to pass the hostname that will be assigned to our instance. This will also be the name used by VirtualBox to reference our instance.
    • -l is used to inform which Linux distribution (debian or ubuntu) configuration files we want to use (notice this is used to specify which folder under data is referenced). Default is debian.
    • -b is used to specify which base image should be used. This is the image name that was created on VirtualBox when we executed the installation steps from our linux image.
    • -s is used to pass a configuration file that our script will use to configure virtual disks on VirtualBox. You'll notice this is used only on the Gluster configuration step.
    • -a whether or not our instance should be initialized after it's created. Default is true.

Understading the user-data file

The cloud-init etcd configuration file can be found here. This configures and installs someone binaries.


# CA ssh pub certificate
- path: /etc/ssh/
  permissions: '0644'
  encoding: b64
  content: |

  sources_list: |
    deb $RELEASE main contrib non-free
    deb-src $RELEASE main contrib non-free

    deb $RELEASE-updates main contrib non-free
    deb-src $RELEASE-updates main contrib non-free

    deb $RELEASE/updates main
    deb-src $RELEASE/updates main
  conf: |
    APT {
      Get {
        Assume-Yes "true";
        Fix-Broken "true";

  - apt-transport-https
  - ca-certificates
  - gnupg2
  - software-properties-common
  - curl

  - [ chown, -R, 'debian:debian', '/home/debian' ]
    # SSH server to trust the CA
  - echo '\nTrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/' | tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config

- name: debian
  gecos: Debian User
  shell: /bin/bash
  lock_passwd: true
- name: root
  lock_passwd: true

locale: en_US.UTF-8

timezone: UTC

ssh_deletekeys: 1

package_upgrade: true

ssh_pwauth: true

manage_etc_hosts: false

fqdn: #HOSTNAME#.kube.demo

hostname: #HOSTNAME#

  mode: reboot
  timeout: 30
  condition: true

Configure your local routing

You need to add a route to your local machine to access the internal network of Virtualbox.

~$ sudo ip route add via dev vboxnet0
~$ sudo ip route add via dev vboxnet0

Access the BusyBox

We need to get the BusyBox IP to access it via ssh

~$ vboxmanage guestproperty get busybox "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP"

Expected output:


Use the returned value to access.

~$ ssh debian@

Expected output:

Linux busybox 4.9.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.189-3+deb9u2 (2019-11-11) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

Creating certificates

  1. Create the server requests certificates to etcd nodes

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01 etcd-node02 etcd-node03; do
        CN=${instance} SAN=DNS:${instance},DNS:${instance}.kube.demo,DNS:*.kube.demo \
            openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
                -keyout ${instance}-key.pem \
                -config config.conf \
                -out ${instance}-cert.csr

    Expected output:

    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node01-key.pem'
    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node02-key.pem'
    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node03-key.pem'
  2. Create the peer requests certificates to etcd nodes

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01-peer etcd-node02-peer etcd-node03-peer; do
        CN=${instance} SAN=DNS:${instance},DNS:${instance}.kube.demo,DNS:*.kube.demo \
            openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
                -keyout ${instance}-key.pem \
                -config config.conf \
                -out ${instance}-cert.csr

    Expected output:

    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node01-peer-key.pem'
    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node02-peer-key.pem'
    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'etcd-node03-peer-key.pem'
  3. Sign the server certificates using your own CA

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01 etcd-node02 etcd-node03; do
        CN=${instance} SAN=DNS:${instance},DNS:${instance}.kube.demo,DNS:*.kube.demo \
            openssl x509 -req \
                -extfile config.conf \
                -extensions server \
                -in ${instance}-cert.csr \
                -CA ca-etcd-cert.pem \
                -CAkey ca-etcd-key.pem \
                -CAcreateserial \
                -out ${instance}-cert.pem \
                -days 3650 -sha256

    Expected output:

    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node01
    Getting CA Private Key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node02
    Getting CA Private Key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node03
    Getting CA Private Key
  4. Sign the peer certificates using your own CA

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01-peer etcd-node02-peer etcd-node03-peer; do
        CN=${instance} SAN=DNS:${instance},DNS:${instance}.kube.demo,DNS:*.kube.demo \
            openssl x509 -req \
                -extfile config.conf \
                -extensions peer \
                -in ${instance}-cert.csr \
                -CA ca-etcd-cert.pem \
                -CAkey ca-etcd-key.pem \
                -CAcreateserial \
                -out ${instance}-cert.pem \
                -days 3650 -sha256

    Expected output:

    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node01-peer
    Getting CA Private Key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node02-peer
    Getting CA Private Key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = BR, ST = SP, L = Campinas, O = "Kubernetes, Labs", OU = Labs, CN = etcd-node03-peer
    Getting CA Private Key
  5. Verify the signatures

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01 etcd-node01-peer etcd-node02 etcd-node02-peer etcd-node03 etcd-node03-peer; do
        openssl verify -CAfile ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem ${instance}-cert.pem

    Expected output:

    etcd-node01-cert.pem: OK
    etcd-node01-peer-cert.pem: OK
    etcd-node02-cert.pem: OK
    etcd-node02-peer-cert.pem: OK
    etcd-node03-cert.pem: OK
    etcd-node03-peer-cert.pem: OK
  6. Copy the certificate to the etcd instances

    debian@busybox:~/certificates$ for instance in etcd-node01 etcd-node02 etcd-node03; do
        scp ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem ${instance}-*.pem debian@${instance}:~/.

    Expected output:

    ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem              100% 2883     2.9MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node01-cert.pem                100% 1651     1.4MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node01-key.pem                 100% 1704     1.8MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node01-peer-cert.pem           100% 1679     2.4MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node01-peer-key.pem            100% 1704     2.3MB/s   00:00
    ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem              100% 2883     2.5MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node02-cert.pem                100% 1651     1.5MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node02-key.pem                 100% 1704     2.0MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node02-peer-cert.pem           100% 1679     2.0MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node02-peer-key.pem            100% 1704     2.1MB/s   00:00
    ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem              100% 2883     2.2MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node03-cert.pem                100% 1651     1.4MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node03-key.pem                 100% 1704     1.5MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node03-peer-cert.pem           100% 1679     1.7MB/s   00:00
    etcd-node03-peer-key.pem            100% 1704     1.7MB/s   00:00

Running Commands in Parallel with tmux

Split panes horizontally

To split a pane horizontally, press ctrl+b and ' (single quotation mark). Let's go!

debian@busybox:~$ tmux
debian@busybox:~$ ssh debian@etcd-node01

ctrl+b "

debian@busybox:~$ ssh debian@etcd-node02

ctrl+b "

debian@busybox:~$ ssh debian@etcd-node03

ctrl+b "

Send commands to all panes

Press ctrl+b and shit+:, type the following command and hit ENTER:

setw synchronize-panes

  1. Create etcd user and group to run the service

    sudo groupadd --system etcd
    sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin --system -g etcd etcd
  2. Create directories to store etcd data

    sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/etcd/
    sudo chown etcd:etcd /var/lib/etcd
  3. Create a directory to hold the certificate files

    sudo mkdir /etc/etcd
    sudo mv *.pem /etc/etcd/.
    sudo chmod +r /etc/etcd/*.pem
    sudo chown etcd:etcd /etc/etcd/*.pem
  4. Download and install the etcd binaries

    curl -L --progress \ \
        -o /tmp/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    tar xvzf /tmp/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo mv etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64/etcd* /usr/local/bin/.
    sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/etcd*
    rm -rf etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64
  5. Create a unit service file to run on systemd

    ETCD_NAME=$(hostname -s | tr -d '[:space:]')
    cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/etcd --name ${ETCD_NAME} \\
        --data-dir /var/lib/etcd \\
        --listen-client-urls \\
        --listen-peer-urls \\
        --advertise-client-urls https://${ETCD_NAME}.kube.demo:2379 \\
        --initial-advertise-peer-urls https://${ETCD_NAME}.kube.demo:2380 \\
        --initial-cluster etcd-node01=https://etcd-node01.kube.demo:2380,etcd-node02=https://etcd-node02.kube.demo:2380,etcd-node03=https://etcd-node03.kube.demo:2380 \\
        --initial-cluster-token BHGUXFgqJJfS38HCuVy4Xvn8DuDLu8Hd \\
        --initial-cluster-state new \\
        --client-cert-auth \\
        --trusted-ca-file /etc/etcd/ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem \\
        --cert-file /etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-cert.pem \\
        --key-file /etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-key.pem \\
        --peer-client-cert-auth \\
        --peer-trusted-ca-file /etc/etcd/ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem \\
        --peer-cert-file /etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-peer-cert.pem \\
        --peer-key-file /etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-peer-key.pem
  6. Start and run the etcd servers

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable etcd.service
    sudo systemctl start etcd.service
  7. Check the etcd status

    ETCD_NAME=$(hostname -s | tr -d '[:space:]')
    etcdctl member list \
         --cacert=/etc/etcd/ca-etcd-chain-cert.pem \
         --cert=/etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-peer-cert.pem \
         --key=/etc/etcd/${ETCD_NAME}-peer-key.pem \
         -w table

    Expected output:

     |        ID        | STATUS  |    NAME     |             PEER ADDRS             |            CLIENT ADDRS            | IS LEARNER |
     |  8dc5f1bc33f2f56 | started | etcd-node02 | https://etcd-node02.kube.demo:2380 | https://etcd-node02.kube.demo:2379 |      false |
     | 77508fdcfa570432 | started | etcd-node01 | https://etcd-node01.kube.demo:2380 | https://etcd-node01.kube.demo:2379 |      false |
     | eefbe5085b970e3a | started | etcd-node03 | https://etcd-node03.kube.demo:2380 | https://etcd-node03.kube.demo:2379 |      false |