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ToDoTaskApp (MVVM)

Developed with modern android architectures ( Room, Navigation Component, LiveData, ViewModel )


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Best to-do list app for making doing things and keeping notes fun and colorful

You can setup app with ToDoTask.apk in project folder

  • User registration

  • User login

  • RememberMe

  • Each user have a id, userId, title, description, createDate, dueDate, color, isFav, isDone

  • Create User

  • Update User

  • List of to-do lists from user

  • Each to-do list item have id, username, password, nameSurname, tasks, doneTasks, pendingTasks, createDate

  • Create to-do list item

  • Delete to-do list item

  • Update to-do list item

  • Search by Title or Description to-do items for Filter

  • Filter to-do items by All, Done, Pending, Expire, NonExpire, Favorite

  • Sort to-do items ASC / DESC by CreateDate, DueDate, IsDone, Title

  • Export to-do list csv format save to local storage and share

Used structure, technology and libraries

  • Model-View-ViewModel Pattern

  • Single Activity Multiple Fragments Architecture

  • Navigation Component

  • Room ( SqLite , Entity , DAO )

  • SharedPreferences

  • cardview

  • recyclerview

  • circleimageview

  • and fallowed material design principles

  • Java and 3rd party libraries

  • Followed the principles on Clean Code

  • minifyEnabled have true for Debug / unsigned / release build types

  • Project has not info and debug logging, has some error logging

  • Not Written Unit test


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