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Releases: loonaticx/blender-egg-importer

Version 2.3.3 | Blender 4.0 Support

22 Feb 19:58
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NOTE: Download the provided zip file and install it as an addon in Blender.
Edit: Zip file has been modified to remove unnecessary files.

  • Added some padding on certain input attributes, like Emission and Specular: They will only have their default values configured if the attribute key exists in the first place.
  • Blender 4.0 deprecated the calc_normals method, which was causing the primary crash upon importing egg files into this version of the program. For backwards compatibility, calc_normals will still be executed if the attribute exists in that version of Blender.


  • Removes console spam when trying to import egg files through the file picker

Version 2.3.2

22 Nov 03:56
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Version bump

Version 2.3.1 | Blender 3.6 Support

18 Oct 21:52
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Fixes a crash related to trying to edit a read-only variable, which was changed sometime between versions 3.0-3.6

Version 2.3 | Added Version Compatibility Checks

15 Oct 17:24
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Fixes _PropertyDeferred crash and bpy 'Screen' object has no attribute 'scene'

Version 2.2 Blender 2.8+

09 May 02:23
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general: small formatting adjustments


25 Mar 22:36
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WARNING: This plugin will NOT work on versions below 2.8!

Blender changed a bit of their API to enforce the usage of field annotations. Thus, the files & directory deferred properties were causing the inability to actually import EGG files.


C:\Users\Loonatic-V\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\blender-egg-importer-master\
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Loonatic-V\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\blender-egg-importer-master\", line 69, in execute
    for file in self.files:
TypeError: '_PropertyDeferred' object is not iterable

This release provides a fix by changing the syntax of the two properties to use field annotations instead. However, this in return will yield a syntax error if trying to use this specific version of the plugin on versions below 2.8. If I can figure out a workaround for this to allow for both 2.7 and 2.8+ support, I'll plan on PR'ing the fixes to rdb's branch.

You can read a bit more about it here: