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Veni edited this page Nov 21, 2023 · 8 revisions




  1. Fishing requires a fishing rod NFT that appears in the inventory in the Tools section. You cannot attack when you have a fishing rod equipped.


  2. Not every water tile is configured as fishable. If a lake configuration is present, the cursor will become a bobber and the tile will be highlighted purple. Each lake also has a min. level requirement!


  3. Your bobber will appear on the water once you click the tile. You can use WASD to cast!


  4. From this point on you have to wait a random duration between 6 to 12 seconds. After that delay a fishing bar will appear with a random fish from the given lake.


  5. The fish moves up and down at a constant speed. Your objective is to stop it when its in the green area! To do that you can either:

    • Click anywhere on the fishing bar
    • Click on your bobber on the water
    • Press WASD in the direction of your bobber
  6. The fish escapes if you miss the green area OR 7 seconds pass. If it does escape, you don't get any reward. If you do catch it your fishing rod will gain experience!

  7. Catching the fish EXACTLY in the middle of the green area awards a bullseye bonus: an extra +50% fishing experience from the caught fish.


The first time you use a fishing rod it will be assigned a random trait. There are currently 3 fishing rod traits available:

  1. Upper hand: Gives you a chance that the green area will be 2x bigger, making the fish an easy catch! This is especially useful for high rarity fish (epic, legendary) that move quicker.
    Upper hand proc also doubles the bullseye target size!

  2. Double catch: Gives you a chance that the fish you catch will be awarded twice (including the experience, consumable and also the bullseye bonus)

  3. Lucky: Gives you higher than normal chance for a high rarity fish. On lucky proc the server randomizes 2 fish and gives you the one that's more rare. A lucky fish is not guaranteed to be high rarity, it can still be a common!

Consumable fish + buffs

Certain EPIC rarity fish will appear in your inventory after you catch them. You can hover over them to preview the buff.


When you click on a consumable fish you will eat it and gain one of the following buffs for 10 minutes:

  1. % increased Looper HP

  2. % increased Looper weapon damage

  3. % increased Looper EXP gains

The higher level the fish (lake), the bigger % the bonus will be! Certain fish is configured to give a certain type of buff, so for example Paradise Fish will always give more HP, and Bluegill will always give more damage.

Only one buff may be active at a time! Consuming another fish when a buff is active will overwrite it with a new one.

You can eat multiples of the same fish to increase the duration, up to 60 minutes.

The bonus is lost when you die, refresh the game or teleport to another world via a portal.



  1. Experience required to level a fishing rod: every next level requires 2 times as much total exp as the last one.

    Level TOTAL weapon exp
    1 0
    2 1000
    3 2000
    4 4000
    5 8000
    6 16000
    ... ...
  2. Fish rarities: There are 5 available fish rarities: common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary. Not all have to be present in every lake. Each lake MUST have a common fish, and can have up to one of each rarity.

    Rarity Chance Exp multiplier
    Legendary 0.2% 50
    Epic 1.5% 20
    Rare 4% 5
    Uncommon 24.3% 2
    Common 70%+* 1

    * If a rarity is not present in a lake, its % is added to a common fish. For example, if a lake does not have a rare fish, then the common one would have 74%.

  3. Experience formula

    $EXP = 10 * rarityMultiplier * 1.25^{lakeLevel-1}$

    To simply put it into words, each lake level gives 25% more experience than the last one (amplified by the fish rarity).

  4. Fish speed

    Fish speed is constant and depends ONLY on the fish rarity. Fishing rod doesn't affect fish movement speed.

  5. Green area size

    The green area is a difference between fishing rod level and a lake level. The total fishing bar size is 150 "units". When the fishing rod level is equal to lake level, the green bar will be size 5. For each fishing level advantage over the lake, the bar grows by 2 units up to the maximum value of 25 (when the player's fishing rod is 10 levels higher than the lake).

    $GreenZone = MIN(5+(fishingLevel-lakeLevel), 25)$

  6. Traits

    Double catch is an overall stronger effect than the other traits, therefore it has a lower chance to proc. The formula for % chance of activating trait goes as follows:

    $DoubleCatch = (5 + rodLevel)$%

    $Lucky = 2*(5 + rodLevel)$%

    $UpperHand = 2*(5 + rodLevel)$%

  7. Buff values The formula for all buff stats is the same: base 1% + 0.5% per fish level. The amount is capped at 10% (lake level 18), to avoid buffs being way too impactful and turning LooperLands into FishingLands ;)

    $Buff = MIN((1 + fishLevel/2), 10)$%


Does double EXP work on fishing?

A: Nope, currently there are no plans for it.

Can you use the tickets from daily Red Packets to reroll a trait?

A: Yes!

Can you use the tickets from daily Red Packets to get fishing rod EXP?

A: Yes, but fishing rods use a different formula for EXP than the weapons do. You will only receive 7500 experience, which should be the equivalent of about 1.5h of fishing (depends on your fishing level of course! The higher your level, the less noticeable the boost will be).

Does the extra % EXP from a fish buff work on quests?

A: Nope, only monster kills.

Does the extra % EXP scale with double EXP hours?

A: Yes it does! If you for example have extra 5% EXP from a fish it will multiply up to 10% during double EXP hour (so you will gain 210% overall).

Do the fish consumable buffs work in PvP?

A: They do.


If you are familiar with creating weapons, then fishing rod is pretty much just that! It uses a regular weapon sprite (240px x 432px) with 9 rows: attack, walk, idle x right, up, down. The attack animation is a casting animation instead. All 3 sizes: 1/2/3 have to be uploaded. For more informations check out the weapon making guides.


What's more interesting, is that the item-... sprites, that we don't generally use for weapons, are used as a bobber sprites for fishing rods. This is a simple 16 x 96 (6 frames) animation of the fishing bobber. It can go up and down, left and right, anything works; up to your imagination! ; naturally, All 3 sizes have to be uploaded.


Map makers


There are 3 stages to adding a lake (river, sea etc.) to your map.

  • Creating a lake in tiled
  • Configuring a lake in the code
  • Adding the fish sprites

All these steps are described below:

  1. Adding a custom lake property to the tilesheet water tile properties, which will be your lake's ID. The tile can be placed into any layer, doesn't have to be an exclusively "water" one.


  2. Defining the lake, fish and rarities in server/js/lakes.js. There can be only one fish of each rarity. Not all of them have to be defined, rarities can be skipped though a common is a must. Whatever you input here is the fish ID - don't worry about the name! Make it as unique as possible to not overlap with the other map creators! It can even be "venicarpredonebigone". The experience and % chance are standardized and depend on lake level and fish rarity. You do not need to worry about configuring/calculating them.


  3. OPTIONAL: Give the fish some pretty name in shared/js/altnames.js. The names here DON'T have to be unique, you can have a red lobster as well!


  4. Add the sprite images to the client/img folders, named exactly as in step 2. This is just a single image, the fish don't have animations.

    1: 16px x 16px

    2: 32px x 32px

    3: 48px x 48px

  5. In the client/sprites add a simple .json named exactly as the fish in step 2, that containst id, width:16 and height: 16


  6. In the client/js/sprites.js add a line with your .json in it


  7. In client/js/game.js add fish id to the this.spriteNames array


    Also add it to the fish object in initFish function:


  8. That's it! Make sure you do some testing before pushing the changes!

Consumable fish

Only EPIC rarity fish may be configured as consumable. If you want to make your epic fish a consumable, simply add it to one of the ConsumableFish object stat arrays, separated by a comma:
